The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I agree with one and think it may happen over time. Apparently Trump is pissed about the way the "Muslim Ban" was carried out by Bannon and Miller, whereas he seems pleased by how Priebus managed the SCOTUS presentation last night. Over time, I think he will see that he is getting more political props for what Priebus is doing and give him progressively more power.

2 and 3 are probably not realistic given who he has nominated for EPA and HHS.

Tbf, they did handle that well afterall, by their standards so far. Trump looked like POTUS, by Trump standards. If he behaved like that all the time I think he'd alleviate at least 30% of the despair.
I would love to eat his face while high on bath salts.

:lol: This is exactly the sort of thoughts I constantly keep having when I see these absolute shithawks saying things like this time and time again.
You're missing my point. You're saying the GOP aren't afraid of using the nuclear option against the filibuster, so why would the Dems be bothered about saving it anymore? Whether they use it now or use it at a later SCOTUS appointment makes zero difference.

Yeah I was wondering this as well. Still don't think it's been answered on here either.
There's a concerted effort to de-fund public education. Why? Generally an undereducated population is easier to mislead, bully, etc... I cant see much improvement in the short term if I'm being honest. Trump has the balls to make that kind of play but he is definitely not entertaining it...
yeah - that works for a while and you win elections...implement your agenda...but then, when these uneducated yokels start screaming....


you have to cave in and limit immigration of all kinds including the one that really matters - but then you realize other countries are getting the best of the world and the advantage you held on to for decades is slowly going away. You end up with that?
And it's a shame, in the absence of that we aren't really having our views challenged.... which is my preferred way of understanding and being sure of where I stand.


This will have to do until I find one... prob have to make one myself.

-Left-wing/Liberal/Biased media
-Alternate facts
-Fake news
-He's one of us
-Drain the swamp
-I'm no racist
-They take our jobs
-Dont take things so seriously
-You snowflake
-We won accept it

Give me some more lads?
It's gonna be fantastic, you'll just love it.
It's going to be so great it's ridiculous.
I make the best deals.
I'm the best president.
Putin is my friend.
Putin thinks I'm the best president ever.
Grab them by the pussies.
Insult Merkel via twitter.
Insult the EU via twitter.
An interesting thought experiment: What are the three things Trump could realistically do to from a policy perspective to make you believe he may yet turn into decent President ?

Things you can't bring up : Release his taxes, divest from his business etc. We are talking just policy and personnel here.

If he basically became Mitt Romney...

Or really, Bannon, Miller, Flynn and types gone, mainstream Reps in. Mattis and Tillerson with further FoPo voice.
Significant tax reform, in the direction of simplifying.
Deregulate sectors of the economy in a sensible and non-crony way (yeah, right)
It's gonna be fantastic, you'll just love it.
It's going to be so great it's ridiculous.
I make the best deals.
I'm the best president.
Putin is my friend.
Putin thinks I'm the best president ever.
Grab them by the pussies.
Insult Merkel via twitter.
Insult the EU via twitter.
No things trump supporters say.... I only need a few more
An interesting thought experiment: What are the three things Trump could realistically do to from a policy perspective to make you believe he may yet turn into decent President ?

Things you can't bring up : Release his taxes, divest from his business etc. We are talking just policy and personnel here.
Gun-control 180
Climate-change 180
Dodgy cabinet picks 180

What was your 3?
1. Gradually transition his policy preferences away from the Bannon-influenced economic nationalism and towards a more balanced view that takes into account economic interdependence.

2. Give more power to Priebus and Kuschner and in the process remove some from Bannon (or else just transition Bannon into a less prominent role).

3. Take a tough stand on Putin.
There's a concerted effort to de-fund public education. Why? Generally an undereducated population is easier to mislead, bully, etc... I cant see much improvement in the short term if I'm being honest. Trump has the balls to make that kind of play but he is definitely not entertaining it...

But it's clearly going against (big) business interests, as they need a skilled workforce, so I'm not too sure about your reasoning here. Could also just be that they have identified education as another opportunity (cf. private prisons) to make profit.
There's an article in the guardian that pretty much tries to lay the blame for the civilian causalities including a young girl during an exercise in Yemen on Trump. It even mentions Trumps campaign talk of murdering the families of terrorists as if to link the two.

Now I'm the first to have a go at the US military and its high civilian causality count but i find this linking which i can only take as click bait as really fecking distasteful. The most important element of the story should not be Donald Trump no matter how many clicks it might create.
An interesting thought experiment: What are the three things Trump could realistically do to from a policy perspective to make you believe he may yet turn into decent President ?

Things you can't bring up : Release his taxes, divest from his business etc. We are talking just policy and personnel here.

Climate change, education, and the travel ban.

Edit: it would be better if he doesn't turn on ACA and Social Security since those could be winning issues for Dems next time.
But it's clearly going against (big) business interests, as they need a skilled workforce, so I'm not too sure about your reasoning here. Could also just be that they have identified education as another opportunity (cf. private prisons) to make profit.

wrong. They need cheap labour hand much more.

Its much easier and cheaper to bring the skilled workforce from abroad (Asians to do the numbers for example).

My pal George can explain it much better.

Trump goes nuclear on SCOTUS. What a piece of excrements he is.
You obviously missed the bolded bits.
You obviously missed the bolded bits.
Nope, I don't see any silver lining with this administration and if we continue in the same vain as the last ten days then that is the end of the USA as we know it.
Why do people still insist, especially you Raoul, that at some point he will change and do something good. You are fecking delusional bud, asking for three reasonable things he could do to be a decent president. His winning campaign of hate and divisiveness and the last two weeks already puts him at the top of the list of shitty presidents. It will get exponentially worse as the weeks go by.
Get real buddy ffs and get you're head in the game. I can't even have him on the tv anymore as he upsets my three year old and I don't feel like sitting her wondering what trump can do to make me lick his hole like the delusional feckers that voted for him who's silence has been deafening the last two weeks.
There's an article in the guardian that pretty much tries to lay the blame for the civilian causalities including a young girl during an exercise in Yemen on Trump. It even mentions Trumps campaign talk of murdering the families of terrorists as if to link the two.

Now I'm the first to have a go at the US military and its high civilian causality count but i find this linking which i can only take as click bait as really fecking distasteful. The most important element of the story should not be Donald Trump no matter how many clicks it might create.

Not sure I'd call it an exercise!

The 8 year old girl killed was an american citizen by birthright and also happened to be the daughter of Anwar Al Awlaki. I don't think mentioning Trump's desire to wipe out the families of terrorists is misplaced here. 1st operation sanctioned by him and we have family members killed just as he desired.

Though - I definitely don't believe that's why she or any of the other females (I believe the Pentagon when it says, some of those women were combatants who fired upon the team) were killed. The operation obviously didn't go as planned and sadly a Navy SEAL also lost his, she was obviously a tragic case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Nope, I don't see any silver lining with this administration and if we continue in the same vain as the last ten days then that is the end of the USA as we know it.
Why do people still insist, especially you Raoul, that at some point he will change and do something good. You are fecking delusional bud, asking for three reasonable things he could do to be a decent president. His winning campaign of hate and divisiveness and the last two weeks already puts him at the top of the list of shitty presidents. It will get exponentially worse as the weeks go by.
Get real buddy ffs and get you're head in the game. I can't even have him on the tv anymore as he upsets my three year old and I don't feel like sitting her wondering what trump can do to make me lick his hole like the delusional feckers that voted for him who's silence has been deafening the last two weeks.

What is this babble ?

I asked for three realistic suggestions. Either provide them or don't participate.
No things trump supporters say.... I only need a few more
Sorry, I got carried away. :D I'll give it another try, it might trigger some ideas. Don't forget to post your final bullshit card here!

Trump makes the best deals.
Putin thinks he's the best president ever.
Trump is sent to us from God the Allmighty. (Or something similar nutty lines from the Evangelical supporters.)
wrong. They need cheap labour hand much more.

Its much easier and cheaper to bring the skilled workforce from abroad (Asians to do the numbers for example).

My pal George can explain it much better.

Not really. By that logic the US wouldn't have lost the jobs to China, they would have brought the Chinese in. Your pal George is contradicting himself there, saying how the only american thing now is "buying things", but then again goes on to conclude, that they want cheap labour, despite the facts, that low skilled workers are at all time highs in unemployment statistics. So who then is going to buy their products?
:lol: This is exactly the sort of thoughts I constantly keep having when I see these absolute shithawks saying things like this time and time again.
They are not held accountable for anything. It's times like this that we need a dirty cnut like Weiner Anthony in congress, someone to shout down some of the bullshit from both sides of the isle.
Its been barely 2 weeks and Trump thinks he deserves a holiday and is going to Mar-A-Lago for the weekend.
What is this babble ?

I asked for three realistic suggestions. Either provide them or don't participate.
The ones you provided aren't realistic, Raoul. It's more realistic he releases his taxes than him taking a tough stance on Putin or fires Bannon, Flynn etc.
Not really. By that logic the US wouldn't have lost the jobs to China, they would have brought the Chinese in. Your pal George is contradicting himself there, saying how the only american thing now is "buying things", but then again goes on to conclude, that they want cheap labour, despite the facts, that low skilled workers are at all time highs in unemployment statistics. So who then is going to buy their products?
Unfortunately Americans will not pay the inevitable higher price for products made stateside. Does anyone have an idea of how much an iPad would cost if manufactured in the US.
The ones you provided aren't realistic, Raol. It's more realistic he releases his taxes than him taking a tough stance on Putin or fires Bannon, Flynn etc.

Not at all. Taking a tough stand on Putin is entirely realistic if for instance Vlad were to invade the Baltics or attempt to take more land in Ukraine. He's obviously never going to release his taxes for obvious reasons.
Unfortunately Americans will not pay the inevitable higher price for products made stateside. Does anyone have an idea of how much an iPad would cost if manufactured in the US.

I'm not sure why you're quoting me but I agree. The industry is gone and not coming back, it's all about 3rd sector now.
An interesting thought experiment: What are the three things Trump could realistically do to from a policy perspective to make you believe he may yet turn into decent President ?

Things you can't bring up : Release his taxes, divest from his business etc. We are talking just policy and personnel here.

- Rekindle the american dream.
- Actually try to help the millions of american living under the poverty threshold
- Try to reduce the US carbon dioxide emissions.

Edit: I would take one of the three.
And it's a shame, in the absence of that we aren't really having our views challenged.... which is my preferred way of understanding and being sure of where I stand.


This will have to do until I find one... prob have to make one myself.

-Left-wing/Liberal/Biased media
-Alternate facts
-Fake news
-He's one of us
-Drain the swamp
-I'm no racist
-They take our jobs
-Dont take things so seriously
-You snowflake
-We won accept it

Give me some more lads?
Liberal tears.
I've already provided three as have others.
Well Raoul, you're third would be my first. The office has been tainted by the Russian relationship.
You're first and second is kind of the same which has made me think that his removal Bannon and Miller would have a huge effect in correcting the course of his presidency, so I agree with that. That has to be on all of our lists of things to change.
My third would be a reset on at least five of his cabinate picks, create a bipartisan special committee to come up with more palatable options for DeVos, Price, Sessions, Pruitt and Perry. Also tell Ben Carson to go back to sleep.
Not at all. Taking a tough stand on Putin is entirely realistic if for instance Vlad were to invade the Baltics or attempt to take more land in Ukraine. He's obviously never going to release his taxes for obvious reasons.
Trump wouldn't blink an eye if Putin invades the Baltic States, Poland, or more of Ukraine. And he's not gonna fire all the nutters he's surrounded himself with.
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