The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Silva nailed it

:lol: Yeah, I was only joking mate.

Message Sally Yates left for Justice Lawyers before she was fired.


(click on the page to see larger version, for some reason it didn't copy properly)
You have to admire his willingness to be humiliated in return for conservative outcomes, in a way.
Never forget Donald Trump insulted Ted Cruz's wife and father yet he is still kissing Trump's ring.
'Insulted his father' is putting it a bit lightly.

I mean, we've all called people names. We don't tend to baselessly accuse each other of assassinating a president.
What makes you optimistic?

I'm optimistic by nature. Plus, Trump's proposed regulation cuts and his overall business friendly environment. If we look at market reactions since he was elected there is a reason to be optimistic. At this point my personal priorities are growth in wages, 401k's, home equities etc. And I think Trump presidency will deliver on that. If he manages to fix the failed Obamacare and secure the borders (and work on the crime in Chicago, which Obama has abandoned), that will be bonus points.
I'm optimistic by nature. Plus, Trump's proposed regulation cuts and his overall business friendly environment. If we look at market reactions since he was elected there is a reason to be optimistic. At this point my personal priorities are growth in wages, 401k's, home equities etc. And I think Trump presidency will deliver on that. If he manages to fix the failed Obamacare and secure the borders (and work on the crime in Chicago, which Obama has abandoned), that will be bonus points.
Is there anything you'd swap for you 401K doing well? A red line so to speak?

What fixes do you expect in the affordable care act? Baring mind "something terrific" isn't an actual answer.

Obama didn't abandon Chicago. The president is your foreign affairs and military leader, law enforcement is done locally. The president doesn't run your cities, you know.
I'm optimistic by nature. Plus, Trump's proposed regulation cuts and his overall business friendly environment. If we look at market reactions since he was elected there is a reason to be optimistic. At this point my personal priorities are growth in wages, 401k's, home equities etc. And I think Trump presidency will deliver on that. If he manages to fix the failed Obamacare and secure the borders (and work on the crime in Chicago, which Obama has abandoned), that will be bonus points.

Still waiting on that trickle down?
Is there anything you'd swap for you 401K doing well? A red line so to speak?

What fixes do you expect in the affordable care act? Baring mind "something terrific" isn't an actual answer.

Obama didn't abandon Chicago. The president is your foreign affairs and military leader, law enforcement is done locally. The president doesn't run your cities, you know.

As someone who's looking to buy a bigger house in the near future, I want to gain as much equity as possible in my current house and my 401k, so that's why my main concern is the economy.

Regarding Obamacare, I won't go into details because honestly i'm no expert on the matter, but I've noticed two things since it was introduced - higher premium, higher deductible. Plus the penalty thing which is absurd.

Chicago is Obama's adopted hometown, and there were 4000 murders since he took office. 99% in African American neighborhoods on the south side. He could've done more, way more, considering it's his hometown, and the mayor is his old buddy Emanuel (the most useless mayor in history). If Trump brings in the feds or the national guard and puts some things in control it will be a massive success.
I'm optimistic by nature. Plus, Trump's proposed regulation cuts and his overall business friendly environment. If we look at market reactions since he was elected there is a reason to be optimistic. At this point my personal priorities are growth in wages, 401k's, home equities etc. And I think Trump presidency will deliver on that. If he manages to fix the failed Obamacare and secure the borders (and work on the crime in Chicago, which Obama has abandoned), that will be bonus points.
At face value I can agree with that. I can understand your reasoning... However if you dig a little deeper I don't understand how this administration can be seen as a 'overall business friendly environment'. What has it done or promised that is truly business friendly to the larger economy?
And how his 'regulation cuts' can possibly outweigh a trade war with Mexico (Or the country he turns his feeble attention to after Mexico, and then the one after that), I also can't grasp.

Neither how any of that can lead to a stable growth in wages, 401ks or home equity.
As someone who's looking to buy a bigger house in the near future, I want to gain as much equity as possible in my current house and my 401k, so that's why my main concern is the economy.

Regarding Obamacare, I won't go into details because honestly i'm no expert on the matter, but I've noticed two things since it was introduced - higher premium, higher deductible. Plus the penalty thing which is absurd.

Chicago is Obama's adopted hometown, and there were 4000 murders since he took office. 99% in African American neighborhoods on the south side. He could've done more, way more, considering it's his hometown, and the mayor is his old buddy Emanuel (the most useless mayor in history). If Trump brings in the feds or the national guard and puts some things in control it will be a massive success.

That is about the worst possible idea.
As someone who's looking to buy a bigger house in the near future, I want to gain as much equity as possible in my current house and my 401k, so that's why my main concern is the economy.

Regarding Obamacare, I won't go into details because honestly i'm no expert on the matter, but I've noticed two things since it was introduced - higher premium, higher deductible. Plus the penalty thing which is absurd.

Chicago is Obama's adopted hometown, and there were 4000 murders since he took office. 99% in African American neighborhoods on the south side. He could've done more, way more, considering it's his hometown, and the mayor is his old buddy Emanuel (the most useless mayor in history). If Trump brings in the feds or the national guard and puts some things in control it will be a massive success.
But what's your red line? Would you accept concentration camps if your 401K was doing well? War with Iran? Iraq part 3? Hostilities with China? War in general?

Premiums were going up beforehand - the affordable care act slowed down the rate of increase (see graph). The mandate, i.e the penalties, were so that more people would sign up for healthcare - this was done because insurance companies wanted something in return for insuring people with pre-existing conditions. Would you be okay with the mandate being removed if it meant that people with pre-existing conditions were no longer legally protected? Yes, Obamacare is shit. But do you know what's worse? What you had before. And what you will have in the near future.

What do you expect the FBI to do? Are they going to go into Chicago and gangbang? Also, what are you basing this off? Is this something you wanted before or something you started to care about recently? Do you want them to declare a state of emergency? Go in and start killing anyone who looks at an agent the wrong way?
Wow! Here's a poll from Fox News with some interesting results so far. 81% DO NOT agree with his refugee restrictions and Muslim ban or the handling of the situation. In fact, pretty much every single category is very surprising, especially considering it's a Fox News poll/questionnaire and not somewhere like MSNBC or CNN. Only one question has him coming out on top, and even that's only slightly. It asks if Trump is having a good first week and he gets 47% yes, 40% no and 13% saying a mixed bag, so even then, it's still not a great result.
But what's your red line? Would you accept concentration camps if your 401K was doing well? War with Iran? Iraq part 3? Hostilities with China? War in general?

No, of course not. I won't accept none of those things, especially a war. Trade war, if it benefits Americans, maybe. But why would you even think that something terrible like that has to happen for my 401k to do well? That's taking things to extreme.

Premiums were going up beforehand - the affordable care act slowed down the rate of increase (see graph). The mandate, i.e the penalties, were so that more people would sign up for healthcare - this was done because insurance companies wanted something in return for insuring people with pre-existing conditions. Would you be okay with the mandate being removed if it meant that people with pre-existing conditions were no longer legally protected? Yes, Obamacare is shit. But do you know what's worse? What you had before. And what you will have in the near future.

The pre-existing conditions is pretty much the only good thing about Obamacare. It is a failed plan, regardless of good intentions. It was blocked and tampered with so many times so it's just an overall shitshow. If a new administration can work out something better with full support from congress, we'll have a much better plan.

What do you expect the FBI to do? Are they going to go into Chicago and gangbang? Also, what are you basing this off? Is this something you wanted before or something you started to care about recently? Do you want them to declare a state of emergency? Go in and start killing anyone who looks at an agent the wrong way?

For starters, the offenders need to be thrown to federal prisons for long terms. Currently they don't even serve a third of their sentence in Illinois. The Chicago police department is a joke, suffering from racial tensions and corruption. You need someone like Giuliani, not Emanuel, who all that he cares about is harboring illegal immigrants. When you have more people killed in your city than in war zones in the middle east, you're doing something wrong. If local authorities can't control a situation like this it's fully legitimate to bring in the feds.
Chicago is Obama's adopted hometown, and there were 4000 murders since he took office. 99% in African American neighborhoods on the south side. He could've done more, way more, considering it's his hometown, and the mayor is his old buddy Emanuel (the most useless mayor in history). If Trump brings in the feds or the national guard and puts some things in control it will be a massive success.

This entire paragraph is mental. It starts with a basic political ignorance of what a President does, and ends with the off-hand suggestion of Martial Law.

If this is what even moderate Trump sympathisers are like, we're definitely all going to die.
This entire paragraph is mental. It starts with a basic political ignorance of what a President does, and ends with the off-hand suggestion of Martial Law.

If this is what even moderate Trump sympathisers are like, we're definitely all going to die.

Read my previous post. A president can involve the feds when the local authorities fail. And they failed badly.
No, of course not. I won't accept none of those things, especially a war. Trade war, if it benefits Americans, maybe. But why would you even think that something terrible like that has to happen for my 401k to do well? That's taking things to extreme.
I'm asking what you think the trade off is. Thing I like vs. Thing I dislike kind of thing. Do you know who Steve Bannon is? The guy Trump just put on the National Security Council? Does it worry that he says the things quoted in the below articles? Does your optimistic disposition not cower at any of this?

Destroying the state:

What prospects do you envisage for your 401K with a lenin fanboy having the presidents ear?

The pre-existing conditions is pretty much the only good thing about Obamacare. It is a failed plan, regardless of good intentions. It was blocked and tampered with so many times so it's just an overall shitshow. If a new administration can work out something better with full support from congress, we'll have a much better plan.
The affordable care act is the plan Mitt Romney wrote for his own state, it's the plan republicans wanted before Obama was elected. Did you know that? Are you aware that the republican party currently has nothing better? In fact, nothing at all would be a better a better summation. Don't take it from me, take it from elected republicans:

For starters, the offenders need to be thrown to federal prisons for long terms. Currently they don't even serve a third of their sentence in Illinois. The Chicago police department is a joke, suffering from racial tensions and corruption. You need someone like Giuliani, not Emanuel, who all that he cares about is harboring illegal immigrants. When you have more people killed in your city than in war zones in the middle east, you're doing something wrong. If local authorities can't control a situation like this it's fully legitimate to bring in the feds.
This is all over the place, you realise that right? Do you know how many people are dying in actual war zones? It's a lot more than in Chicago. You're losing the plot here.
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Can people just mention the simpleton in their posts and not quote're defeating my ignore button :(

I don't want to read his gibberish, but I don't want to leave the thread either.

Oh and has someone already pointed out, the feds are already in chicago...or that, there are cities actually worse than Chicago...or that, more than half the guns used during violent crimes in Chicago were from out of state.
This is all over the place, you realise that right? Do you know how many people are dying in actual war zones? It's a lot more than in Chicago. You're losing the plot here.
Common give him a rest, he has like 6 of us throwing questions at him and remains polite the entire time. Chicago's shootings are out of control and death counts in war zones don't change a thing about it being horrible.
I can't help but notice that all of our 'constitutionalists' on the Right after 8 years of accusing Obama of 'debasing the office' are now staying mum on the Cheeto Jesus breaking protocols by using his old Twitter account and family living in NY.

Of course, minor things in comparison to what he's actually doing.
Common give him a rest, he has like 6 of us throwing questions at him and remains polite the entire time. Chicago's shootings are out of control and death counts in war zones don't change a thing about it being horrible.
I'm not sure if you've ever been in a war zone, but gang violence is heaven by comparison. It's like comparing a youth correction facility to guantanamo bay. You can't leave that unchallenged. Unless you're just being sarcastic.
Common give him a rest, he has like 6 of us throwing questions at him and remains polite the entire time. Chicago's shootings are out of control and death counts in war zones don't change a thing about it being horrible.
They are attempting to help him, he needs it no point tiptoeing... As long as no-one slates him he can pick and choose what he wants to respond to, there's nobody forcing him...
I can't help but notice that all of our 'constitutionalists' on the Right after 8 years of accusing Obama of 'debasing the office' are now staying mum on the Cheeto Jesus breaking protocols by using his old Twitter account and family living in NY.

Of course, minor things in comparison to what he's actually doing.
Meh...everyone is a hypocrite. You know how it is - when it suits us, we'll use something and when it doesn't we'll dispense with it.
I can't help but notice that all of our 'constitutionalists' on the Right after 8 years of accusing Obama of 'debasing the office' are now staying mum on the Cheeto Jesus breaking protocols by using his old Twitter account and family living in NY.

Of course, minor things in comparison to what he's actually doing.
Is he actually living in NY? That's impractical surely.
I'm not sure if you've ever been in a war zone, but gang violence is heaven by comparison. It's like comparing a youth correction facility to guantamo bay.
No, luckily i've never been to a war zone.
I have seen youth correctional facilities that aren't a lot better then Gitmo though (Admittedly on TV :lol:).

I still think its a fair assessment to say that crime in Chicago is a disaster, and that Obama didn't attempt much to change that (Not that the republicans would have let him spend any money, or expand any executive powers, so it's a mute point anyway, but still true).
Meh...everyone is a hypocrite. You know how it is - when it suits us, we'll use something and when it doesn't we'll dispense with it.

I'm not sure that applies here because Obama chewing gums at a G8 meeting or bowing to Japan's PM sent them into hyperventilating.
No, luckily i've never been to a war zone.
I have seen youth correctional facilities that aren't a lot better then Gitmo though (Admittedly on TV :lol:).

I still think its a fair assessment to say that crime in Chicago is a disaster, and that Obama didn't attempt much to change that (Not that the republicans would have let him spend any money, or expand any executive powers, so it's a mute point anyway, but still true).

But, anyone saying they should fix it by sending the feds shows that have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.
Is anyone else getting tired of the wailing and protesting?
No. In fact, I'm a bit disappointed that there isn't more protest.

Yeah I d say so. About now would be perfect time for another massive terrorist attack

Trump/Bannon would send troops over to North Africa/middle east, further waves of refugees fleeing in to Europe, rise of the right, further targeting of Muslims in the US, more young Muslim men joining terrorist groups or cells and so on... The whole situation is quite fragile
That's exactly what's to be expected. But hey, Hillary is the one that's going to war, right?

Yes he has. It was all explained in a press conference few days before his inauguration. But you won't hear that and many other things on the heavily biased left media.
Trump only announced what he plans to do. Shit plan but a plan. Did he execute the plan? Can you provide me with a credible source that confirms he walked his talk?

In another real classic of the genre, Trumps voter fraud expert is registered to vote in three states.
No, luckily i've never been to a war zone.
I have seen youth correctional facilities that aren't a lot better then Gitmo though (Admittedly on TV :lol:).

I still think its a fair assessment to say that crime in Chicago is a disaster, and that Obama didn't attempt much to change that (Not that the republicans would have let him spend any money, or expand any executive powers, so it's a mute point anyway, but still true).

Chicago is a mess, but it's a lot more complicated than sending in the feds and winning...

Anyway, he basically bought the same info from O'rly on Fox. The same false info that led to Trumps tweet. This is what happens when nobody makes a concerted effort to debunk fake news....

If you see fake news that you can address but you choose not to, then don't complain about it in the future. Same for those that parrot whatever they read without even attempting to check it's authenticity.
This is why I love the internet/social media...

Jeff Sessions asking the now fired Deputy AG at her confirmation hearing, whether she would implement the will of the president even if it conflicted with the constitution and law.

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Probably a load of shit, but you never know. They say they have waited to ensure they have all their ducks in a row, so maybe it is a juicy story?

Is he actually living in NY? That's impractical surely.

Melania and Barron are until the end of this school year. Trump$ki said he will split his time between NYC and the WH and he's off to Florida this weekend for a break because obviously one week at work signing stuff has exhausted him. Personally I think he has shit loads of business contacts staying there and he wants to play golf with them all weekend and make loads of deals.
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