The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Just read about the H1B visa reform. Graduating this May with a master's degree here in the US, and I don't think any company would be willing to pay a 130k p.a. salary for a recent international graduate if this bill goes through. Looks like I picked the wrong time, and the wrong place to do my Masters.

What have you done your Masters in? If it's in computer science/software then getting a 130k/year salary is going to be very very hard as fresh graduates do not get that much directly out of Masters. If it's in finance or consulting, there's a chance you could. It really depends on what you're looking for.
Well it looks like Devos has been approved as the next secretary of education by the committee and it will go to a senate vote which seems to be a rutine vote. All democrats voted against her and all republicans voted for her. This is gonna be a disaster for people on low income that depend on public education. She will privatize as much she can and leave the public schools extremely underfunded with disastrous results for the pupils. All the republicans that voted for her should be publicly ridiculed for voting someone so unqualified into such a important role in government. When the results of bad management from Devos as secretary of education starts to be felt in America, the democrats should post all the republicans that voted her in all over the media to make sure what they have done wont be so easily forgotten.

:( I think you should wait until they do something before you start complaining though.
Your masters will have value globally. $130k is indeed steep for entry positions, even with graduate degrees. Maybe for pretty unique and valuable PhD holders.

You're right that a masters degree has a lot of value globally. It's just that I'd gotten used to the life here and was hoping to settle down. Oh well, I'm not complaining though. I'm basically just a guest here :)
What have you done your Masters in? If it's in computer science/software then getting a 130k/year salary is going to be very very hard as fresh graduates do not get that much directly out of Masters. If it's in finance or consulting, there's a chance you could. It really depends on what you're looking for.

Structural engineering
Syrian Christians who voted for Trump - because they liked his tough talk on immigration - now caught up in EO chaos

Everyone's a bigot until it applies to them. Where was their outrage when Trump called for a Muslim shutdown? Presumably they were fine with that because they thought it wouldn't apply to them as they're Christians.

feck them. They're the worst of the worst. The fecking fact that they're from Syria should mean they're most aware of the crisis in their country, but they still voted for Trump.
:( I think you should wait until they do something before you start complaining though.

She has already said what she would do during the hearing so waiting for her to do her damage would be bad. She need to be fought against right away to keep pressure on her and the republicans. Also the democrats need to show publicly that they will fight back to defend the ordinary people to the best of their ability. They need a strong showing to help them in the next election in a few years so their campaign have to start this early. They need to flip both champers of congress even though this will be hard but it could become the key aspect for them to focus on to try limit the damage the republican party can do under Trump.
Strong rumors from people supposedly in the know - Trump pick for SCOTUS will be Neil Gorsuch (went to school with Obama at Harvard). Super smart (as you'd expect) and a VERY strong 'constitutionalist'
Strong rumors from people supposedly in the know - Trump pick for SCOTUS will be Neil Gorsuch (went to school with Obama at Harvard). Super smart (as you'd expect) and a VERY strong 'constitutionalist'
Interesting. My money was on Hulk Hogan.
@Red Viking sorry mate, I forgot to add the white text at the end. I was joking, some of the Trump supporters on this site have been having a go at the rest of us telling us that we shouldn't be moaning as he hasn't done anything yet and we should give him a chance and wait until he does something bad before complaining.
Just read about the H1B visa reform. Graduating this May with a master's degree here in the US, and I don't think any company would be willing to pay a 130k p.a. salary for a recent international graduate if this bill goes through. Looks like I picked the wrong time, and the wrong place to do my Masters.
As far as I know, you will get one year to work after your Masters anyway despite the H1B. But yeah, only A list silicon valley companies will pay upwards of 130k for fresh graduates.
Interesting. My money was on Hulk Hogan.

Wouldn't have been a bad pick :lol:

If Cruz had played nicely...he might have been in with a shout.

Thing for the Democrats is - Hillary and her loss cost them at least Garland...and I really feel, if Hillary had won, Ginsburg would have retired - so, 2 appointments. Instead, they'd got to hope - she doesn't drop dead and survives at least another 4 years.

- Voting Rights
- Campaign Finance
- Roe v Wade

Just 3 big issues that might come up.
Everyone's a bigot until it applies to them. Where was their outrage when Trump called for a Muslim shutdown? Presumably they were fine with that because they thought it wouldn't apply to them as they're Christians.

feck them. They're the worst of the worst. The fecking fact that they're from Syria should mean they're most aware of the crisis in their country, but they still voted for Trump.

Just the way the world is....let me get mine, fcuk the rest.

Another story of 'small inconvience' -
Strong rumors from people supposedly in the know - Trump pick for SCOTUS will be Neil Gorsuch (went to school with Obama at Harvard). Super smart (as you'd expect) and a VERY strong 'constitutionalist'
Ted Cruz must be rogering himself silly.
Republicans move to sell off 3.3m acres of national land, sparking rallies
Land totaling the size of Connecticut has been targeted in a new bill in the Republican House, uniting hunters and conservationists in opposition

Edit: Cliven Bindy, leads an armed siege against the federal govt, is somehow not found guilty of anything, and now has his wishes granted.
That sounds incredibly difficult, for anyone, let alone one of his age.

Will the firings continue?

That's why the Democrats sent an open letter to Trump, reminding him of the Dissent Channel. They also launched a website for whistleblowers to report about fraud, misconduct, abuse of power etc in the State Department.
Will the firings continue?

Yeah, I think they will 100%. Anyone who opposes him will get the boot for sure, just look at his campaign managers, actually you would think KellyAnne has overstayed her welcome, she's probably due her P45 soon I should think.

@Raoul thread title change from "Presidency" to "Dictatorship"? :lol:
Yeah, I think they will 100%. Anyone who opposes him will get the boot for sure, just look at his campaign managers, actually you would think KellyAnne has overstayed her welcome, she's probably due her P45 soon I should think.

@Raoul thread title change from "Presidency" to "Dictatorship"? :lol:

@Red Viking sorry mate, I forgot to add the white text at the end. I was joking, some of the Trump supporters on this site have been having a go at the rest of us telling us that we shouldn't be moaning as he hasn't done anything yet and we should give him a chance and wait until he does something bad before complaining.

Ah it makes more sense now as i wasn´t sure if it was serious or not :)

Trump and the republicans would love if people stood idle by as it would make it easier for them to pass everything they want if there was no public resistance right away. I think all the protests that are going on already is also good for the moral of the American people and they are going to need to be highly motivated for what is to come as this will be testing times for America and its people. The republicans and Trump will try to break peoples will to resist by going all in early on and make it seem that it makes no difference weather people protest or not. Persistent protest and participation in the democracy will play a key aspect in fighting back as it shows the republicans that if they don´t act with more care they might face a bad election result in a few years time.
Ah it makes more sense now as i wasn´t sure if it was serious or not :)

Trump and the republicans would love if people stood idle by as it would make it easier for them to pass everything they want if there was no public resistance right away. I think all the protests that are going on already is also good for the moral of the American people and they are going to need to be highly motivated for what is to come as this will be testing times for America and its people. The republicans and Trump will try to break peoples will to resist by going all in early on and make it seem that it makes no difference weather people protest or not. Persistent protest and participation in the democracy will play a key aspect in fighting back as it shows the republicans that if they don´t act with more care they might face a bad election result in a few years time.

No worries, like I said, my fault for missing the white text which would have made the sarcasm clearer. Also, really nice post. I sincerely hope you are right, and agree about the protests too, I think it's heart-warming to see. I was especially proud to see so many participants in the UK last night too, and that it all went off so peacefully as well. That's always a great help as the message is lost or ignored if there is even the slightest bit of trouble at these events.
Got the email telling me that Parliament are going to debate “Prevent Donald Trump from making a State Visit to the United Kingdom.”. Should be a lively debate or not. The debate is scheduled for 20 February 2017.
I hadn't even noticed until you mentioned it, and I was only joking about "dictatorship" because of all the people he's sacking.

I would genuinely laugh if he sacked them while saying "you're fired."
The ultimate postmodern act, as a boss in a TV show plays the boss of the world.
Got the email telling me that Parliament are going to debate “Prevent Donald Trump from making a State Visit to the United Kingdom.”. Should be a lively debate or not. The debate is scheduled for 20 February 2017.

Yup, me too. 1,740,618 signatures (and counting) in three days is madness. The previous one only got 588,000 and was up for 6 months (yeah, I know I said that before, but still!)

I just hope they give it a lot more consideration than they did last time where it was dismissed almost instantly and treated as a joke. I would like to think they would listen, especially if they get another million signatures as that would then be almost 5% of the population, quite a significant message for sure.

I would genuinely laugh if he sacked them while saying "you're fired."
The ultimate postmodern act, as a boss in a TV show plays the boss of the world.

:lol: Feck me, that would be hilarious.
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