The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Those are terrible things and of course they are worse, but what adds to the anger is that this is a man who in the position to be able to contribute to fixing a lot of the problems like the ones you mentioned in your post, but instead he's just a walking disaster.
and you could say for many of the leaders of many of the world countries, who are doing worse things then trump
True, which is worrying with Trump but I do think the unprecedented disapproval ratings he's getting should be taken into account.
We all know what happens when leaders' popularity is very low: prepare for a (supposed) terrorist outrage, leading to a war. Bingo - popularity levels rise.
and you could say for many of the leaders of many of the world countries, who are doing worse things then trump

When you start comparing the leader of the United States, a free secular society supposed to be a shining example to other countries, to other leaders who's nations are nowhere near as developed both in mind and economics, then you know you are in trouble.
Anyway, for a change, I'm going to post good news:

Justice department lawyers instructed not to defend Trump migration order
Acting attorney general Sally Yates writes to lawyers, describing ‘solemn obligation to seek justice and stand for what is right’



Riot charges dropped against three more journalists at inauguration protests
  • Alexander Rubinstein, Jack Keller and Matthew Hopard see cases dismissed
  • Two others who say they were covering protests still face felony riot charges
When you start comparing the leader of the United States, a free secular society supposed to be a shining example to other countries, to other leaders who's nations are nowhere near as developed both in mind and economics, then you know you are in trouble.
so where saying its fine for leaders of countries to do horriffic things to people year after year and we won't protest, but we wont except it if its America?
becuase thinking we should should prioritise the really bad sh!t in the world that goes on day after day year after year, instead of the latest controversy of the day is so childish
So those people protesting should be doing what exactly to help out in Syria ie? I think protesting against an EO that says refugees are not allowed is good enough, what do you think?
I don't remember the Republican wailing getting so much coverage on the BBC?

Because most of it was taking place in the US as opposed to here. The Republicans bringing the country to gridlock was fairly well covered at the time.
Anyway, for a change, I'm going to post good news:

Justice department lawyers instructed not to defend Trump migration order
Acting attorney general Sally Yates writes to lawyers, describing ‘solemn obligation to seek justice and stand for what is right’



Riot charges dropped against three more journalists at inauguration protests
  • Alexander Rubinstein, Jack Keller and Matthew Hopard see cases dismissed
  • Two others who say they were covering protests still face felony riot charges
Guessing he can sack her and appoint a stooge, though?

Not meaning to dampen the legit good news!
Guessing he can sack her and appoint a stooge, though?

Not meaning to dampen the legit good news!

I'm assuming he's already putting pen to paper, and later finger to screen. But still, #theresistance and all.
While i hate trump and all he stands for i have to say their are worse things going on in the world then what trumps doing.

for instance today alone their was 38,000 child marriages..... their are 300,000 thousands children soliders fighting round the world, half a million people in britian are surviving becuase of food banks, the human race is breeding it self into a state of famine and suffocating the planet we live on........

when you put things in perspective while what trump saying some people from some countries can't go into one country is beyond minnor......and isn't even in the top 100 worse things happening in the world today....the human rights violations happening on a daily bases in the 7 countries banned should be bigger news then this.

to be clear im NOT agreeing with what trumps doing and think he's a piece S**t f**king C**t i just think thier are more disgusting things to be outraged against then this!
They should indeed, but if issues don't trend on FB then people don't know or care about them. (Going off some of the people I know anyway - if it's not in their FB messages it doesn't exist).
I think we really are right on the edge of disaster right now, and we can't even see it. All it will take is something unexpected - a suitably deadly and spectacular terrorist attack on US soil for instance.

Imagine if Trump Tower became rubble tomorrow. It's game over.
Yeah I d say so. About now would be perfect time for another massive terrorist attack

Trump/Bannon would send troops over to North Africa/middle east, further waves of refugees fleeing in to Europe, rise of the right, further targeting of Muslims in the US, more young Muslim men joining terrorist groups or cells and so on... The whole situation is quite fragile
so where saying its fine for leaders of countries to do horriffic things to people year after year and we won't protest, but we wont except it if its America?

No, of course not. America like it or not is one of the best positioned countries in the world in terms of economy, lifestyle among many other things. Simply what I'm saying is the leader of that country is in such a powerful position, he can use it for good instead of what Trump is doing. Other countries don't have that luxury, Trump does, and he's wasting it.
Yeah I d say so. About now would be perfect time for another massive terrorist attack

Trump/Bannon would send troops over to North Africa/middle east, further waves of refugees fleeing in to Europe, rise of the right, further targeting of Muslims in the US, more young Muslim men joining terrorist groups or cells and so on... The whole situation is quite fragile
Well I really hope not because that will play right into his hands won't it. It will justify everything he's said about terrorists and their danger to the USA.
The Dems really need to get their act together fast. It's only really Bernie at the minute who is acting as a real leader and role model

From what I have seen the Dems are fecked, fractured almost beyond repair and still over analysing everything and still destroying themselves further through infighting. I honestly have never seen anything like it. My social media feeds are full of like minded people who have the same ideologies and want the same things for their country but refusing to speak to each other unless they are blaming each other for the destruction of their party. These aren't Republicans and Democrats, these are Bernie and Hillary supporters. Bernie supporters accused of being traitors and destroying the Dems and Hillary supporters accused of being the wrong candidate and costing the Dems the election and ruining the party. It really is pathetic.

This divide between the two groups from the same party is part of the reason Trump won in the first place, but they apparently haven't learned a thing from it and are still both blaming each other for the loss and for the death of their party. I have some very clever and articulate friends on both sides of this fence and they flat out refuse to talk or reason with each other yet both are now fighting against the same thing (Trump and the Republicans) Bernie is still going but is accused of spitting the party and betraying Hillary by her supporters, and Hillary supporters are in a state of bereavement trying to get over the loss of their chosen one, and they firmly blame that loss on Bernie supporters. Until the party recovers from this, and starts to repair these fractures, and until a lot of the Dem supporters grow the feck up, I can't see the Dems providing any sort of challenge at the moment, and all the while the biggest danger to the USA since the cold war, is running amok in Washington and doing as he pleases while his party sits back and lets him do what the feck he wants knowing they have full control of both Houses and soon to have control over the Supreme Court as well.

I wish I could just bash their collective heads together as they both want the same things, are both reading from the same proverbial hymn sheet and both have the same ideals and the same end goals too. One thing's for sure, and until some sort of repair job is done and until they all start working together again the Republicans aren't going to be worried in the slightest. Obviously this doesn't apply to all Dem supporters, but it certainly seems to be a large percentage of them.
Another interesting story emerging is the possibility that Princes Charles and Trump will clash over their diverging views on climate change. Apparently Charles is determined to raise the issue when he visits, but Trump's team have warned that he will 'erupt' if it happens.:lol:

There's also the fact that Trump encouraged people taking nude pictures of Kate Middleton a few years back, and on a radio talk show said he could have 'nailed' Diana.
Well I really hope not because that will play right into his hands won't it. It will justify everything he's said about terrorists and their danger to the USA.

Not sure it does to be honest.

According to his plan, America should be safe at the moment, a terrorist attack now will just prove this ban as being absolutely useless, and show him up for the inept presid... person he is.
There's also the fact that Trump encouraged people taking nude pictures of Kate Middleton a few years back, and on a radio talk show said he could have 'nailed' Diana.
Pfft, he'd be lucky to nail Charles.
So those people protesting should be doing what exactly to help out in Syria ie? I think protesting against an EO that says refugees are not allowed is good enough, what do you think?
no i don't, cos in a few weeks when the outrage passes the fact that the US no longer accepts Reffugees will still like today not be even close to been the biggest problem in the syrian crisis..... America was never going to take in 13.5 million people that need aid.....

The situation is the equivalent of complaining your neighbour wont recycle when a some one i dumping nuclear waste in the feid outside your town
Liberals never get bored of whining. Why should the rest of America get bored of winning?

Wow! Was that your attempt at a pun Will? Or even humour? Don't worry dude, you do more than enough whining for the entire forum. I presume you must be needing a bottle before bed, or maybe just your nappy changed? Bless. x
Well I really hope not because that will play right into his hands won't it. It will justify everything he's said about terrorists and their danger to the USA.
Well that's the idea. And it works for ISIS too.
Another interesting story emerging is the possibility that Princes Charles and Trump will clash over their diverging views on climate change. Apparently Charles is determined to raise the issue when he visits, but Trump's team have warned that he will 'erupt' if it happens.:lol:

There's also the fact that Trump encouraged people taking nude pictures of Kate Middleton a few years back, and on a radio talk show said he could have 'nailed' Diana.
Queen should get devious, tell Trump "you remind me of my Uncle", which he's CERTAIN to repeat to press as a brag without realising he was a Nazi sympathiser.
becuase thinking we should should prioritise the really bad sh!t in the world that goes on day after day year after year, instead of the latest controversy of the day is so childish
Well, it would be a bit naive to not see a reason to be motivated when one of history's great superpowers gets taken over by a despot.
No, of course not. America like it or not is one of the best positioned countries in the world in terms of economy, lifestyle among many other things. Simply what I'm saying is the leader of that country is in such a powerful position, he can use it for good instead of what Trump is doing. Other countries don't have that luxury, Trump does, and he's wasting it.
but that argument is akin to been more angry that well educated rich man stops giving money to charity and makes racist comments, then you would with a group of poorer men raping, killing and stealing off 1000's of people.

What trump is doing, while disgusting, is not even in the league of what some leaders round the world are doing, ..... maybe we should expect more from the US president, but if where gonna get angry thier are far worse things to get angry about then stopping reffugees coming into a country
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Another interesting story emerging is the possibility that Princes Charles and Trump will clash over their diverging views on climate change. Apparently Charles is determined to raise the issue when he visits, but Trump's team have warned that he will 'erupt' if it happens.:lol:

There's also the fact that Trump encouraged people taking nude pictures of Kate Middleton a few years back, and on a radio talk show said he could have 'nailed' Diana.
Charles won"t bother about that at all, he"ll still mention it so that should be fun.
but that argument is akin to been more angry that well educated rich man stops giving money to charity and makes racist comments, then you would with a group of poorer men raping, killing and stealing off 1000's of people.

What trump is doing, while disgusting, is not even in the league of what some leaders round the world are doing, ..... maybe we should expect more from the US president, but if where gonna get angry thier are far worse things to get angry about then stopping reffugees coming into a country

This what you call Whataboutism.
They should indeed, but if issues don't trend on FB then people don't know or care about them. (Going off some of the people I know anyway - if it's not in their FB messages it doesn't exist).
Your right and right now this is the only issue on social media so this what people care about..... in a few weeks it will be something else
From what I have seen the Dems are fecked, fractured almost beyond repair and still over analysing everything and still destroying themselves further through infighting. I honestly have never seen anything like it. My social media feeds are full of like minded people who have the same ideologies and want the same things for their country but refusing to speak to each other unless they are blaming each other for the destruction of their party. These aren't Republicans and Democrats, these are Bernie and Hillary supporters. Bernie supporters accused of being traitors and destroying the Dems and Hillary supporters accused of being the wrong candidate and costing the Dems the election and ruining the party. It really is pathetic.

This divide between the two groups from the same party is part of the reason Trump won in the first place, but they apparently haven't learned a thing from it and are still both blaming each other for the loss and for the death of their party. I have some very clever and articulate friends on both sides of this fence and they flat out refuse to talk or reason with each other yet both are now fighting against the same thing (Trump and the Republicans) Bernie is still going but is accused of spitting the party and betraying Hillary by her supporters, and Hillary supporters are in a state of bereavement trying to get over the loss of their chosen one, and they firmly blame that loss on Bernie supporters. Until the party recovers from this, and starts to repair these fractures, and until a lot of the Dem supporters grow the feck up, I can't see the Dems providing any sort of challenge at the moment, and all the while the biggest danger to the USA since the cold war, is running amok in Washington and doing as he pleases while his party sits back and lets him do what the feck he wants knowing they have full control of both Houses and soon to have control over the Supreme Court as well.

I wish I could just bash their collective heads together as they both want the same things, are both reading from the same proverbial hymn sheet and both have the same ideals and the same end goals too. One thing's for sure, and until some sort of repair job is done and until they all start working together again the Republicans aren't going to be worried in the slightest. Obviously this doesn't apply to all Dem supporters, but it certainly seems to be a large percentage of them.

Because if we had a proper political system they would be representing different parties. But, since we have a two party and religious zealots, white supremacists and disaster capitalists have taken over the other party they are all stuck under the same umbrella.
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