The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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From what I've read, the Sally Yates firing looks justified. She didn't oppose the EO on any legal basis. Correct me if I'm wrong.

She's also a MILF :drool:
Meh...we all know who owns the WSJ
Don't you find it refreshing that the folks working there aren't content with Baker's directive? Well, I do, I did not expect it.
Don't you find it refreshing that the folks working there aren't content with Baker's directive? Well, I do, I did not expect it.

I wasn't being dismissive of the post - rather, the near certain conclusion.

I can understand long standing employees not liking the 'diktat' from the Editor In Chief - but, they'll have to go with the program or find employment elsewhere.

Wonder how many votes Clinton lost due to the likes of him and Sam Wang and their model predictions.

Wang was tweeting stuff like "it is totally over" and was going on cable news days before the election day and saying that he was 99% sure Clinton would win.

I think this has all got well out of control and is, to be honest, rather daft. Of course the coverage surrounding Trump is overkill, of course the media could concentrate on other issues than many would find more important, but I can't change that. As I said, personally I think that two of the biggest dangers to the planet right now this very minute are Trumps access to nuclear weapons and his attitude to Climate Change and the fact he's talking about pulling out of the Paris Agreement, and that is what we are discussing IN THIS THREAD! My point to Nytram was just that, that this thread is about Trump. His argument could have been equally valid in the Israel/Palestine thread or any other thread on the site. Why is that particular story taking precedence over another? Why is Israel more important than The Congo? I just pointed out he was being slightly patronising and condescending and that really he should start his own thread to discuss his points rather than coming in here, changing the subject of conversation and insinuating that all of us here are more concerned over Trump than other world problems. I never actually said he was completely wrong or his points were invalid, just misplaced and not conveyed in the best way or in the correct place.

Yeah, the world is a shitty place and there are so many things wrong and that upset me, but just because I discuss Trump in here doesn't mean I (or any other user) don't care or are unaware of the other problems. That's all we were saying in our replies. And as I said before, again this has taken the thread needlessly off topic when the forum is there to create threads to discuss problems.
The sole point he has isn't enough to compensate for six additional minutes of his irritating voice and general unfunny shenanigans.

His whole point that annoying liberal celebrities only give a shit when the man in the red tie does something bad is hardly ground breaking. But instead of using this point as criticism, how about we use this as a positive and say now that these liberals are on our side, we can now tackle the prejudices of the United States together. ''Stops waving the red flag''

Although something tells me that's not much of an interest to Mr Youtuber.
Is this Homeland Security guy for real? No convincing performance at all.
Wonder how many votes Clinton lost due to the likes of him and Sam Wang and their model predictions.

Wang was tweeting stuff like "it is totally over" and was going on cable news days before the election day and saying that he was 99% sure Clinton would win.

People so stupid as to not vote because of what the predictions are deserve exactly what they get. The blame falls squarely on the shoulders of those not voting, predicting the outcomes of political races is nothing new, been around for decades, the models may be more sophisticated but even going back to the early part of the last century people tried to predict the outcomes and shared their predictions with the public.
Wonder how many votes Clinton lost due to the likes of him and Sam Wang and their model predictions.

Wang was tweeting stuff like "it is totally over" and was going on cable news days before the election day and saying that he was 99% sure Clinton would win.
I feel bad for Nate Silver. he was getting blasted for giving Trump a 40% chance till the last 2 days... It was 71-29 at last count iirc. Everyone else had Clinton at 98-99%

And now he gets clubbed in with those idiots and gets blamed again.
That's because Gen. Kelly doesn't believe half the things he's saying.
It was really an odd performance. Did you watch it? First he was reading a statement in the most unconvinving way. When he took questions, he was more vocal, but referred almost everything to 'Kevin', the guy who reported on the operational part. He didn't seem to really be in control of the situation.
It was really an odd performance. Did you watch it? First he was reading a statement in the most unconvinving way. When he took questions, he was more vocal, but referred almost everything to 'Kevin', the guy who reported on the operational part. He didn't seem to really be in control of the situation.

Like I said...he was lying and uncomfortable doing so. But, he'll be fine and I think he'll actually be a success.
It was really an odd performance. Did you watch it? First he was reading a statement in the most unconvinving way. When he took questions, he was more vocal, but referred almost everything to 'Kevin', the guy who reported on the operational part. He didn't seem to really be in control of the situation.
He's being forced to read at gunpoint by Wotsit Hitler!1!!
*Dramatic Hamster music*
I feel bad for Nate Silver. he was getting blasted for giving Trump a 40% chance till the last 2 days... It was 71-29 at last count iirc. Everyone else had Clinton at 98-99%

And now he gets clubbed in with those idiots and gets blamed again.

How I wish we could go back to the days of the election thread. Those models made me have some faith in the world.
I see Trump is really showing to be a real democratic person. You don't agree with him? You get fired.
Yates thought about resigning and then decided against it. She then announced she and those under her would NOT defend the Executive Order.

Her position was untenable. I suppose, the WH could have called her and asked for her resignation...but that would have only changed the optics not the end result.
nobody talked about fascism, when Obama deported 2million Mexicans or ended "wet foot, dry foot" without any notice, which means, that various Cuban refugees (who'd get thrown into jail otherwise on Cuba) are stranded on the boarder. Hyperbole&Hypocrisy.

You must have not have been paying attention if you did not notice criticism of Obama's immigration policy. You remember when he was called deporter in chief. The fascism claims come from Trump and Bannon's view of the press; the fact they plan on listing crimes committed by immigrants; firing Sally Yates for "betraying" them; the "voting fraud" witchhunt;etc
Just read about the H1B visa reform. Graduating this May with a master's degree here in the US, and I don't think any company would be willing to pay a 130k p.a. salary for a recent international graduate if this bill goes through. Looks like I picked the wrong time, and the wrong place to do my Masters.
Well it looks like Devos has been approved as the next secretary of education by the committee and it will go to a senate vote which seems to be a rutine vote. All democrats voted against her and all republicans voted for her. This is gonna be a disaster for people on low income that depend on public education. She will privatize as much she can and leave the public schools extremely underfunded with disastrous results for the pupils. All the republicans that voted for her should be publicly ridiculed for voting someone so unqualified into such a important role in government. When the results of bad management from Devos as secretary of education starts to be felt in America, the democrats should post all the republicans that voted her in all over the media to make sure what they have done wont be so easily forgotten.
Just read about the H1B visa reform. Graduating this May with a master's degree here in the US, and I don't think any company would be willing to pay a 130k p.a. salary for a recent international graduate if this bill goes through. Looks like I picked the wrong time, and the wrong place to do my Masters.
what field?
Just read about the H1B visa reform. Graduating this May with a master's degree here in the US, and I don't think any company would be willing to pay a 130k p.a. salary for a recent international graduate if this bill goes through. Looks like I picked the wrong time, and the wrong place to do my Masters.

Your masters will have value globally. $130k is indeed steep for entry positions, even with graduate degrees. Maybe for pretty unique and valuable PhD holders. Its also not that high for proven young professionals in certain fields, so maybe after a few years at an top tier position abroad you'll be at the level to interest US firms.
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