The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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While i hate trump and all he stands for i have to say their are worse things going on in the world then what trumps doing.

for instance today alone their was 38,000 child marriages..... their are 300,000 thousands children soliders fighting round the world, half a million people in britian are surviving becuase of food banks, the human race is breeding it self into a state of famine and suffocating the planet we live on........

when you put things in perspective while what trump saying some people from some countries can't go into one country is beyond minnor......and isn't even in the top 100 worse things happening in the world today....the human rights violations happening on a daily bases in the 7 countries banned should be bigger news then this.

to be clear im NOT agreeing with what trumps doing and think he's a piece S**t f**king C**t i just think thier are more disgusting things to be outraged against then this!

There were 38k child marriages yesterday, today, and there will be 38k tomorrow. 300k child soldiers fought last year, this year, and the next.

Yesterday there was no ban on people entering the world's sole superpower based on their religion, today there is. Yesterday there was no notion of law enforcement agencies in the wolrd' oldest democratic republic defying federal courts, today it is a reality. A few months ago the leaders of the major polluters acknowledged the need to do something about climate change. Today the world' biggest polluter says that such actions are the biggest threat to freedom.
Sooooo... The president is breaking the law in multiple ways. What now?
Sooooo... The president is breaking the law in multiple ways. What now?
So, nothing. As much as the Democrats and protestors oraganize...the real pushback has to come from Republicans.

But, they're all still giddy they got the black Muslim socialist out of the white, this will continue unabated for a while yet. Not to mention, the 2 that spoke up, McCain and Graham got called out by Trump and are being savaged by Trump-tards
Sooooo... The president is breaking the law in multiple ways. What now?

No, he hasn't (I'm assuming you're referring to the executive order). It's within his power to pass executive orders, its within the courts' to find them unlawful. Passing a law/order that violates some constitutional principle or some other law isn't illegal, it's part of the process. For example, had the SC found Obamacare illegal, Obama wouldn't have been guilty of anything (except not making it single payer /s)
No, he hasn't (I'm assuming you're referring to the executive order). It's within his power to pass executive orders, its within the courts' to find them unlawful. Passing a law/order that violates some constitutional principle or some other law isn't illegal, it's part of the process. For example, had the SC found Obamacare illegal, Obama wouldn't have been guilty of anything (except not making it single payer /s)
Yup...if anything sinks Trump in the future and that's a big'll be financial and a conflict of interest...not, what executive order he signs or who he insults.

As expected. What a bunch of spineless cowards.
Well, now my entire moms side of the family cannot leave the US anymore, even though most have been citizens for 20+ years.

Ironically, they left Iran as refugees after the Shah's death.
US Dual nationals aren't in any danger...
A family friend of ours is still stuck in an LAX holding cell after flying back from Tokyo on business. Born in Tehran, moved to America at 7 as a naturalized Austrian citizen and received his American citizenship two years ago.
A family friend of ours is still stuck in an LAX holding cell after flying back from Tokyo on business. Born in Tehran, moved to America at 7 as a naturalized Austrian citizen and received his American citizenship two years ago.

If he has a good lawyer both of them are in for a good pay day.

Cloud, silver lining etc...
A family friend of ours is still stuck in an LAX holding cell after flying back from Tokyo on business. Born in Tehran, moved to America at 7 as a naturalized Austrian citizen and received his American citizenship two years ago.
Get them to contact an immigration awyer - there are hundreds milling around airports.

Who is not affected?

The executive order applies only to non-U.S. citizens, so anyone with U.S. citizenship—whether that person in natural-born or naturalized—is not affected. But on Sunday, Reince Preibus, the White House chief of staff, said on NBC’s Meet the Press that Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents would have the “discretionary authority” to question U.S. citizens coming from the seven countries. CBP agents have had that authority even before Friday’s executive order.

“I would suspect that if you’re an American citizen traveling back and forth to Libya, you’re likely to be subjected to further questioning when you come into an airport,” he said.

So, as with anyone...they can hold for extra questioning...but, he can raise a right stink about it.
Can someone please explain to me how this so called democracy works?

One man seemingly has a mandate to wield supreme executive (I think that's the word, isn't it, executive?) power without recourse to any sort of parliament whatsoever?
The president can expand or rein back existing domestic laws, i.e the muslim ban was taking a list of countries the previous administration had compiled and introducing draconian anti-movement laws against people born there. The president also has close to free reign on foreign affairs and military matters.
There is something I don't understand the United State of America are the poster child of Liberalism in fact it could be described as libertarianist, the conservatives are supposed to be big on traditions and the philosophy of the constitution but they seem to think that calling someone a liberal is an insult. How? Do they realize that they are liberals too?
The president can expand or rein back existing domestic laws, i.e the muslim ban was taking a list of countries the previous administration had compiled and introducing draconian anti-movement laws against people born there. The president also has close to free reign on foreign affairs and military matters.

So, could he, for example, put through an executive order to, say, for the sake of argument, hypothetically, round up a group of people who he wanted to blame for everything and send them to some sort of camp where they could be set to forced labour and maybe killed or, maybe, murdered?
I can't help but think that Trump is rushing through all these executive orders (and making a bit of a mess of them) in order to try and raise his popularity. Even though he won't publicly accept his low ratings they must be causing him untold angst, it"s quite a stressful situation for someone who needs to be so adored.

Perhaps he's desperately hoping that if he pleases the same fan base that won him the election his popularity will soar. It's worrying to think that he's going to carry on in this way until his ratings improve.

What else is left from his election promises apart from jobs? Can anyone remember?
Not here. Don't want to derail this thread. Suffice to say that a good few scientists I worked with felt extremely under pressure to sex-up plenty of stats.

This thread is moving too quick to keep up when I'm at work so just seen this classic.

This is like how everyone on RAWK has a 'Manc mate'.
There are plenty of rednecks in CA, NY, MA.

As appealing as that idea seems to be, it'd just end up leaving a lot of innocent people in the shit. What about people of color in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi for instance who will then live under the most hateful, racist government presently possible without anyone standing up for them? And that's probably the least of our worries then.
Some of the more socially liberal communities in America reside in parts that would be considered by outsiders to be backwards; most famously Austin TX, but also others like Tulsa OK and various college towns.
As someone who's looking to buy a bigger house in the near future, I want to gain as much equity as possible in my current house and my 401k, so that's why my main concern is the economy.

Regarding Obamacare, I won't go into details because honestly i'm no expert on the matter, but I've noticed two things since it was introduced - higher premium, higher deductible. Plus the penalty thing which is absurd.

Chicago is Obama's adopted hometown, and there were 4000 murders since he took office. 99% in African American neighborhoods on the south side. He could've done more, way more, considering it's his hometown, and the mayor is his old buddy Emanuel (the most useless mayor in history). If Trump brings in the feds or the national guard and puts some things in control it will be a massive success.
Careful what you wish for. If your house value increases 10% the larger one you have always dreamed of may do as well. So your house increases from say 100 to 110k. Big house from 500 to 550k. You need to find 440k instead of 400k. There's also talk of interest rate spikes this year.
There were 38k child marriages yesterday, today, and there will be 38k tomorrow. 300k child soldiers fought last year, this year, and the next.

Yesterday there was no ban on people entering the world's sole superpower based on their religion, today there is. Yesterday there was no notion of law enforcement agencies in the world' oldest democratic republic defying federal courts, today it is a reality. A few months ago the leaders of the major polluters acknowledged the need to do something about climate change. Today the world' biggest polluter says that such actions are the biggest threat to freedom.
and in a few months when people get use to it and it stops been on everyones facebook feed everyone will get on with their life fact that one country doesn't allow people in from 7 other countries will still not be a drop in the ocean compared to the bigger problems in the world because on that day people still wont give a shit that 38,000 child marriages happened that 300,000 children are been used as soldiers.......

For me their is something very sad about that....
and in a few months when people get use to it and it stops been on everyones facebook feed everyone will get on with their life fact that one country doesn't allow people in from 7 other countries will still not be a drop in the ocean compared to the bigger problems in the world because on that day people still wont give a shit that 38,000 child marriages happened that 300,000 children are been used as soldiers.......

For me their is something very sad about that....
To be fair, Trump would probably marry his own daughter if he could get away with it so he's most likely not going to solve that for you either.
So, could he, for example, put through an executive order to, say, for the sake of argument, hypothetically, round up a group of people who he wanted to blame for everything and send them to some sort of camp where they could be set to forced labour and maybe killed or, maybe, murdered?
Dunno about the killings, probably since there's a federal death penalty. But the rest would be easy enough, would need funding from congress though.
To be fair, Trump would probably marry his own daughter if he could get away with it so he's most likely not going to solve that for you either.
i don't expect trump to solve anything the guy is Racist C**t, i just find it a bit annoying that with everything that goes on in the world everyday that no one gives a shi!t about that are far worse then one country closing its borders to 7 other countries, yet that happens and the world goes nuts........ i jus find it a bit off but ow well
Dunno about the killings, probably since there's a federal death penalty. But the rest would be easy enough, would need funding from congress though.

Wouldn't it be struck down by the courts?
No, he hasn't (I'm assuming you're referring to the executive order). It's within his power to pass executive orders, its within the courts' to find them unlawful. Passing a law/order that violates some constitutional principle or some other law isn't illegal, it's part of the process. For example, had the SC found Obamacare illegal, Obama wouldn't have been guilty of anything (except not making it single payer /s)

He doesn't however have the right to order anyone to violate a federal court order. If he has indeed fired the acting Attourney General for refusing to do something they believe is illegal and has replaced them with someone willing to act against the federal court order, then he's in extremely dangerous territory. I guess time will tell.
How? It's precisely what they want.

Don't be fooled by the rhetorics. Birds of the same feather etc flocked together.
I should have been more precise. For the majority, you're of course right. But I had the impression (and hope) that there are some Republicans with integrity left who would stand up.
In a few years when this comes out as a film, who'll play Trump and who will play the eventual killer?
Morgan Freeman will clearly be part of it.
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