The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Melania and Barron are until the end of this school year. Trump$ki said he will split his time between NYC and the WH and he's off to Florida this weekend for a break because obviously one week at work signing stuff has exhausted him. Personally I think he has shit loads of business contacts staying there and he wants to play golf with them all weekend and make loads of deals.

I would joke that he can take the next four years off if he wants. But, I have a feeling Bannon does not take vacations.

Probably a load of shit, but you never know. They say they have waited to ensure they have all their ducks in a row, so maybe it is a juicy story?

Nothing to do with Trump, more about the FBI and how much power/reach it has...

On Tuesday morning The Intercept will publish “The FBI’s Secret Rules,” an investigative series about how the government’s law enforcement agency interprets the legal limits on its own powers, sometimes in ways that might shock you. Glenn Greenwald and Betsy Reed write: "The FBI has quietly transformed the system of rules and restraints put in place after the scandals of the ’70s, opening the door for a new wave of civil liberties violations."

The main headline: "Secret Docs Reveal: President Trump Has Inherited An FBI With Vast Hidden Powers."

There will be many other headlines — nine stories in all — and more than a thousand pages of documents for readers to view for themselves. Editors at The Intercept have been working on this for months, and FBI officials have been trying to tap the brakes for months. But the agency ultimately provided on-the-record responses. I'm told the project will be published around 7 a.m. ET...
Can people just mention the simpleton in their posts and not quote're defeating my ignore button :(

I don't want to read his gibberish, but I don't want to leave the thread either.

Oh and has someone already pointed out, the feds are already in chicago...or that, there are cities actually worse than Chicago...or that, more than half the guns used during violent crimes in Chicago were from out of state.

If you're referring to me, I can TYPE IN SPECIAL characters for you, if you think that English is gibberish or if you are just a bit challenged, ok buddy? :(. Although I don't recall ever replying to you. Oh, and no one forces you to visit the thread. You can watch MSNBC instead.
If you're referring to me, I can TYPE IN SPECIAL characters for you, if you think that English is gibberish or if you are just a bit challenged, ok buddy? :(. Although I don't recall ever replying to you. Oh, and no one forces you to visit the thread. You can watch MSNBC instead.
He has you on ignore...
Anyway, he basically bought the same info from O'rly on Fox. The same false info that led to Trumps tweet. This is what happens when nobody makes a concerted effort to debunk fake news....

If you see fake news that you can address but you choose not to, then don't complain about it in the future. Same for those that parrot whatever they read without even attempting to check it's authenticity.

Ok I might have missed something... I've kept away from the day to day news the last couple of weeks (and the caf) in an effort to preserve my sanity. O'Reilly really claimed more people died in Chicago than in a war zone, and the orange one parroted it?

I don't disagree that we have to counter false news with facts to keep them at bay. In light of the sheer volume of fake news I've given up on that though and now limit myself to disdaining those who believe them.
I'm optimistic by nature. Plus, Trump's proposed regulation cuts and his overall business friendly environment. If we look at market reactions since he was elected there is a reason to be optimistic. At this point my personal priorities are growth in wages, 401k's, home equities etc. And I think Trump presidency will deliver on that. If he manages to fix the failed Obamacare and secure the borders (and work on the crime in Chicago, which Obama has abandoned), that will be bonus points.
Wait and see how many cut regulations will negatively impact workers rights, health and environment. But as long as you aren't personally immediately concerned, it seems as if you don't bother.
Common give him a rest, he has like 6 of us throwing questions at him and remains polite the entire time. Chicago's shootings are out of control and death counts in war zones don't change a thing about it being horrible.

That's pretty much why I never post or read the general forums here. Being outnumbered 1 to 10 to liberals, socialists, communists and whatnot, kinda beats the fun :lol: Sometimes you just carried away and reply to 10 different posters until you realize it's too much to have a good debate.
Ok I might have missed something... I've kept away from the day to day news the last couple of weeks (and the caf) in an effort to preserve my sanity. O'Reilly really claimed more people died in Chicago than in a war zone, and the orange one parroted it?

I don't disagree that we have to counter false news with facts to keep them at bay. In light of the sheer volume of fake news I've given up on that though and now limit myself to disdaining those who believe them.

Trump notoriously does not read much. He gets most of his information from TV. We basically have the old guy who yells watching Fox News the President now.

This cnut might just be the most pathetic man on the planet at the moment.

Unfortunately not just pathetic but dangerous. He doesn't even get who was shot by whom. How morally rotten must a person be to work for this piece of human excrements?
...In light of the sheer volume of fake news I've given up on that though and now limit myself to disdaining those who believe them.
Yea it's a mess... Made me even more cynical than I already am...

I like to get different view points, don't like the whole idea of sitting in an echo chamber. But Trump sympathizers seem to lack compelling arguments for the most part.
That's pretty much why I never post or read the general forums here. Being outnumbered 1 to 10 to liberals, socialists, communists and whatnot, kinda beats the fun :lol: Sometimes you just carried away and reply to 10 different posters until you realize it's too much to have a good debate.

Most of us don't consider ourselves as liberals, socialist or communists though. I'd hate to categorize myself in that way and couldn't possible say what the majority here would be (aside of them being United supporters)... It's just a lot of people disagreeing with you, so you choose to label them as a group of one of those... (To me the word liberal doesn't have any meaning at all anymore, they only exist in rightwing heads. Inside those rightwing heads liberals have gone from being socialists to being free trade loving corporates within 6 months or so).

It's not as if a lot of those blaming 'liberals' had much knowledge of liberalism. Hell, most of the time even those being labelled 'liberal' don't themselves. It's become a meaningless slur.

Which I, as a liberal, hugely regret.

FYI this is what liberalism is to me. Even if wiki succumbed to labeling it 'classical liberalism' these days.
Yea it's a mess... Made me even more cynical than I already am...

I like to get different view points, don't like the whole idea of sitting in an echo chamber. But Trump sympathizers seem to lack compelling arguments for the most part.

Yeah that's why I listened to Trumps campaign 'speeches' and attempted to understand him (and his adorers) as much as I possible could. But it only made even less sense after listening to him.
Typical snowflake, just put on ignore any opinion that is different from his own agenda :smirk:
Call it that if you want, he probably thinks there's no point in engaging.... Facts don't seem to work on you.
Calexit please. If Tennessee, Alabama and the other stupid States want to go back to the 18th century, they should not be allowed to take California with them.
I was wondering what happened to Brown's suggestion that California might become independent. It's far fetched but it would be terrific if California and some other states would build the United States of Modern America, leaving the racist morons with the Narcissist in Chief alone.
I was wondering what happened to Brown's suggestion that California might become independent. It's far fetched but it would be terrific if California and some other states would build the United States of Modern America, leaving the racist morons with the Narcissist in Chief alone.
Stuff like this is's like how Texas has been trying to leave forever and ever :lol:
I was wondering what happened to Brown's suggestion that California might become independent. It's far fetched but it would be terrific if California and some other states would build the United States of Modern America, leaving the racist morons with the Narcissist in Chief alone.

There are plenty of rednecks in CA, NY, MA.

As appealing as that idea seems to be, it'd just end up leaving a lot of innocent people in the shit. What about people of color in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi for instance who will then live under the most hateful, racist government presently possible without anyone standing up for them? And that's probably the least of our worries then.
There are plenty of rednecks in CA, NY, MA.

As appealing as that idea seems to be, it'd just end up leaving a lot of innocent people in the shit. What about people of color in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi for instance who will then live under the most hateful, racist government presently possible without anyone standing up for them? And that's probably the least of our worries then.

Not rednecks per say but, NY gave us Trump, Hannity and O'Reily.
On "constitutionalists"
Also properly prophetic about the Muslim ban.

Rahm Emanuel and the Chicago PD have also a slightly different side to what you're suggesting here.

The disappeared: Chicago police detain Americans at abuse-laden 'black site'
  • Exclusive: Secret interrogation facility reveals aspects of war on terror in US
  • ‘They disappeared us’: protester details 17-hour shackling without basic rights
  • Accounts describe police brutality, missing 15-year-old and one man’s death

A Digital Archive Documents Two Decades of Torture by Chicago Police
Amid continued accusations of police misconduct, the force must contend with a digital rehashing of a sordid chapter in its history.

Cover-Up in Chicago
THERE’S been a cover-up in Chicago. The city’s leaders have now brought charges against a police officer, Jason Van Dyke, for the first-degree murder of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald. But for more than a year, Chicago officials delayed the criminal process, and might well have postponed prosecution indefinitely, had it not been for a state court forcing their hand.

In Chicago, the story has been the rise in shootings and murders in the city’s working-class black neighborhoods. In 2016, there were 4,379 people shot in Chicago, and 797 people killed. The overwhelmingly majority of both were African-American.

The news media’s nonsensical explanations for the violence include retaliation. But that is only matched by the nonsense offered by elected officials, which includes the absence of role models and poor parenting. What is almost never offered as at least part of the answer is how Chicago has the highest black unemployment rate of the nation’s five largest cities at 25 percent, that nearly half of black men aged 20 to 24 are neither in school nor employed, that Chicago has the third-highest poverty rate of large cities in the US, and that it is the most segregated city in the country.
Btw, that last article is for anyone who entertains the laughable notion that the Left believes in identity or even race politics over class politics.
Good reporting there.

Yeah, her work on Russia has been exceptional and very well researched.

There are plenty of rednecks in CA, NY, MA.

As appealing as that idea seems to be, it'd just end up leaving a lot of innocent people in the shit. What about people of color in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi for instance who will then live under the most hateful, racist government presently possible without anyone standing up for them? And that's probably the least of our worries then.

It's really quite sad to be honest, just the same as the UK leaving the EU. It's a time where the world needs more stability and more togetherness, not going back to how things were decades or even centuries ago. It upsets me no end, yet then you see the rallies like the Woman's march or the Travel ban protests in the USA and the UK and I think that maybe there is a chance things will be ok again, because there are enough of us who want unity and togetherness over selfishness and greed.
There are plenty of rednecks in CA, NY, MA.

As appealing as that idea seems to be, it'd just end up leaving a lot of innocent people in the shit. What about people of color in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi for instance who will then live under the most hateful, racist government presently possible without anyone standing up for them? And that's probably the least of our worries then.
18th century America would welcome rednecks from USMA, no? Likewise, USMA would welcome people with similarly open minds and tolerance.

As stated in my first post, it's far fetched, it won't happen. I'm aware of that. OTOH, it may be the best solution. Why should tea party freaks, evangelicals and racists be allowed to suppress tolerant, modern Americans?
Yes it would be. Good for Sally Yates. I hope this makes a name for her.

I'm sure she shares that hope.

She was a temp, with nothing to lose. Except her integrity of course. The head of the US Department of Justice refuses to carry out a legal order of the US president. The American constitutional system is safe in the hands of officials like that.

Very Obamaesque. Wait until it can't hurt you, and then betray your office and your duty. Obama, having spent his presidency assuring Israel that he 'had their back', plants a knife in that back on his way out of the Oval Office. And this woman, ordered to implement a directive she doesn't agree with, instead of resigning on the matter of principle, chooses to stay in office and defy the constitutional authority of the President. I expect the Democratic party will reward her well.
I'm sure she shares that hope.

She was a temp, with nothing to lose. Except her integrity of course. The head of the US Department of Justice refuses to carry out a legal order of the US president. The American constitutional system is safe in the hands of officials like that.

Very Obamaesque. Wait until it can't hurt you, and then betray your office and your duty. Obama, having spent his presidency assuring Israel that he 'had their back', plants a knife in that back on his way out of the Oval Office. And this woman, ordered to implement a directive she doesn't agree with, instead of resigning on the matter of principle, chooses to stay in office and defy the constitutional authority of the President. I expect the Democratic party will reward her well.
This is why I love the internet/social media...

Jeff Sessions asking the now fired Deputy AG at her confirmation hearing, whether she would implement the will of the president even if it conflicted with the constitution and law.

It seems your boyfriends pick for AG doesn't take the same view as you.
Whatever they do to Yates can never match the GOP reception for this hero of the law Kim Davis

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