The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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This guy would fit right in with Trump's cabinet

Good grief...
Trump said:
“The world is in trouble – but we’re going to straighten it out, OK?” Trump said at the National Prayer Breakfast.

“That’s what I do. I fix things. We’re going to straighten it out. Believe me. When you hear about the tough phone calls I’m having – don’t worry about it. Just don’t worry about it. They’re tough. We have to be tough, it’s time we’re going to be a little bit tough, folks. We’re taken advantage by every nation in the world, virtually. It’s not going to happen any more.”
But if that happens then the VP becomes the President, how would that be any better ?

Because Pence, while a mentalist, is a mentalist that's less likely to kill us all. I'd also argue that where Trump is balls to the wall trying to implement all his crazed ideas, Pence is - like most senior Republicans - a bit of a coward at heart, and will back down on his abortion/gay views if he feels like they're likely to cost him power.
Ah, lang. You're a smart person. So what's gone wrong? In the interests of suffering humanity....

Close your eyes, lang. I want you to visualize your brain as a large, dimly lit hall. At the moment you're standing in the bottom, left-hand corner of this space. Before you, you can just discern bank after bank, tier after tier of gigantic computers stretching into the darkness. Everything is very quiet, and there is a musty smell.

Now this is the tricky bit. Sticking close to the bottom wall, I want you to move slowly to your right. Be careful not to fall over anything; there's an awful lot of stuff lying around in here that's never been used.

Okay. You've reached the center. Directly in front of you is the main aisle of the langbrain, vanishing into the distance between towering racks of computer equipment on either side.

Now, prepare yourself! You must leave the safety of the Wall of Prejudice and move boldly forward.

That's it! You've never been here before, so you'll probably feel a little disoriented, even fearful. Ignore those sensations! Think of the rewards that await you at the end of the corridor!

You now see a faint light beckoning you forward in the surrounding gloom. Move towards the light, lang!

You're out of breath, battling sensations of nausea, but you stand before the source of the illumination. It proves to be a small pilot light, casting a faint, green glow on an iron box fixed to a pole in the center of the aisle. Thick ropes of cable climb upwards from the box to disappear into the lowering darkness above.

You notice writing on the box, and lean forward for a closer look. The inscription says: "For regular use."

Brushing aside the thick mesh of cobwebs which surround the container, you attempt to prize it open. It's rusted shut. Now, consumed with a kind of frenzy, you exert all your force. Every muscle in your body protests. Sweat pops into your eyes. Finally, with a groan like the announcement of the Day of Judgement, the box opens.

Eagerly, but with a strange sense of trepidation, an uncontrollable trembling in every limb, you raise yourself from the ground and inspect the box's contents.

Here too the spiders have been at work. A miasma of silken tracery fills the box. You tear the veil aside. A simple switch is revealed. Above it, a single word describes its function: "BRAIN".

The switch is set to OFF.

It is for you to write the ending of this tale.

Because Pence, while a mentalist, is a mentalist that's less likely to kill us all. I'd also argue that where Trump is balls to the wall trying to implement all his crazed ideas, Pence is - like most senior Republicans - a bit of a coward at heart, and will back down on his abortion/gay views if he feels like they're likely to cost him power.
Fair enough, I can understand all that.
Uber CEO drops out of Trump's business advisory council
In a shocking about face, Uber CEO Travis Kalanick has dropped out of President Trump's business advisory council. Kalanick said he was not participating because of the president's immigration order in a memo to employees.

"Earlier today I spoke briefly with the president about the immigration executive order and its issues for our community," Kalanick said in the memo obtained by CNN. "I also let him know that I would not be able to participate on his economic council. Joining the group was not meant to be an endorsement of the president or his agenda but unfortunately it has been misinterpreted to be exactly that."
Uber CEO drops out of Trump's business advisory council
In a shocking about face, Uber CEO Travis Kalanick has dropped out of President Trump's business advisory council. Kalanick said he was not participating because of the president's immigration order in a memo to employees.

"Earlier today I spoke briefly with the president about the immigration executive order and its issues for our community," Kalanick said in the memo obtained by CNN. "I also let him know that I would not be able to participate on his economic council. Joining the group was not meant to be an endorsement of the president or his agenda but unfortunately it has been misinterpreted to be exactly that."

Just goes to show that protest does work .... 1000s of Uber customers deleted their Uber app (myself included) from their phones in protest to perceived tRump support from the Uber CEO. That heavy whack has led to a significant message being sent too tRump.

If you feel strongly against something you should protest. Not doing so, because you don't believe it will make a difference or because you cant be arsed is the lowest form of cop-out that I know.
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Yeah Obama and Clinton are basically politically where the Republicans used to be while Republicans now are....

It's ridiculous that a big pro-business, capitalistic party who've governed alongside plenty of oil executives and Goldman Sachs figures in a country without universal healthcare, or too many socialist policies at all, is accused of being leftist. It isn't. It's bang on centrist, if not to the right, with many politicians (like Obama) who arguably have some mildly leftist views.
Just goes to show that protest does work .... 1000s of Uber customers deleted their Uber app (myself included) from their phones in protest to perceived tRump support from the Uber CEO. That heavy whack has led to a significant message being sent too tRump.

If you feel strongly against something you should protest. Not doing so, because you don't believe it will make a difference or because you cant be arsed is the lowest form of cop-out that I know.

Isn't it a bit counter-intuitive though? I'd rather have actual intelligent successful entrepreneurs on his advisory boards than the retards he's gunna replace them with.
I am all for President Pence if it means Bannon leaves with Trump.
Two months ago, I'd have said Pence would probably be worse than Trump. Now, though, given how central Bannon has become, Pence would be a massive upgrade. He's still a regressive nutter, but Bannon is legit dangerous.

Until we see massive civil unrest, I think a Trump-impeachment is unlikely. Best we can hope for is that the "President Bannon" narrative catches on to the point where Trump's ego gets hurt and he fires him.
Best we can hope for is that the "President Bannon" narrative catches on to the point where Trump's ego gets hurt and he fires him.
You've hit on gold here... If the media really put down any (unlikely) accomplishments down to Bannon and every feckup Bannon was involved in down to Trump, Trump would certainly be tempted to boot him.
why doesn't he repeal the sanctions?

At the moment there is too much domestic pressure for him not to. For one, it would feed into the narrative that he is in the tank with Russia or he owes them something. Second, he would blow a lot of political capital with the GOP since half the GOP are anti-Russia hawks, which could in turn poison the well between him in the GOP Congress. Third, he may want some leverage prior to dealing with Putin and the sanctions provide that.
Is this true?

She was only talking about Crimea, but there's no indication the other sanctions will be lifted at the moment. If anything, there's pressure inside the Congress to add new sanctions and it may be a veto-proof supermajority.
It's like that Fresh Prince episode where Will hires someone to pretend to rob the shop he works in so he can fight him off and show how tough he is.
At the moment there is too much domestic pressure for him not to. For one, it would feed into the narrative that he is in the tank with Russia or he owes them something. Second, he would blow a lot of political capital with the GOP since half the GOP are anti-Russia hawks, which could in turn poison the well between him in the GOP Congress. Third, he may want some leverage prior to dealing with Putin and the sanctions provide that.

so whats the point of controlling the president, when Putin can't do himself any favours (not even lifting some lousy sanctions), because the president is still bound by all the normal constraints?
so whats the point of controlling the president, when Putin can't do himself any favours (not even lifting some lousy sanctions), because the president is still bound by all the normal constraints?

He wouldn't have to control him to have attempted to influence the US election and in the process prevent Hillary from getting into power. She would've challenged him far more than Trump. That alone is a victory for Putin, irrespective of whether or not Trump immediately drops sanctions.

This latest bit of Trumpian madness contains a simply amazing quote.

"The agency should be focused on serving all of its beneficiaries, not picking and choosing whose Second Amendment rights to deny"

How many people have mentally ill people killed in unprovoked attacks on the last year in comparison with people on the ban list?

I wonder if Trump will show the mother and father of a 4 year old girl who has been shot to pieces by a schizophrenic the same grace and compassion Obama did and make it his absolute mission to make sure it doesn't happen again.

This latest bit of Trumpian madness contains a simply amazing quote.

"The agency should be focused on serving all of its beneficiaries, not picking and choosing whose Second Amendment rights to deny"

I guess now the future school shooter can just buy his own need to break into his moms gun cabinet.
How many people have mentally ill people killed in unprovoked attacks on the last year in comparison with people on the ban list?

I wonder if Trump will show the mother and father of a 4 year old girl who has been shot to pieces by a schizophrenic the same grace and compassion Obama did and make it his absolute mission to make sure it doesn't happen again.
"The media says- they always say negative things about me, and it sad, very, very sad. They say I allowed this to happen! Can you believe that? I have a son, Barron, and he is very good with computers. He has all the computers, and he is the best with them, amazing. So, I care about children, believe me. No one cares more about the children than me. I care so much about the children that people keep telling me, "Donald, please care less about the children". My thoughts and prayers are with you, and they are the best. I give the best thoughts and prayers."
"The media says- they always say negative things about me, and it sad, very, very sad. They say I allowed this to happen! Can you believe that? I have a son, Barron, and he is very good with computers. He has all the computers, and he is the best with them, amazing. So, I care about children, believe me. No one cares more about the children than me. I care so much about the children that people keep telling me, "Donald, please care less about the children". My thoughts and prayers are with you, and they are the best. I give the best thoughts and prayers."

God that's so accurate.

Has anyone got a clip of someone debating gun laws? I just want to see what possible argument they might come up with for mentally ill to have easy access to guns.
God that's so accurate.

Has anyone got a clip of someone debating gun laws? I just want to see what possible argument they might come up with for mentally ill to have easy access to guns.

Constitutional right would probably be the main argument they'd repeatedly make.
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