The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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As far as I know, you can impeach a President for pretty much anything ("High Crimes and Misdemeanors"), as long as you can sell it politically. Thus, "they haven't done it so he can't have done anything wrong" isn't a great argument.
Bit of topic, but can someone please explain how did Conway become 10 years older in a span of three days?
Yes he has. It was all explained in a press conference few days before his inauguration. But you won't hear that and many other things on the heavily biased left media.
Ah, yes, the press conference where he had a table with stacks of empty paper alongside him, and Russias best law firm talk for him. That'll go down as a real classic of the genre.
Serious question here, and I know the security and infrastructure repercussions are pretty severe, but given his apparent wealth, how likely is it that he's just lining the pockets of a lot of people with influence?
Very, lining his own pockets too no doubt...
As far as I know, you can impeach a President for pretty much anything ("High Crimes and Misdemeanors"), as long as you can sell it politically. Thus, "they haven't done it so he can't have done anything wrong" isn't a great argument.
The only rules for impeachments are either a majority of Congress or a majority of the executive branch. It's literally a "how much do they hate you" test.
Serious question here, and I know the security and infrastructure repercussions are pretty severe, but given his apparent wealth, how likely is it that he's just lining the pockets of a lot of people with influence?

Its more of a systemic effect. For example, by deregulating government checks and balances on private industry, reducing corporate tax rates, dismantling Wall Street regulation laws like Dodd Frank etc, he is helping a lot of wealthy elites not only keep their money (instead of paying higher taxes) and make yet more money. Trump's cabinet are collectively worth $11billion and that's not counting Carl Icahn who is worth 17billion alone.
Its more of a systemic effect. For example, by deregulating government checks and balances on private industry, reducing corporate tax rates, dismantling Wall Street regulation laws like Dodd Frank etc, he is helping a lot of wealthy elites not only keep their money (instead of paying higher taxes) and make yet more money. Trump's cabinet are collectively worth $11billion and that's not counting Carl Icahn who is worth 17billion alone.

Trumps White House Galacticos :drool:
Ok, @Olly or some other caftard.... Please please please create a 'things Trump supporters say' bingo card. Tried to find one on Google but surprisingly there aren't any.


I'm not a Trump supporter :lol:

And while someone's at it, don't forget the bingo card for 'things liberals say', just to balance the laughs.
Yup, and handing it over to his kids isn't a "blind trust" either. He's breaking so many laws but he has blatantly said that the laws don't apply to him as President, he thinks he's untouchable. The trouble is his supporters don't care and will turn a blind eye to it all or try to justify it all the time. Failing that they can always blame the "biased liberal media" or call it "fake news" just because they don't like or don't want to accept the truth.
Had a Trump voter use the "biased media" bit today when she tried to defend Trump's changes to the National Security Council briefings. Insinuated that because we can't trust the "biased media" that we don't know if the chairman of the Joint Chiefs and head of the CIA were plotting against Trump or something like that.
I'm not a Trump supporter :lol:

And while someone's at it, don't forget the bingo card for 'things liberals say', just to balance the laughs.
Doesn't matter, and yes I agree.... It would be laugh. See which one wins out... As you lot read off the same hymn sheet I'd put money on mine.

I'll see if I can make one tomorrow :lol:
The Orange Toddler has a nice ring to it.

Haha! Yes, I like that. Nice one, mate :)

Had a Trump voter use the "biased media" bit today when she tried to defend Trump's changes to the National Security Council briefings. Insinuated that because we can't trust the "biased media" that we don't know if the chairman of the Joint Chiefs and head of the CIA were plotting against Trump or something like that.

It's almost impossible to converse with them because they always revert back to those comments or use typical stereotypes, it's frustrating to say the least. That's why all you get in here is people doing the hit and run posting tactics because they know that most of what he is doing is indefensible or they are contradicting themselves, especially about his cabinet picks and "draining the swamp" It's impossible to defend really. What makes it worse it the constant lies and stupid mistakes like "alternative facts" or Trump the other day slamming Goldman Sachs, yet he has now employed six of them to join his administration. Put all that together and you can see why they just repeat the same "liberal media" and "fake news" shite, because really, they know they can't say much else.
It feels like the two-yearish span of Watergate is happening over the course of a few weeks.
It's almost impossible to converse with them because they always revert back to those comments or use typical stereotypes
So true. I hit her pretty hard on that. All she ended up having in her was "well if you don't like it why don't you leave?" To which I asked "if that's how you feel then why are you still here after 8 years of Obama?" She got all red faced.
Haha! Yes, I like that. Nice one, mate :)

It's almost impossible to converse with them because they always revert back to those comments or use typical stereotypes, it's frustrating to say the least. That's why all you get in here is people doing the hit and run posting tactics because they know that most of what he is doing is indefensible or they are contradicting themselves, especially about his cabinet picks and "draining the swamp" It's impossible to defend really. What makes it worse it the constant lies and stupid mistakes like "alternative facts" or Trump the other day slamming Goldman Sachs, yet he has now employed six of them to join his administration. Put all that together and you can see why they just repeat the same "liberal media" and "fake news" shite, because really, they know they can't say much else.
I have lost all respect for their side of the debate.
So true. I hit her pretty hard on that. All she ended up having in her was "well if you don't like it why don't you leave?" To which I asked "if that's how you feel then why are you still here after 8 years of Obama?" She got all red faced.

Haha! I bet she did, do you think getting her to admit that Obama was actually a good President is maybe a step too far?
Slightly concerned, but mostly optimistic borderline sympathizer, so to speak. There are probably ten other candidates who i'd prefer to hold office, but it is what it is.
Name you're top three, at this point of the trump administration this snowflake libtard would probably take them as well.
Haha! I bet she did, do you think getting her to admit that Obama was actually a good President is maybe a step too far?
There's good arguments to make that Obama wasn't all that great a president though. I can understand another person holding that view. I have literally no understanding how anybody can think that there is a chance that Trump will make "America great again".

And I listened to his speeches. Read his "Contract with the American people", tried to understand the admiration he attracts. I understood how some thought Bush might be a nice guy. Feck, listen to W long enough and you actually start to think that he might not be all that stupid. But this one... I'm beginning to blame antidepressants and the like (Affecting the reasoning of huge swaths of the population).
Name you're top three, at this point of the trump administration this snowflake libtard would probably take them as well.


Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan. I'd say Romney but he's been out of the game for awhile, so not sure about him. Hell, I'd even take Kasich now. And if it would've came down to this, I'd choose Cruz over Trump. So no, i'm not a Trump supporter.
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