The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Get away from the Pro-Russian stuff....he's even keeled and not a raving lunatic. He's going to help smooth over a lot of the shit Trump says and does with both allies and adversaries.

I have the same question as @Cheesy. Plus, Tillerson lied under oath. I don't trust him at all.

Why? Why should it be ignored that one of the most powerful government figures has interests in Russian sanctions being lifted?
'On Monday 20th February, parliament will be debating whether or not to allow Donald Trump a state visit. In coordination with One Day Without Us: UK National Protest, we are calling for a nationwide day of action to stand up and say no to the future of hatred, racism and division that Donald Trump is trying to create – and to say no to the disgraceful complicity of Theresa May and the British government in supporting him.

Protests this week saw tens of thousands take to the streets at just a day’s notice. With a bit of work we can make this national day of action massive! We’ve linked up with One Day Without Us, who are already running protests on the same day, to fight for migrants’ rights. Make sure to link up with them where you can. (

So on February 20th, organise! If you’re in London, join the march on parliament at 6pm.'

Sorry to be bearer of bad news, but this debate has no influence or power whatsoever on forcing May to cancel the state visit.
The fact T-Rex is being looked at as one of the best out off a bad bunch is telling, the goal posts have been moved off the pitch...
It's time... A few of them have turned up.
I actually think you should do another bingo card that predicts the content of Trump tweets.

Y'all obviously missed the bit where Raoul said - 'best of' TRUMP's picks. He got more No votes than any SoS in history. So, people are aware of his background and some of his areas of conflict of interest. But, seeing as he's the guy for at least the next 4 years - you look at what positives he can bring.

I think when you compare him to the idiot savant Ben Carson...I hate the EPA head - Scott Pruitt....what does the Department of Energy do - Rick Perry...RExxon is obviously one of the more qualified cabinet picks.
Sorry to be bearer of bad news, but this debate has no influence or power whatsoever on forcing May to cancel the state visit.
I don't see why that should have any bearing or whether or not someone chooses to protest... You protest because you want to make a statement, you want to do something. It's akin to not voting because you doubt your single vote will affect anything.

Y'all obviously missed the bit where Raoul said - 'best of' TRUMP's picks. He got more No votes than any SoS in history. So, people are aware of his background and some of his areas of conflict of interest. But, seeing as he's the guy for at least the next 4 years - you look at what positives he can bring.

I think when you compare him to the idiot savant Ben Carson...I hate the EPA head - Scott Pruitt....what does the Department of Energy do - Rick Perry...RExxon is obviously one of the more qualified cabinet picks.
Okay, that puts it into perspective. He's rotten, but not the most rotten of Trump's lot. :wenger:
In what sense? Tillerson's got lots of pro-Russian interests.

He did what he had to for Exxon at the time. If that involved coziying up to Putin to advance Exxon's interests then that's what he had to do. I'm fairly confident he understands the fact that he is now representing an entire country and not an oil company.
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I acknowledge that you are quite enthusiastic about it but I don't share your optimism. I expect him to be as horrible as the other ones. That he refuses to hold a common presser with our Minister of Foreign Affairs who meets him today confirm my suspicion.

That's news to me. Today is literally his first day on the job and he's only beginning to meet his own staff, much less hold pressers with foreigners.
I don't see why that should have any bearing or whether or not someone chooses to protest... You protest because you want to make a statement, you want to do something. It's akin to not voting because you doubt your single vote will affect anything.

Protests are good and healthy for democracy, but time for a bit of realism about this debate. MPs will show up to make their views known, but there wont be a vote.
How so? The man's got literally no experience in politics or national security let alone conflicts of interest. Am I missing something?

Government experience is obviously a plus, but in his case he has comparable private sector experience, including similar experience to what is required by the SecState job in terms of dealing with foreign leaders, advancing policy positions, negotiating etc. At Exxon, he was in charge of over 83,000 employees. The State Department only has about 30,000 and a significantly smaller budget than Exxon. I think he will be fine and a good counterbalance to Trump's antics.
Protests are good and healthy for democracy, but time for a bit of realism about this debate. MPs will show up to make their views known, but there wont be a vote.
Well yes but like I said I don't think that's reason not to protest, you can have that realism and still hope for the best. Rather protests against than sit back and accept...
There's no lack of realism, the point is to make it politically embarrassing for May. And when he has his visit, go again to take the piss out of him and his chubby little digits.
I know you guys are way more intellectual than anything on the right, the left is so superior they can't understand they lost the elections to an outsider and may take months maybe years for them to understand the Republicans won this elections.....get over.

What are you on about? What relevance does that have to anything? If anything, your post above just shows YOUR insecurities and YOUR feelings of inadequacy. It's pretty clear who won the election, it's also clear to most people why, and the myriad of combining factors have been discussed here numerous times. It's also a few times now you have tried to mock others with the fact Trump won the election, and it's very childish to be honest, not to mention completely not productive or adding anything to the thread. If you are a Trump supporter, fine, good for you, but after less than two weeks in charge he has already proved he is unfit for the job, put the environment in serious danger, and now putting US citizens and businesses home and abroad in serious danger. If you think that's something to not only celebrate, but something to use to throw at people in this thread because you don't agree with what they say, well then I think it's very sad indeed and I'd say you are probably better off trolling somewhere else, because sooner or later nobody will bother replying to you at all.
Will he have any problems implementing his policies - if his executive orders are overruled, can he override the ruling ? And what about the filibuster firewall - does it still exist, if so, will that go down the pan ?
Government experience is obviously a plus, but in his case he has comparable private sector experience, including similar experience to what is required by the SecState job in terms of dealing with foreign leaders, advancing policy positions, negotiating etc. At Exxon, he was in charge of over 83,000 employees. The State Department only has about 30,000 and a significantly smaller budget than Exxon. I think he will be fine and a good counterbalance to Trump's antics.
Gonna have to disagree, he will be learning on the job as that will become clear as time goes by, trust me. Obviously we hope that he can get a handle on it but that's no given. They are clearly not the same field of experience, far from it.
That's news to me. Today is literally his first day on the job and he's only beginning to meet his own staff, much less hold pressers with foreigners.
It doesn't change the facts. It's standard to hold these common pressers, it's considered a diplomatic insult if you don't.
Gonna have to disagree, he will be learning on the job as that will become clear as time goes by, trust me. Obviously we hope that he can get a handle on it but that's no given. They are clearly not the same field of experience, far from it.

They all learn on the job, its not something a person can learn to do before actually being appointed to the position. He's no less qualified than a U.S. Senator, Governor, or the like.

Y'all obviously missed the bit where Raoul said - 'best of' TRUMP's picks. He got more No votes than any SoS in history. So, people are aware of his background and some of his areas of conflict of interest. But, seeing as he's the guy for at least the next 4 years - you look at what positives he can bring.

I think when you compare him to the idiot savant Ben Carson...I hate the EPA head - Scott Pruitt....what does the Department of Energy do - Rick Perry...RExxon is obviously one of the more qualified cabinet picks.

He did what he had to for Exxon at the time. If that involved coziying up to Putin to advance Exxon's interests then that's what he had to do. I'm fairly confident he understands the fact that he is now representing an entire country and not an oil company.

In that sense, yeah, he's certainly better than most of the other figures. Although it does highlight how low the bar has been set.
Will he have any problems implementing his policies - if his executive orders are overruled, can he override the ruling ? And what about the filibuster firewall - does it still exist, if so, will that go down the pan ?
Well from what I've seen over the past week or so, I think he will push through his agenda regardless. Effectively rewriting law to fit what he wants, or using legal loopholes...
Government experience is obviously a plus, but in his case he has comparable private sector experience, including similar experience to what is required by the SecState job in terms of dealing with foreign leaders, advancing policy positions, negotiating etc. At Exxon, he was in charge of over 83,000 employees. The State Department only has about 30,000 and a significantly smaller budget than Exxon. I think he will be fine and a good counterbalance to Trump's antics.

I don't disagree that Tillerson is by this cabinet's standards a solid pick. I'm certainly not one to underestimate the competence of a long-time, and by all accounts successful, CEO of a very large organization. But I would never ideally want someone to jump straight from private sector to cabinet position, with no prior government experience. People from the private sector should be drafted into government, just not at that high a level to start out.
Bannon doesn't like attention either, does he? Stuff like this will draw more and more interest towards him, and thus apply further pressure to Trump and the Republicans to get rid of him. I think Bannon's hope was to largely fly under the radar and let any criticism pass as he worked quietly in the background, but it's clear now that isn't going to happen. Should continue to hammer this home, and mention him as much as possible.
Yeah. Amazing what he's done in a week. Makes you realise what lazy slobs politicians are compared to this go-getter.

Does help when he has the senate/congress on his side, and is essentially abandoning diplomacy. There's a reason a lot of stuff takes a while to pass. It's because politicians are supposed to talk/listen to each other, and work alongside each other for the interests of the country.
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