The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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So we have no AG or acting AG?
Replaced with Dana Boente...who is another Obama appointee :lol:

No idea of the political persuasion. Be awesome if there was an "I'm Spartacus" episode.
Can you imagine if Trump's win had been at the start of the recession? We'd be foraging for berries right now.
Some people got too much time on their hands to do nothing but protest and riot. They should get a job or something.
I know plenty of people who have been protesting. They have jobs. Their despair at the 'most powerful person in the world' being a child-like simpleton, who enables misogyny, racism, homophobia and climate change denial, is sufficient to give them the energy to protest, even though it means they have even less time to unwind from their work.
Donald J. Trump
8 Minuten ·
Statement on the Appointment of Dana Boente as Acting Attorney General

The acting Attorney General, Sally Yates, has betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States. This order was approved as to form and legality by the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel.

Ms. Yates is an Obama Administration appointee who is weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.

It is time to get serious about protecting our country. Calling for tougher vetting for individuals travelling from seven dangerous places is not extreme. It is reasonable and necessary to protect our country.

Tonight, President Trump relieved Ms. Yates of her duties and subsequently named Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, to serve as Acting Attorney General until Senator Jeff Sessions is finally confirmed by the Senate, where he is being wrongly held up by Democrat senators for strictly political reasons.

“I am honored to serve President Trump in this role until Senator Sessions is confirmed. I will defend and enforce the laws of our country to ensure that our people and our nation are protected,” said Dana Boente, Acting Attorney General.

Trump Statement on Facebook...

The United States Attorney General (A.G.) is the head of the United States Department of Justice per 28 U.S.C. § 503, concerned with legal affairs, and is the chief law enforcement officer and chief lawyer of the United States government. The office is currently held by Dana Boente, who cowardly assumed the office after the acting Attorney General Sally Yates for courageously refusing to enforce or defend Executive Order issued to temporary restrict immigration into the United States. The attorney general serves as a member of the cabinet of the President of the United States and is the only cabinet officer who does not have the title of secretary.

That is what Wikipedia gives me right now for United States Attorney General. I guess that will soon be changed... :D
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Can he be impeached? Elected off the back of campaign promises that he is living up to, the balls in his court right?
Can he be impeached? Elected off the back of campaign promises that he is living up to, the balls in his court right?
He broke the emoluments clause* the second he assumed office. The balls in Congress' court.

*The president is not allowed to own any business or hold any stakes that can cause a conflict of interests, per the constitution.
Bloke works for Alex Jones. I doubt it's 'making the rounds' much beyond those who watch Alex Jones.

Yeah I regret clicking play on that one. Now the little screaming child has a view more... The fact that this sort of information is valued and believed by some drives me towards despair. Sun/Mail readers at least know that they're morons and that that is the reason they buy newspapers full of tits. People listening to this sh*t actually believe it and feel enlightened.
He broke the emoluments clause* the second he assumed office. The balls in Congress' court.

*The president is not allowed to own any business or hold any stakes that can cause a conflict of interests, per the constitution.

He has since turned over all of this to his kids though right?

I'm sure if this was their angle to impeach him then more would have been done about it already.
He has since turned over all of this to his kids though right?

I'm sure if this was their angle to impeach him then more would have been done about it already.
He hasn't filed the ethics disclosures politicians normally do when they place their businesses, stocks or money in a blind trust. And handing it over to the kids would not count as a blind trust either. Ivankas husband is one of his senior advisors for a start.
Yeah I regret clicking play on that one. Now the little screaming child has a view more... The fact that this sort of information is valued and believed by some drives me towards despair. Sun/Mail readers at least know that they're morons and that that is the reason they buy newspapers full of tits. People listening to this sh*t actually believe it and feel enlightened.
They do, indeed.

They are the 'awoken' we are the 'sheeple'.

Would be funny, if it wasn't that they actually won.
He has since turned over all of this to his kids though right?

I'm sure if this was their angle to impeach him then more would have been done about it already.

Yes he has. It was all explained in a press conference few days before his inauguration. But you won't hear that and many other things on the heavily biased left media.
Yes he has. It was all explained in a press conference few days before his inauguration. But you won't hear that and many other things on the heavily biased left media.
He did indeed explain that was going to happen. He, alas, forgot to actually do it.
Serious question here, and I know the security and infrastructure repercussions are pretty severe, but given his apparent wealth, how likely is it that he's just lining the pockets of a lot of people with influence?
Would be funny, if it wasn't that they actually won.

Truth always wins out in the end. Only question is whether any one remains to tell it :wenger:

They're only ruling the moment though. The world (and U.S especially) might be in for some tough times, but they will pass eventually.
He did indeed explain that was going to happen. He, alas, forgot to actually do it.

Yup, and handing it over to his kids isn't a "blind trust" either. He's breaking so many laws but he has blatantly said that the laws don't apply to him as President, he thinks he's untouchable. The trouble is his supporters don't care and will turn a blind eye to it all or try to justify it all the time. Failing that they can always blame the "biased liberal media" or call it "fake news" just because they don't like or don't want to accept the truth.
Yup, and handing it over to his kids isn't a "blind trust" either. He's breaking so many laws but he has blatantly said that the laws don't apply to him as President, he thinks he's untouchable. The trouble is his supporters don't care and will turn a blind eye to it all or try to justify it all the time. Failing that they can always blame the "biased liberal media" or call it "fake news" just because they don't like or don't want to accept the truth.

At the end of the day he will be judged and remembered for his actions, not for all the other shitshows on the side.
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