The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Crime across the US is down overall - but crime in big cities isn't...

- The 30 largest U.S. cities saw a double-digit increase in their murder rate in 2016, according to a new year-end report, even as crime nationwide remains near all-time lows.

- Of the 30 cities studied, just eight showed an increase in their crime rates from 2015. But the study found that 13 cities, including Los Angeles, Houston, Philadelphia and San Antonio, had increases in their violent crime rates while 21 were projected to see jumps in their murder rates.

Again, this isn't me trying to give Chicago a pass - it doesn't deserve one.

The report you posted there says "The 2016 murder rate is projected to be 14 percent higher than last year in the 30 largest cities. Chicago is projected to account for 43.7 percent of the total increase in murders. "
So basically big cities as a category are doing worse because Chicago is one of them...

But yeah, looking at the overall numbers Chicago isn't even that bad compared to Detroit, Baltimore and Washington D.C. (The difference being them having just stayed as bad as they used to be while Chicago declined).
At the rate KellyAnne is aging we will need Betty White to play her


Ugh. :nervous:
Without meaning to offend you, for me there is something seriously sad about your posts. Two or three times now you have posted in here about bigger problems in the world as if everyone in here is unaware of them or even ignoring them and only concerned with the USA, Trump and the problems his Presidency is causing the country and the rest of the world. However, you are missing one vital point I think, and that is this thread is the Donald Trump Presidency thread! All that is meant to be discussed here (aside from the odd off topic slip here and there) are things about Trumps Presidency.

Ironically your posts come across as very naïve and also very condescending and patronising, I guarantee you that everyone who posts in here is aware of many different problems around the world, obviously not ALL the problems, because there are simply too many to list, but that's not to say people are ignorant or unaware or that they don't care. You mention child marriages, well why didn't you mention that 1 in 6 Children in the UK live in poverty? or that there are an estimated 100,000 homeless CHILDREN in the UK? or why didn't you mention Nigeria's witch children? Or the poverty in Darfur? Quite simply this isn't the thread for that, there are threads for all those things in this forum, and if there isn't then please feel free to go and create new ones so you can discuss those things with other people, that is the point of this CE section of what is ultimately a football forum.
i just find it a bit sad that people are getting so angry about this issue which in the grand sceme of things is no way near the worse thing going on in the world today.

but your right it is naive and probably patronising for me to think like that
So apparently a 5 year old was detained while handcuffed at Dulles for a few hours
Nothing apparently about it. And as the Honorable Sean Spicer said

“To assume,” Spicer said, “that just because of someone’s age or gender or whatever that they don’t pose a threat would be misguided and wrong.”

Good man Sean Spicer...not mincing his words to please the PC crowd. We won bitches - no more PC.

@langster Put that pic in a f-ing spoiler. Why would you do that shit??? :mad:
Without meaning to offend you, for me there is something seriously sad about your posts. Two or three times now you have posted in here about bigger problems in the world as if everyone in here is unaware of them or even ignoring them and only concerned with the USA, Trump and the problems his Presidency is causing the country and the rest of the world. However, you are missing one vital point I think, and that is this thread is the Donald Trump Presidency thread! All that is meant to be discussed here (aside from the odd off topic slip here and there) are things about Trumps Presidency.

Ironically your posts come across as very naïve and also very condescending and patronising, I guarantee you that everyone who posts in here is aware of many different problems around the world, obviously not ALL the problems, because there are simply too many to list, but that's not to say people are ignorant or unaware or that they don't care. You mention child marriages, well why didn't you mention that 1 in 6 Children in the UK live in poverty? or that there are an estimated 100,000 homeless CHILDREN in the UK? or why didn't you mention Nigeria's witch children? Or the poverty in Darfur? Quite simply this isn't the thread for that, there are threads for all those things in this forum, and if there isn't then please feel free to go and create new ones so you can discuss those things with other people, that is the point of this CE section of what is ultimately a football forum.

Also people aren't outraged by the ban itself, they don't like it but they are mainly worried about what Trump could do next. What is his endgame?
i just find it a bit sad that people are getting so angry about this issue which in the grand sceme of things is no way near the worse thing going on in the world today.

but your right it is naive and probably patronising for me to think like that

Just curious, have you considered the deep impact the behaviour and decisions of the President of the biggest economy and military power in the world could have on the rest of its inhabitants?

Cruellyanne De Vil.
i just find it a bit sad that people are getting so angry about this issue which in the grand sceme of things is no way near the worse thing going on in the world today.

but your right it is naive and probably patronising for me to think like that

Personally I think The President of the USA, one of the most powerful men on the planet, and someone who thinks Climate Change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese is something to get angry and seriously worried about, and is without question one of the most important things happening in the world today. On top of that, the repealing of healthcare is another serious issue that could cause the deaths of tens of thousands of people, so yeah that's pretty serious. But as I said, just because people are discussing this doesn't mean they don't care about the other problems in the world, and if you really are that concerned then create a new thread about it all, OR go and search this forum and I bet there are already threads about the things you mentioned already.

@langster Put that pic in a f-ing spoiler. Why would you do that shit??? :mad:

My apologies :( Will do next time.
i just find it a bit sad that people are getting so angry about this issue which in the grand sceme of things is no way near the worse thing going on in the world today.

but your right it is naive and probably patronising for me to think like that

But what's your point? That we shouldn't be talking about Trump and should only talk about things deemed worse? And if so, who decides what's worse anyway?
But what's your point? That we shouldn't be talking about Trump and should only talk about things deemed worse? And if so, who decides what's worse anyway?
i guess my point is i wish this many people where angry about child marriage or child soldiers or like or langster says the 100'000 children living poverty in the uk alone, poverty in darfu.......

but like langster points out thinking like that is naive
Personally I think The President of the USA, one of the most powerful men on the planet, and someone who thinks Climate Change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese is something to get angry and seriously worried about, and is without question one of the most important things happening in the world today. On top of that, the repealing of healthcare is another serious issue that could cause the deaths of tens of thousands of people, so yeah that's pretty serious. But as I said, just because people are discussing this doesn't mean they don't care about the other problems in the world, and if you really are that concerned then create a new thread about it all, OR go and search this forum and I bet there are already threads about the things you mentioned already.
im not saying it isn't something to get angry about.... i just think of all the things going on in the world it shouldn't be the thing that gets people the angriest yet it seems to be.
i guess my point is i wish this many people where angry about child marriage or child soldiers or like or langster says the 100'000 children living poverty in the uk alone, poverty in darfu.......

but like langster points out thinking like that is naive

Where are the threads you posted about these issues? Please link me. What are you doing about said issues yourself?
i guess my point is i wish this many people where angry about child marriage or child soldiers or like or langster says the 100'000 children living poverty in the uk alone, poverty in darfu.......

but like langster points out thinking like that is naive

Well you have seemingly missed his point, so yeah, naive is a word you could use. You act like no one has discussed any of those things on here, but have you looked? Or have YOU started any kind of thread on them?

So let me ask you this, what exactly is it you want to happen?
Where are the threads you posted about these issues? Please link me. What are you doing about said issues yourself?
the honest answer to that is nothing anymore.... i sue to be involved in lots of political movements and work trying to raise issue awareness about issues in my 20's, but im honest i lost heart in it because you never got anywhere and no one gave a shit.

so yeah i guess me saying anything is beyond hypocritical.... i still find it annoying though
Well you have seemingly missed his point, so yeah, naive is a word you could use. You act like no one has discussed any of those things on here, but have you looked? Or have YOU started any kind of thread on them?

So let me ask you this, what exactly is it you want to happen?
my commments werent really about anything to do with this forum or posting, more finding it amazing at the amount of people getting angry about this particular issue.

what do i want.... well like i said in my last post...." i guess my point is i wish this many people where angry about child marriage or child soldiers or like or langster says the 100'000 children living poverty in the uk alone, poverty in darfu......."
i guess my point is i wish this many people where angry about child marriage or child soldiers or like or langster says the 100'000 children living poverty in the uk alone, poverty in darfu.......

but like langster points out thinking like that is naive

Oi! I never said that thinking like that was naïve. don't twist my words. And I don't appreciate your snarky tone either, I just said you came in here with a patronising and condescending tone (which you have done yet again) asking why people aren't more worried about other issues when you have no idea what any of us are thinking or care about, you also have no idea how any subject affects us either. This is the Trump thread, so we discuss that here, as I said many things he is doing or can do in the future could be extremely dangerous to the world, especially climate change. If you want to discuss other things, then as I said go and find the threads, or create new ones and explain your thoughts and opinions and then maybe people will have a discussion about them, but this thread isn't the right place to do that, and knocking everyone in here isn't the best way to go about it either.
the honest answer to that is nothing anymore.... i sue to be involved in lots of political movements and work trying to raise issue awareness about issues in my 20's, but im honest i lost heart in it because you never got anywhere and no one gave a shit.

so yeah i guess me saying anything is beyond hypocritical.... i still find it annoying though

Your heart might be in the right place, but your words aren't.

You act as if we don't talk about anything else, only Trump, but that is completely untrue. You act as if we are incapable of having multiple discussions at any one time, but that is also completely untrue. To top it off, you act as if you should decide what is and isn't worthy of discussion, yet you offer no actual discussion to be had.

So why don't you tell us all exactly what is the worst problem in the world right now to discuss. Put your anger to good use.

my commments werent really about anything to do with this forum or posting, more finding it amazing at the amount of people getting angry about this particular issue.

what do i want.... well like i said in my last post...." i guess my point is i wish this many people where angry about child marriage or child soldiers or like or langster says the 100'000 children living poverty in the uk alone, poverty in darfu......."

How do you know people aren't angry? How do you know these things haven't been discussed? If they haven't, why aren't YOU starting threads to get these issues discussed?

As Langster said also, I don't mean to offend you, but you are offering nothing yourself apart from some pedestal preaching. When he says you are naive, it's not to think these issues need to be discussed, it's that you think they aren't or haven't been and that no one cares.
the honest answer to that is nothing anymore.... i sue to be involved in lots of political movements and work trying to raise issue awareness about issues in my 20's, but im honest i lost heart in it because you never got anywhere and no one gave a shit.

so yeah i guess me saying anything is beyond hypocritical.... i still find it annoying though

Why is complaining about something 'less terrible' annoying though? For example why complain about child poverty in the UK when children are being used as soldiers killing and being killed, which is far worse? Both things are wrong, ignoring one isn't right but that just means both things need media and social exposure.

What's more this could be the beggining of something far worse. We really don't know where the most powerful man on the planet infringing on people's rights and attacking the consitutions religious freedom will go. The next step is revoking green cards, which they already tried to do but went back on. In the election he talked about people who burned flags, ie protestors, having their citizenship removed. Can he legally remove citizenship and which groups of people will he remove citizenship from. Once citizeship is removed then what? Civil Rights being lost? It's a very slippery slope.

Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan. I'd say Romney but he's been out of the game for awhile, so not sure about him. Hell, I'd even take Kasich now. And if it would've came down to this, I'd choose Cruz over Trump. So no, i'm not a Trump supporter.
I agree with you buddy, at least with them you know where they stand and that they have some respect for the law. The Republican Party really are racing to the bottom leaving decent conservatives behind who can do nothing because of the danger of being called disloyal.
Oi! I never said that thinking like that was naïve. don't twist my words. And I don't appreciate your snarky tone either, I just said you came in here with a patronising and condescending tone (which you have done yet again) asking why people aren't more worried about other issues when you have no idea what any of us are thinking or care about, you also have no idea how any subject affects us either. This is the Trump thread, so we discuss that here, as I said many things he is doing or can do in the future could be extremely dangerous to the world, especially climate change. If you want to discuss other things, then as I said go and find the threads, or create new ones and explain your thoughts and opinions and then maybe people will have a discussion about them, but this thread isn't the right place to do that, and knocking everyone in here isn't the best way to go about it either.
I honestly didnt mean to twist your words her i genniuly thought that is what you where saying and in no way was that response meant to sound snarky ...... :s but sorry if it did

Your heart might be in the right place, but your words aren't.

You act as if we don't talk about anything else, only Trump, but that is completely untrue. You act as if we are incapable of having multiple discussions at any one time, but that is also completely untrue. To top it off, you act as if you should decide what is and isn't worthy of discussion, yet you offer no actual discussion to be had.

So why don't you tell us all exactly what is the worst problem in the world right now to discuss. Put your anger to good use.

How do you know people aren't angry? How do you know these things haven't been discussed? If they haven't, why aren't YOU starting threads to get these issues discussed?

As Langster said also, I don't mean to offend you, but you are offering nothing yourself apart from some pedestal preaching. When he says you are naive, it's not to think these issues need to be discussed, it's that you think they aren't or haven't been and that no one cares.
look i didn't mean to offend anyone, or be patronising, though in fairness i think ive been patronised as much in return. But reading back my orginal post was patronisng so i deserved it.
i was watching the news last night and reading facebook and it got my nerves the amount of anger their is towards this issue that has never excsisted to so many other issues that have and are happening.
But that isnt an excuse to right a patronising post, if i want to do somthing about issues your right i should do my best raise awareness about them and hope people find the same anger they have about to this issue with them
i just find it a bit sad that people are getting so angry about this issue which in the grand sceme of things is no way near the worse thing going on in the world today.

but your right it is naive and probably patronising for me to think like that
Better close the whole United/ football forum then. Why waste time talking about a bag of air being kicked around when there are worse things going on in the world?

This would be good.

EDIT - Actually may have to scratch that, law refers to the NSC itself rather than the principals committee that Bannon's been put on.
Thanks for informing us @adexkola.

I don't want to downplay the 'Brother's Keeper' program or any of the other ngo's he has endorsed, but a president has other tools then lending his name to good initiatives. As the current tool in power is showing. (And loads of past presidents have shown). Obama would have wanted to help (I don't doubt that), but he would have only dared to do so if there was a republican there to hold his hand and tell him "It's ok, Barack".

No worries, anytime.

Again, short of a full blown insurrection against the government allowing Obama to federalize the Illinois National Guard, state crime is not within Obama's jurisdiction. Posse Comitatus Act specifically outlaws military intervention in domestic affairs without authorization of congress, and the FBI/DEA/ATF can only step in when federal crimes (such as interstate gun trafficking) are committed. Obama could have increased funding to the local police, but the main problem here is not lack of police on the street. It is the ease with which guns can come into Chicago from nearby states with lax gun regulations. Just "being tough" and throwing people in jail won't solve the problem of crime, and that mentality is why our incarceration rate is one of the highest in the world without any cease to the fire.

Now, what Obama did do during his 8 years in office was

- Impose executive orders restricting guns further. That has it's limits obviously.
- Order a federal investigation of corrupt and illegal practices in the Chicago Police Department

That is pushing the boundaries of what he can do as president. Anyone who thinks he could do much more and just refused to do so... again, doesn't have a clue.
I honestly didnt mean to twist your words her i genniuly thought that is what you where saying and in no way was that response meant to sound snarky ...... :s but sorry if it did

look i didn't mean to offend anyone, or be patronising, though in fairness i think ive been patronised as much in return. But reading back my orginal post was patronisng so i deserved it.
i was watching the news last night and reading facebook and it got my nerves the amount of anger their is towards this issue that has never excsisted to so many other issues that have and are happening.
But that isnt an excuse to right a patronising post, if i want to do somthing about issues your right i should do my best raise awareness about them and hope people find the same anger they have about to this issue with them

Maybe that is why you had no luck in your 20's? Maybe you approached it wrong, like you clearly have here.

No one would disagree that there are many horrendous things going on in the word, but you simply cannot expect every person to prioritise the same way you do. You simply cannot outright tell people that issues that affect them don't matter because there are worse things going on. It's noble to make a stand, but to get your voice heard you need to talk with compassion and conviction, and telling people their problems or issues don't really matter whilst providing no concrete idea of what does is just a double barreled way to fail right there.

And please don't take this post as anything other than how it's intended, I'm not trying to patronise or offend, I'm merely making a point for you to think on. Or not, of course.
the honest answer to that is nothing anymore.... i sue to be involved in lots of political movements and work trying to raise issue awareness about issues in my 20's, but im honest i lost heart in it because you never got anywhere and no one gave a shit.

so yeah i guess me saying anything is beyond hypocritical.... i still find it annoying though

On the big stage there might be truth in it, but on local level and while working with and for the people it can mean the world. I have never experienced more thankful people than in my six months with the German Red Cross in Afghanistan, people who would sob and hug you just because you helped them fulfill their most basic medical needs (does wonders to your perspective of the world).

There are thousands upon thousands who give a shit, people who work their asses off and try to get past religous and cultural differences and build bridges.

And now I come to the connection to the egonomical asshole, that this thread is about. This bastard has nothing better to do than to burn said bridges. This idiotic ban is the best advertisement the IS and other radical islamic groups could hope for. Nothing radicalises better than shortsighted and arbitrary acts by the so called country of liberty.

So yes, the outrage about the topic is justified.

Any (rightful) critical voice is justified, because this man is a danger to his own country and the world (and the sooner people realize this, the better). That much has been proven by his first ten days (ten days, folks...) of his presidency.

This would be good.

EDIT - Actually may have to scratch that, law refers to the NSC itself rather than the principals committee that Bannon's been put on.

If that's the case, he should remove the tweet as its misleading and issue a retraction. Seems to be quite a bit of misleading stuff being posted by reporters.
Why is complaining about something 'less terrible' annoying though? For example why complain about child poverty in the UK when children are being used as soldiers killing and being killed, which is far worse? Both things are wrong, ignoring one isn't right but that just means both things need media and social exposure.

What's more this could be the beggining of something far worse. We really don't know where the most powerful man on the planet infringing on people's rights and attacking the consitutions religious freedom will go. The next step is revoking green cards, which they already tried to do but went back on. In the election he talked about people who burned flags, ie protestors, having their citizenship removed. Can he legally remove citizenship and which groups of people will he remove citizenship from. Once citizeship is removed then what? Civil Rights being lost? It's a very slippery slope.
your right it is a slippery slope, i mean look at the things happening in Gaza in the name of preventing terrorism..... that has escalated and escalated in the name of keeping a population safe for terrorism, but now goes far beyond that......
While i would argue that what is happening their is far worse then what America are doing right now, but i suppose and argument can be made at stopping this before it escalates
Maybe that is why you had no luck in your 20's? Maybe you approached it wrong, like you clearly have here.

No one would disagree that there are many horrendous things going on in the word, but you simply cannot expect every person to prioritise the same way you do. You simply cannot outright tell people that issues that affect them don't matter because there are worse things going on. It's noble to make a stand, but to get your voice heard you need to talk with compassion and conviction, and telling people their problems or issues don't really matter whilst providing no concrete idea of what does is just a double barreled way to fail right there.

And please don't take this post as anything other than how it's intended, I'm not trying to patronise or offend, I'm merely making a point for you to think on. Or not, of course.

That's the definition of patronising.:p
Maybe that is why you had no luck in your 20's? Maybe you approached it wrong, like you clearly have here.

No one would disagree that there are many horrendous things going on in the word, but you simply cannot expect every person to prioritise the same way you do. You simply cannot outright tell people that issues that affect them don't matter because there are worse things going on. It's noble to make a stand, but to get your voice heard you need to talk with compassion and conviction, and telling people their problems or issues don't really matter whilst providing no concrete idea of what does is just a double barreled way to fail right there.

And please don't take this post as anything other than how it's intended, I'm not trying to patronise or offend, I'm merely making a point for you to think on. Or not, of course.
and i like wise wasn't trying to offend or patronise, i just found aspects of coverage this is getting annoying, but obviously i expressed it in the wrong way.
look i didn't mean to offend anyone, or be patronising, though in fairness i think ive been patronised as much in return. But reading back my orginal post was patronisng so i deserved it.
i was watching the news last night and reading facebook and it got my nerves the amount of anger their is towards this issue that has never excsisted to so many other issues that have and are happening.
But that isnt an excuse to right a patronising post, if i want to do somthing about issues your right i should do my best raise awareness about them and hope people find the same anger they have about to this issue with them
I'd say that you nailed it why there is so much anger: Such a ban hasn't existed before, at least in the US, and it wouldn't provoke so much anger if it was, let's say, Switzerland. And unfortunately, it's not just the Muslim ban in isolation that's concerning: It's this decrete in context with the others, Trump's behavior, Trump's pick of advisors and governing positions.
On the big stage there might be truth in it, but on local level and while working with and for the people it can mean the world. I have never experienced more thankful people than in my six months with the German Red Cross in Afghanistan, people who would sob and hug you just because you helped them fulfill their most basic medical needs (does wonders to your perspective of the world).

There are thousands upon thousands who give a shit, people who work their asses off and try to get past religous and cultural differences and build bridges.

And now I come to the connection to the egonomical asshole, that this thread is about. This bastard has nothing better to do than to burn said bridges. This idiotic ban is the best advertisement the IS and other radical islamic groups could hope for. Nothing radicalises better than shortsighted and arbitrary acts by the so called country of liberty.

So yes, the outrage about the topic is justified.

Any (rightful) critical voice is justified, because this man is a danger to his own country and the world (and the sooner people realize this, the better). That much has been proven by his first ten days (ten days, folks...) of his presidency.
i want to make it clear im not in anyway a supporter of trump or think what he is doing is right, i agree with every insult that is getting thrown at him, i just find the anger on this particular issues, while i agree justified, out of proportion with what he has done so far and with what else is happening in the world.

but like you say its only day 10 their is plenty of time for him to do much worse .......
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