The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Great politics. He has good instincts.
He does... the fecker.


What do you think of Trump so far? He has done okish on your parameters, I would guess. ACA repeal, with Dodd-Frank repeal in the works. Housing, Health, Labour, Education, Energy, Sec and Sec of State will overall push for fairly smaller government. From that perspective, the ban and wall are the negatives.

You might think that, right? But I generally don't trust the modern Republic party with stewardship of any of the economic ideas I support. They're too incompetent, and too crony. Devos is like the poster-child for this. I don't pretend to be an expert on educational policy (or healthcare, or environment), but generally agree with the notion of a system that might incentivize the provision of better education beyond just "teachers are all great and dedicated". So charter schools, vouchers, etc. are all ideas I'm open to. If you brought in someone who's managed a successful transition of a state system, or an academic that has studied the issue, I might be for it. But you bring an uniformed, unexperienced fundraiser to run the show, I can't support it. I don't believe that good ideas or good policy stand by themselves, competence is very important in my estimation (I work in an industry with 100s of firms trying to do the same thing, the only possible differentiator is competence), and this administration has very little of it.

You'll also never see me participating in theories that businesses have vast overall influence on US government, but I do realize how different groups carve out different advantages for themselves where they care and are able to. This administration has way too many business people in and around it, and for some reason not the kind I like. Some business people you get the sense that they have both perspective and slightly higher purpose than just the $. Those are the people that usually stick in the same business for a long time, and within that business care about promoting a unique culture that defines the company. Mnuchin and Ross types jump from one to another, just looking for a buck to make.

Finally, I care very much about morality/dignity of government and foreign policy, which both are pretty much completely outside the sphere of economic ideas. I think that the US was already suffering from a lack of strategy, but didn't think this was a lost cause and that it wasn't possible for a new strategy to emerge from the circles that argue such things and take the White House in a future administration. This one though seems like it will damage the US' position in the world in such a way that whatever admin follow it, even if as strategically inclined as I might wish, will have less options on how to re-position. But I guess we still have to wait and see what exactly plays out on the world stage in the next few years. I also worry about further concentration of power with the executive (to a catastrophic level?).
He does... the fecker.

You might think that, right? But I generally don't trust the modern Republic party with stewardship of any of the economic ideas I support. They're too incompetent, and too crony. Devos is like the poster-child for this. I don't pretend to be an expert on educational policy (or healthcare, or environment), but generally agree with the notion of a system that might incentivize the provision of better education beyond just "teachers are all great and dedicated". So charter schools, vouchers, etc. are all ideas I'm open to. If you brought in someone who's managed a successful transition of a state system, or an academic that has studied the issue, I might be for it. But you bring an uniformed, unexperienced fundraiser to run the show, I can't support it. I don't believe that good ideas or good policy stand by themselves, competence is very important in my estimation (I work in an industry with 100s of firms trying to do the same thing, the only possible differentiator is competence), and this administration has very little of it.

You'll also never see me participating in theories that businesses have vast overall influence on US government, but I do realize how different groups carve out different advantages for themselves where they care and are able to. This administration has way too many business people in and around it, and for some reason not the kind I like. Some business people you get the sense that they have both perspective and slightly higher purpose than just the $. Those are the people that usually stick in the same business for a long time, and within that business care about promoting a unique culture that defines the company. Mnuchin and Ross types jump from one to another, just looking for a buck to make.

Finally, I care very much about morality/dignity of government and foreign policy, which both are pretty much completely outside the sphere of economic ideas. I think that the US was already suffering from a lack of strategy, but didn't think this was a lost cause and that it wasn't possible for a new strategy to emerge from the circles that argue such things and take the White House in a future administration. This one though seems like it will damage the US' position in the world in such a way that whatever admin follow it, even if as strategically inclined as I might wish, will have less options on how to re-position. But I guess we still have to wait and see what exactly plays out on the world stage in the next few years. I also worry about further concentration of power with the executive (to a catastrophic level?).

So, out of interest then, would you see yourself as more of an economic conservative, as in small government, low taxes etc? If so I'd agree with your assessment that the Republicans don't represent this anymore...ideally small government should be low on social interference, which isn't the case with the Republicans, and obviously a lot of Trump's protectionist ideals fly in the face of proper free-market capitalism.
Toomey got given $60k in donations by De Vos and her family.

Why the heck is he not being forced to abstain.
So, out of interest then, would you see yourself as more of an economic conservative, as in small government, low taxes etc? If so I'd agree with your assessment that the Republicans don't represent this anymore...ideally small government should be low on social interference, which isn't the case with the Republicans, and obviously a lot of Trump's protectionist ideals fly in the face of proper free-market capitalism.

My liberalism does come tied to social liberalism, and I do wonder how some people reconcile social conservatism with economic liberalism, but there seems to be so many of those out there that I've accepted it as possible. I don't look to camp in with the libertarians anymore either, because they tend to be too extreme in their views. We need government, we need regulation, and we need it all to be fair.
The 2 GOP senators who have said they will vote against DeVos voted for her in the committee along party lines yesterday. The vote was 12-11 in favour of her.
Not liking these kind of thinly veiled threats.

I've noticed the mob mentality has started to increase by the ultra left recently.
Not liking these kind of thinly veiled threats.

I've noticed the mob mentality has started to increase by the ultra left recently.

Huh? People want representation... If they don't get it they will look elsewhere. Are they not supposed to make that known?
Huh? People want representation... If they don't get it they will look elsewhere. Are they not supposed to make that known?

Perhaps, but what are the Dems supposed to do in regards to the SC? Trump's hardly going to turn around and go..."yeah, ya know what, you've got a point on this one lads, ultra-liberal SC appointment it is!"

For as shite as it is, the Dems might need to accept their lot with a fairly conservative appointee who is strong-minded on actually upholding the constitution. Otherwise Trump may go full nuclear and try to appoint a genuinely mental choice.
Huh? People want representation... If they don't get it they will look elsewhere. Are they not supposed to make that known?

Agree people should voice their views in a sensible way, but not like the tweet by Moore. Some of it is similar to the pro Corbyn group Momentum and the abuse mps and officials were getting by some supporters of that group.

Its not as simple for some of the Dems up for reelection in states Trump won by over 30-40% to come out and say they oppose Gorsuch and want a filibuster.
Not liking these kind of thinly veiled threats.

I've noticed the mob mentality has started to increase by the ultra left recently.

Don't see anything wrong with that?

Represent our views or we'll find someone who does? Hardly a controversial threat.
Perhaps, but what are the Dems supposed to do in regards to the SC? Trump's hardly going to turn around and go..."yeah, ya know what, you've got a point on this one lads, ultra-liberal SC appointment it is!"

For as shite as it is, the Dems might need to accept their lot with a fairly conservative appointee who is strong-minded on actually upholding the constitution. Otherwise Trump may go full nuclear and try to appoint a genuinely mental choice.
They won't be able to go that much more conservative or they'll struggle to hit 50.
Agree people should voice their views in a sensible way, but not like the tweet by Moore. Some of it is similar to the pro Corbyn group Momentum and the abuse mps and officials were getting by some supporters of that group.

Its not as simple for some of the Dems up for reelection in states Trump won by over 30-40% to come out and say they oppose Gorsuch and want a filibuster.

The left is stealing from the right's playbook. Call it the Herbal Tea Party

Grassroots activists are studying tactics used by the influential Tea Party in an effort to harden Democrats’ resistance to Donald Trump

They came with chants and songs, banners and flyers and a chicken costume, and felt it was working – that this and other grassroots protests were steeling Democratic resistance to Donald Trump.

“We need to stand and fight. We are the majority. Let’s take our country back,” Mimi Fleischman told the crowd outside Senator Dianne Feinstein’s Los Angeles office on Tuesday afternoon.

It was the latest anti-Trump gathering to target congressional Democrats for perceived pusillanimity towards Trump’s embryonic, whirlwind administration.

About 200 protesters had picketed Feinstein’s house in San Francisco after she had voted for four of the president’s cabinet nominees. Then on Tuesday morning the California senator, the ranking Democrat on the Senate judiciary committee, announced she would oppose the nomination of Jeff Sessions as US attorney general.

“The pressure is working,” said Daniel Lee, 43, an actor and writer.

One rally speaker, Laura Smith, said congressional Democrats should imitate the blanket opposition their Republican colleagues waged against Barack Obama. “I hated that obstructionism but you know what, it frickin’ worked.”

Activists said they were studying tactics used by the Tea Party, a grassroots movement which yanked the GOP to the right and hardened congressional resistance to Obama. Some have called it the Herbal Tea Party.

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“As a mobilisation group the Tea Party was very successful. We’ve taken a page from that,” said Viviana Fefferman, 65, a retired insurance worker.

She was part of Indivisible of Sherman Oaks, a newly formed group which takes its name from Indivisible: A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda, a 23-page document written by congressional staffers who experienced the Tea Party’s impact.

Some speakers appropriated the radical right’s claim to represent US values. “Are the flyover states the real America? No. They bought all the fake news. Who says we are not the real America?” said Ginsberg.

Protesters acknowledged decrying Tea Party tactics when directed against Obama but justified imitation on the grounds Trump was an extreme, perilous aberration. “If John McCain or Mitt Romney was president I’d get behind him,” said Ginsberg.

Sessions may well become attorney general but for those outside Feinstein’s office her opposition still signalled a victory of sorts. And with other nominations for cabinet plus the supreme court looming, followed by an expected blizzard of controversial legislation, the stakes will get only higher.

Fleischman, who organised the rally, said activists needed to stiffen the resolve of their representatives in Washington DC. “People are really fired up. I don’t think there’s any doubt the protests are influencing the Democrats. They can’t hide in their little club any more.”

Merle Ginsberg, another speaker, said Feinstein and Kamala Harris, California’s other Democratic senator, had not grasped the intensity of hostility to Trump. “We voted these people in and we can vote them out. They need to listen.”

Several protesters said Harris had shown “a little more backbone” but wanted her to go further.

“Are we satisfied with the Democrats yet?” asked Pat Thomas, another speaker.

“No!” shouted back several hundred voices.

Banners expressed contempt and scorn for the president and his chief strategist, Steve Bannon, an architect of the travel bans. “Time to play hardball.” “No Manchurian president.” “Ban Bannon.” “You don’t need a time machine to fight Nazis.” “Fear is our gross national product.” “Shut it down.”

The Herbal Tea partiers are still finding their footing.

Protest organisers needed to master basics like audio – megaphones and microphones – to make sure people could hear, said one speaker.

Mike Strutz, a TV director who came dressed as a chicken, said the movement was on a learning curve. “We probably got a little complacent during the Obama years. We let some skills slide. At the Women’s March it was like we were getting back into practice. We didn’t have as much of the imagery as we should have.”

Strutz, who inherited the costume from a TV show, said it was going to be a long fight, he said. “We have to be ready to be on the streets for four years. I think a lot of people will be surprised at how resilient the left will be.”

He held a sign saying “Don’t be chicken. Keep fighting back.”
Perhaps, but what are the Dems supposed to do in regards to the SC? Trump's hardly going to turn around and go..."yeah, ya know what, you've got a point on this one lads, ultra-liberal SC appointment it is!"

For as shite as it is, the Dems might need to accept their lot with a fairly conservative appointee who is strong-minded on actually upholding the constitution. Otherwise Trump may go full nuclear and try to appoint a genuinely mental choice.

Agree people should voice their views in a sensible way, but not like the tweet by Moore. Some of it is similar to the pro Corbyn group Momentum and the abuse mps and officials were getting by some supporters of that group.

Its not as simple for some of the Dems up for reelection in states Trump won by over 30-40% to come out and say they oppose Gorsuch and want a filibuster.
Yeah I hear ya, jus didn't see much wrong with the tweet...
Not liking these kind of thinly veiled threats.

I've noticed the mob mentality has started to increase by the ultra left recently.

It's about time the left had a functioning tea party. The right doesn't understand reason (or facts for that matter).
Don't see anything wrong with that?

Represent our views or we'll find someone who does? Hardly a controversial threat.

So if the dems dont filibuster, they're going to contest primaries against the 46 democrats in the elections in 2018/20? Can't see that going to well and would only benefit the GOP.

Maybe i read the tone of the tweet wrong, but to me it was like "you better do this or we'll go after you".
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This seems way too absurd to be true.
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