The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Personally I feel like the protests we're seeing so far and the gatherings/solidarity that were shown among many at the weekend is a positive indicator. If people are doing that sort of stuff now, quite literally a week into his tenure, then if they really, really start to feel the effect of some of his damaging policies you'd hope we'll see some major strikes to the point where the Republicans have to oust him or risk seeing the country into some sort of disarray.

Part of the advantage any opponent has in the US is the countries size, too. It's a very divided nation and there are swathes of the country (due to the state system) where Trump and his lot don't have all that much power.
Its freezing in new York and along the east coast right now and yet still so many turned out on their day of rest.

As soon as this sub zero winter chill disappears in a few weeks, the numbers will exponentially increase.

And when peaceful demonstration does not work, so it will be escalated to the next level...
I have zero political knowledge despite visiting this thread/skimming the news on Trump. Curious to know how long Trump is likely to last?

Any way he can be thrown off prior to the 4 year term? If so any punts on when?
Has his actions actually damaged ties with the UK? Or will May continue dancing around the relationship and will the Queen continue to entertain him?
How is he actually able to put these bold decisions into action? I know he is president but don't certain actions such as country bans require some form of vote within congress?
This close relationship we supposedly have with the US? I think it is more that May is desperate and god knows what concessions she will make for the UK to have a trade deal with them. It's like watching a kid getting bullied at school and doing nothing because you are frightened that you are next in line.
I bet his wife secretly wishes for it.

Poor woman, imagine being wed to Trump.
It must be awful, she now knows that every single place they go it will be pure hatred. She thought she was getting a sugar daddy, but has actually got the most hated man on the planet.
No, luckily i've never been to a war zone.
I have seen youth correctional facilities that aren't a lot better then Gitmo though (Admittedly on TV :lol:).

I still think its a fair assessment to say that crime in Chicago is a disaster, and that Obama didn't attempt much to change that (Not that the republicans would have let him spend any money, or expand any executive powers, so it's a mute point anyway, but still true).

:wenger: Anyone who says that has no clue.
There is something I don't understand the United State of America are the poster child of Liberalism in fact it could be described as libertarianist, the conservatives are supposed to be big on traditions and the philosophy of the constitution but they seem to think that calling someone a liberal is an insult. How? Do they realize that they are liberals too?

They struggle with definitions a lot of the time, look at how Europeans are all either Liberals or Communists, basically their so called "Liberals" would be considered to be Conservatives many places around the world and definitely in the UK. Their left is so far right/centre that a European liberal would appear to be Communist to them.

This thread is moving too quick to keep up when I'm at work so just seen this classic.

This is like how everyone on RAWK has a 'Manc mate'.

We are signing Griezmann too you know.
:wenger: Anyone who says that has no clue.
Thanks for informing us @adexkola.

I don't want to downplay the 'Brother's Keeper' program or any of the other ngo's he has endorsed, but a president has other tools then lending his name to good initiatives. As the current tool in power is showing. (And loads of past presidents have shown). Obama would have wanted to help (I don't doubt that), but he would have only dared to do so if there was a republican there to hold his hand and tell him "It's ok, Barack".
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Chicago is messed up - but it's better than what it used to be and weirdly seems to have a couple of years of a lull and then things go off then....


  • It’s true that Chicago “has long been at or near the top” in total annual murders, but its murder rate is “nowhere near” the top, according to Pew Research Center’s analysis of FBI data from 1985 through 2012. Chicago’s murder rate in 2014 was 35th highest among cities with 100,000 or more residents, FBI data show.
So, Chicago was heading towards being a semi-success story but then things went off the rail in '15 and '16.
This is one area where Republicans in congress are going to be pissed off - They thought Trump would scale this stuff back. But, I look at it as Trump thinking he has bigger fish to fry and this is good PR

This is one area where Republicans in congress are going to be pissed off - They thought Trump would scale this stuff back. But, I look at it as Trump thinking he has bigger fish to fry and this is good PR


Honestly didn't expect this. Good on the orange man.

That's slightly misleading though as there has been a significant drop in the rest of the US between 2005-2010: So compared to the rest of the country Chicago's stagnation doesn't look too great either. But never mind, this whole topic would only be worth debating if Trump had some sort of solution, or even approach as to how to improve the situation.
and in a few months when people get use to it and it stops been on everyones facebook feed everyone will get on with their life fact that one country doesn't allow people in from 7 other countries will still not be a drop in the ocean compared to the bigger problems in the world because on that day people still wont give a shit that 38,000 child marriages happened that 300,000 children are been used as soldiers.......

For me their is something very sad about that....

Without meaning to offend you, for me there is something seriously sad about your posts. Two or three times now you have posted in here about bigger problems in the world as if everyone in here is unaware of them or even ignoring them and only concerned with the USA, Trump and the problems his Presidency is causing the country and the rest of the world. However, you are missing one vital point I think, and that is this thread is the Donald Trump Presidency thread! All that is meant to be discussed here (aside from the odd off topic slip here and there) are things about Trumps Presidency.

Ironically your posts come across as very naïve and also very condescending and patronising, I guarantee you that everyone who posts in here is aware of many different problems around the world, obviously not ALL the problems, because there are simply too many to list, but that's not to say people are ignorant or unaware or that they don't care. You mention child marriages, well why didn't you mention that 1 in 6 Children in the UK live in poverty? or that there are an estimated 100,000 homeless CHILDREN in the UK? or why didn't you mention Nigeria's witch children? Or the poverty in Darfur? Quite simply this isn't the thread for that, there are threads for all those things in this forum, and if there isn't then please feel free to go and create new ones so you can discuss those things with other people, that is the point of this CE section of what is ultimately a football forum.
That's slightly misleading though as there has been a significant drop in the rest of the US between 2005-2010: So compared to the rest of the country Chicago's stagnation doesn't look too great either. But never mind, this whole topic would only be worth debating if Trump had some sort of solution, or even approach as to how to improve the situation.

Crime across the US is down overall - but crime in big cities isn't...

- The 30 largest U.S. cities saw a double-digit increase in their murder rate in 2016, according to a new year-end report, even as crime nationwide remains near all-time lows.

- Of the 30 cities studied, just eight showed an increase in their crime rates from 2015. But the study found that 13 cities, including Los Angeles, Houston, Philadelphia and San Antonio, had increases in their violent crime rates while 21 were projected to see jumps in their murder rates.

Again, this isn't me trying to give Chicago a pass - it doesn't deserve one.
This is one area where Republicans in congress are going to be pissed off - They thought Trump would scale this stuff back. But, I look at it as Trump thinking he has bigger fish to fry and this is good PR


That's one bit of positive news. It was Josh Rogin who first reported the story yesterday.

Rogin's a decent journalist, but needs to be wary of the sources he uses.

This is one area where Republicans in congress are going to be pissed off - They thought Trump would scale this stuff back. But, I look at it as Trump thinking he has bigger fish to fry and this is good PR


Excellent news and I'm really glad to hear it. Some people are already saying he's only doing this to avoid the backlash, which could be true, but even so, he's still doing it so credit where it's due and fair play to him. I still think that message is awful though, yet again it's me, myself and I. Even though it's about the LGBTQ community and their rights, it's really not, it's really just all about him.
There is something I don't understand the United State of America are the poster child of Liberalism in fact it could be described as libertarianist, the conservatives are supposed to be big on traditions and the philosophy of the constitution but they seem to think that calling someone a liberal is an insult. How? Do they realize that they are liberals too?
What annoys me the most is, when they use Christianity to legitimize their narrow minded views. Jesus was a fecking liberal.
Without meaning to offend you, for me there is something seriously sad about your posts. Two or three times now you have posted in here about bigger problems in the world as if everyone in here is unaware of them or even ignoring them and only concerned with the USA, Trump and the problems his Presidency is causing the country and the rest of the world. However, you are missing one vital point I think, and that is this thread is the Donald Trump Presidency thread! All that is meant to be discussed here (aside from the odd off topic slip here and there) are things about Trumps Presidency.

Ironically your posts come across as very naïve and also very condescending and patronising, I guarantee you that everyone who posts in here is aware of many different problems around the world, obviously not ALL the problems, because there are simply too many to list, but that's not to say people are ignorant or unaware or that they don't care. You mention child marriages, well why didn't you mention that 1 in 6 Children in the UK live in poverty? or that there are an estimated 100,000 homeless CHILDREN in the UK? or why didn't you mention Nigeria's witch children? Or the poverty in Darfur? Quite simply this isn't the thread for that, there are threads for all those things in this forum, and if there isn't then please feel free to go and create new ones so you can discuss those things with other people, that is the point of this CE section of what is ultimately a football forum.

Well said.
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