The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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This is the equivalent of the mythical player-for-player transfer
You know damn well...Washington is all about horse-trading. They do it with entitlements all the time. And seeing as we're now living in a new reality, where nothing makes sense anymore - why not?

oh and we have player for player trades here ALL THE TIME :D
SCOTUS nominee's university yearbook


Even then he looks like he has the nails in his pocket for our coffin. If he so how gets through I hope Ginsberg trumps that bitch.
Meanwhile in the European Parliament:



Sorry for off topic, didn't find a Farage thread.
Another Republican senator comes out against DeVos. Just need one more, otherwise Pence will be the tiebreaker.
On a Trump scale it's perfectly normal. On a standard POTUS scale it isn't.
Massive Essay - but worth a read and a scary read at that....


random excerpt:
A scandal involving the president could likewise wreck everything that Republican congressional leaders have waited years to accomplish. However deftly they manage everything else, they cannot prevent such a scandal. But there is one thing they can
“Do you have any concerns about Steve Bannon being in the White House?,” CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Ryan in November. “I don’t know Steve Bannon, so I have no concerns,” answered the speaker. “I trust Donald’s judgment.”

Asked on 60 Minutes whether he believed Donald Trump’s claim that “millions” of illegal votes had been cast, Ryan answered: “I don’t know. I’m not really focused on these things.”

What about Trump’s conflicts of interest? “This is not what I’m concerned about in Congress,” Ryan said on CNBC. Trump should handle his conflicts “however he wants to.”

Ryan has learned his prudence the hard way. Following the airing of Trump’s past comments, caught on tape, about his forceful sexual advances on women, Ryan said he’d no longer campaign for Trump. Ryan’s net favorability rating among Republicans dropped by 28 points in less than 10 days. Once unassailable in the party, he suddenly found himself disliked by 45 percent of Republicans.
Well that's ruined things...

Trump once again pushing the right buttons - his instincts are almost always spot on when it comes to the media. This will quite rightly grab all the headlines.
Wouldn't be surprised if there's an undisclosed detour tho...
Read this somewhere:
"People took him seriously but not literally, while the media took him literally but not seriously."

What do you think of Trump so far? He has done okish on your parameters, I would guess. ACA repeal, with Dodd-Frank repeal in the works. Housing, Health, Labour, Education, Energy, Sec and Sec of State will overall push for fairly smaller government. From that perspective, the ban and wall are the negatives.
CNN are not even focusing on it. It wont get much coverage due to the senate votes.

Fair enough, but I bet it grabs all the paper headlines tomorrow, and Fox will be showing it 24/7. I actually think it's a nice gesture, not to mention politically smart, but because of who it is I can't think there's an ulterior motive to it. I shouldn't think like that, but I just cannot believe anything he does or says.
Fair enough, but I bet it grabs all the paper headlines tomorrow, and Fox will be showing it 24/7. I actually think it's a nice gesture, not to mention politically smart, but because of who it is I can't think there's an ulterior motive to it. I shouldn't think like that, but I just cannot believe anything he does or says.
these things are weird.

When Obama did stuff like this - Republican voters either accused him of killing the soldiers or for using them for a Photo Op. we are doing the same thing with Trump.

Neither side taking the visits at face value :nono:
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