The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Went with this for my sign in the end.

While i hate trump and all he stands for i have to say their are worse things going on in the world then what trumps doing.

for instance today alone their was 38,000 child marriages..... their are 300,000 thousands children soliders fighting round the world, half a million people in britian are surviving becuase of food banks, the human race is breeding it self into a state of famine and suffocating the planet we live on........

when you put things in perspective while what trump saying some people from some countries can't go into one country is beyond minnor......and isn't even in the top 100 worse things happening in the world today....the human rights violations happening on a daily bases in the 7 countries banned should be bigger news then this.

to be clear im NOT agreeing with what trumps doing and think he's a piece S**t f**king C**t i just think thier are more disgusting things to be outraged against then this!
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So got a lot to catch up on and by the time I got slogans to her they had already composed their own, though none of them can match 'Make America Immigrate Again' (Immigreat could work too).

She went with friends that represent Momentum and went at it from that angle but did a Facebook Live video that proved quite popular and the Echo was knocking about and featured a few of their signs. Anyway, she had fun, not sure what she achieved yet, beyond publicity for her group.

So, they ban Muslim citizens from certain countries from traveling to the States because of a safety threat they allegedly pose, yet they're against stricter gun ownership laws. Not sure I quite understand the logic there...
So, they ban Muslim citizens from certain countries from traveling to the States because of a safety threat they allegedly pose, yet they're against stricter gun ownership laws. Not sure I quite understand the logic there...

There's literally zero logic. When little children get shot to pieces and congress refuse to pass a legislation making it harder for people with mental health issues to buy weapons, you know logic is the last thing being used.
There's literally zero logic. When little children get shot to pieces and congress refuse to pass a legislation making it harder for people with mental health issues to buy weapons, you know logic is the last thing being used.

They could even do with passing a law to make it harder for people with mental health issues to become president.
So, they ban Muslim citizens from certain countries from traveling to the States because of a safety threat they allegedly pose, yet they're against stricter gun ownership laws. Not sure I quite understand the logic there...

They could even do with passing a law to make it harder for people with mental health issues to become president.

I was going to laugh but it's actually so true. There should be a basic aptitude test which should include a psychological assessment, IQ Test and a test on national and world politics and history.

Being able to pass these things should be the absolute minimum in being allowed to run.
Has it gone too far already?

He's consolidating his power already.

You'd hope before it went that far, the military would down tools and refuse to back him. I guess you'd also imagine that congress would step in before a coup so I don't think there's the same risk of it reaching those levels of facist regime.

I think he could do most damage if he just keeps moving along as he is now, causing serious damage without it being enough for the Republicans in congress to take any action.

I have no faith in the military downing tools. Not unless he instructs them to invade Holland, or nuke Hawaii, or something similarly mental. Part of the reason fascism endures is that it often has the ideological support of the military/police etc. Being inherently authoritarian and all.

Congress and the more conscientious Republicans are the ones most likely to stop him. Which is pretty scary itself, as they've been so power starved they've happily bent over all the way to the toes for him thus far. But we're two years away from the Dems having even a chance to claw back some control, so aside form a benign alien invasion, its probably the best we can hope for.

That said, I may not be nearly as optimistic as Hoo-Rar @Raoul, but I'll at least give him that the American system is specifically set up to prevent a single President running rough shod over it. The term limit alone is technically a better constitutional safeguard than an old German lady and a bunch of unelected men in silly wigs, in fairness. But it's not infallible by any means. It still needs all branches to do their jobs to a fault. And currently it needs them to do it in the likely face of alt-news demonisation, and probable accusations of traitorism. Unsurprisingly, one of the biggest fascist warning signs imaginable.

Sorry, pre-fascist. Fascist in waiting. Really really scaring right wing authoritarian thing that we can't call fascist yet.
I was going to laugh but it's actually so true. There should be a basic aptitude test which should include a psychological assessment, IQ Test and a test on national and world politics and history.

Being able to pass these things should be the absolute minimum in being allowed to run.

I'd argue anyone running should have had some political experience already, either as a governor or senator. It's absurd someone with literally no experience in a field can ascend to the most powerful position within that field with no prior background in it.
I have no faith in the military downing tools. Not unless he instructs them to invade Holland, or nuke Hawaii, or something similarly mental. Part of the reason fascism endures is that it often has the ideological support of the military/police etc. Being inherently authoritarian and all.

Congress and the more conscientious Republicans are the ones most likely to stop him. Which is pretty scary itself, as they've been so power starved they've been happy to bend over all the way to the toes for him thus far. But we're two years away from the Dems having even a chance to claw back some control, so aside form a benign alien invasion, its the best we can hope for.

That said, I may not be nearly as optimistic as Hoo-Rar @Raoul, but I'll at least give him that the American system is specifically set up to prevent a single President running rough shod over it. The term limit alone is a better constitutional safeguard than an old lady and a bunch of unelected men in silly wigs, in fairness. But it's not infallible by any means. It still needs all branches to do their jobs to a fault. And currently it needs them to do it in the likely face of alt-news demonisation, and accusations of traitorism in opposition. Unsurprisingly, one of the biggest fascist warning signs imaginable.

Personally I feel like the protests we're seeing so far and the gatherings/solidarity that were shown among many at the weekend is a positive indicator. If people are doing that sort of stuff now, quite literally a week into his tenure, then if they really, really start to feel the effect of some of his damaging policies you'd hope we'll see some major strikes to the point where the Republicans have to oust him or risk seeing the country into some sort of disarray.

Part of the advantage any opponent has in the US is the countries size, too. It's a very divided nation and there are swathes of the country (due to the state system) where Trump and his lot don't have all that much power.
While i hate trump and all he stands for i have to say their are worse things going on in the world then what trumps doing.

for instance today alone their was 38,000 child marriages..... their are 300,000 thousands children soliders fighting round the world, half a million people in britian are surviving becuase of food banks, the human race is breeding it self into a state of famine and suffocating the planet we live on........

when you put things in perspective while what trump saying some people from some countries can't go into one country is beyond minnor......and isn't even in the top 100 worse things happening in the world today....the human rights violations happening on a daily bases in the 7 countries banned should be bigger news then this.

to be clear im NOT agreeing with what trumps doing and think he's a piece S**t f**king C**t i just think thier are more disgusting things to be outraged against then this!

I too used to think like this when I was 12.
Can congress legislate that any Presidential candidate, even an incumbent, has to disclose tax returns for a specified period of time? I'm hoping he won't still be in position at that point but you have to prepare for the worst.
I have no faith in the military downing tools. Not unless he instructs them to invade Holland, or nuke Hawaii, or something similarly mental. Part of the reason fascism endures is that it often has the ideological support of the military/police etc. Being inherently authoritarian and all.

Congress and the more conscientious Republicans are the ones most likely to stop him. Which is pretty scary itself, as they've been so power starved they've been happy to bend over all the way to the toes for him thus far. But we're two years away from the Dems having even a chance to claw back some control, so aside form a benign alien invasion, its the best we can hope for.

That said, I may not be nearly as optimistic as Hoo-Rar @Raoul, but I'll at least give him that the American system is specifically set up to prevent a single President running rough shod over it. The term limit alone is a better constitutional safeguard than an old lady and a bunch of unelected men in silly wigs, in fairness. But it's not infallible by any means. It still needs all branches to do their jobs to a fault. And currently it needs them to do it in the likely face of alt-news demonisation, and accusations of traitorism in opposition. Unsurprisingly, one of the biggest fascist warning signs imaginable.

The Dems really need to get their act together fast. It's only really Bernie at the minute who is acting as a real leader and role model. With so many people galvanised into action, it's a real opportuinty to steal the house and congress back from the GOP if they can just convince people that voting for their local Democrat is the only realistic way to build a resistance to Trump and his Oligarchies.

If the GOP Senators are seen to be spineless and incapable of controlling Trump, you'd hope all these people who care enough to protest will also care enough to vote and convince others to vote.

I have a feeling that if in 18 months it appears that this will happen and their positions are st threat, they'll suddenly find a backbone and find a way to oust him.
One of Trump's team was on Radio 4 earlier saying the list was drawn up by the Obama administration as presently posing a threat. I have no idea how accurate that is.
" The Obamas already urinated in that hotel suit before Olga and Svetlana ".
Let me guess, they then think he went on to become a successful football manager in the north-west of England.
He escaped to Uraguay and spawned a buck toothed racist that craves man flesh.
I have no faith in the military downing tools. Not unless he instructs them to invade Holland, or nuke Hawaii, or something similarly mental. Part of the reason fascism endures is that it often has the ideological support of the military/police etc. Being inherently authoritarian and all.

Congress and the more conscientious Republicans are the ones most likely to stop him. Which is pretty scary itself, as they've been so power starved they've happily bent over all the way to the toes for him thus far. But we're two years away from the Dems having even a chance to claw back some control, so aside form a benign alien invasion, its probably the best we can hope for.

That said, I may not be nearly as optimistic as Hoo-Rar @Raoul, but I'll at least give him that the American system is specifically set up to prevent a single President running rough shod over it. The term limit alone is technically a better constitutional safeguard than an old German lady and a bunch of unelected men in silly wigs, in fairness. But it's not infallible by any means. It still needs all branches to do their jobs to a fault. And currently it needs them to do it in the likely face of alt-news demonisation, and probable accusations of traitorism. Unsurprisingly, one of the biggest fascist warning signs imaginable.

Sorry, pre-fascist. Fascist in waiting. Really really scaring right wing authoritarian thing that we can't call fascist yet.
Don't give them any ideas. Not that the Dutch need to worry; I don't think most of his cabinet could find the country on a map. We'd probably end up invading Denmark.
While i hate trump and all he stands for i have to say their are worse things going on in the world then what trumps doing.

for instance today alone their was 38,000 child marriages..... their are 300,000 thousands children soliders fighting round the world, half a million people in britian are surviving becuase of food banks, the human race is breeding it self into a state of famine and suffocating the planet we live on........

when you put things in perspective while what trump saying some people from some countries can't go into one country is beyond minnor......and isn't even in the top 100 worse things happening in the world today....the human rights violations happening on a daily bases in the 7 countries banned should be bigger news then this.

to be clear im NOT agreeing with what trumps doing and think he's a piece S**t f**king C**t i just think thier are more disgusting things to be outraged against then this!

Those are terrible things and of course they are worse, but what adds to the anger is that this is a man who in the position to be able to contribute to fixing a lot of the problems like the ones you mentioned in your post, but instead he's just a walking disaster.
Part of the advantage any opponent has in the US is the countries size, too. It's a very divided nation and there are swathes of the country (due to the state system) where Trump and his lot don't have all that much power.

I was at the Whitehall protest earlier today, and at one point there was a chorus of "the people, united, will never be defeated"...which, whilst nicely socialist and all, did seem like an ironically misguided anthem in the circumstances. We're hugely divided. Both in the US and here. That's how we've got to this point. And that's what's going to make getting back to anywhere sensible even harder, because you can't simply pivot from the far right to the far left (or vice versa) without being necessarily authoritarian in the process. If your ideology is diametrically opposed to the wishes of half the population, then enforcing it becomes a reasonable option. And that doesn't just apply to right wing fascism, it's how Marxism became Leninism became Stalinism, too. This is what abstaining anti-Hillary types like @Eboue and rabid Corbynites ignore. You have to pivot from the centre. You have to normalise progression before you can push for further progress. Burning everything down in the hope of inspiring a better future opposition has never worked. Ever. And even if it did, it would only lead to a reversed, but identically divided country anyway.

But we did burn it down. We were living in a time when an American President was advocating National Healthcare and Gun reform, and a Tory Prime Minister had legalised Gay Marriage, but we burned it fecking down. To dust. And we're now in the crazy situation where the centre is demonised by both the left and the right, likely dooming us to a war of attrition for decades, until we eventually reset to it anyway. Having wasted years of potential progress in the meantime. Yay us.
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Is anyone else getting tired of the wailing and protesting?
No. The Right is very fond of telling us to 'listen to the people', so now they can do so 'til their ears bleed.
I think we really are right on the edge of disaster right now, and we can't even see it. All it will take is something unexpected - a suitably deadly and spectacular terrorist attack on US soil for instance.

Imagine if Trump Tower became rubble tomorrow. It's game over.
The City of Liverpool makes an ardent request of the President:

I was at the Whitehall protest earlier today, and at one point there was a chorus of "the people, united, will never be defeated"...which, whilst nicely socialist and all, did seem like an ironically misguided anthem in the circumstances. We're hugely divided. Both in the US and here. That's how we've got to this point. And that's what's going to make getting back to anywhere sensible even harder, because you can't simply pivot from the far right to the far left (or vice versa) without being necessarily authoritarian in the process. If your ideology is diametrically opposed to the wishes of half the population, then enforcing it becomes a reasonable option. And that doesn't just apply to right wing fascism, it's how Marxism became Leninism became Stalinism, too. This is what abstaining anti-Hillary types like @Eboue and rabid Corbynites ignore. You have to pivot from the centre. You have to normalise progression before you can push for further progress. Burning everything down in the hope of inspiring a better future opposition has never worked. Ever. And even if it did, it would only lead to a reversed, but identically divided country anyway.

We're now in the crazy situation where the centre is demonised by both the left and the right, likely dooming us to a war of attrition for decades, until we eventually reset to it anyway. Having wasted years of potential progress in the meantime.

True, which is worrying with Trump but I do think the unprecedented disapproval ratings he's getting should be taken into account. Unlike some authoritarian leaders he's not coming in when a countries been at its lowest, or when the country have been universally crying out for someone like him. He's largely in because of a flawed electoral system and a misguided Republican loyalty in areas of certain states.

If he's this unpopular eight days in, his tenure will be unsustainable pretty soon if he continues on his current path. And I don't think the US will be quite ready to spill blood against their own, protesting/striking citizens. Not yet. And if they do, I think he'll be condemning himself very quickly.
Is anyone else getting tired of the wailing and protesting?

Eight years of Republican wailing has just come to an end. No reason why the other side aren't entitled to do the same.
I have no faith in the military downing tools. Not unless he instructs them to invade Holland, or nuke Hawaii, or something similarly mental. Part of the reason fascism endures is that it often has the ideological support of the military/police etc. Being inherently authoritarian and all.

Congress and the more conscientious Republicans are the ones most likely to stop him. Which is pretty scary itself, as they've been so power starved they've happily bent over all the way to the toes for him thus far. But we're two years away from the Dems having even a chance to claw back some control, so aside form a benign alien invasion, its probably the best we can hope for.

That said, I may not be nearly as optimistic as Hoo-Rar @Raoul, but I'll at least give him that the American system is specifically set up to prevent a single President running rough shod over it. The term limit alone is technically a better constitutional safeguard than an old German lady and a bunch of unelected men in silly wigs, in fairness. But it's not infallible by any means. It still needs all branches to do their jobs to a fault. And currently it needs them to do it in the likely face of alt-news demonisation, and probable accusations of traitorism. Unsurprisingly, one of the biggest fascist warning signs imaginable.

Sorry, pre-fascist. Fascist in waiting. Really really scaring right wing authoritarian thing that we can't call fascist yet.

In response to both your posts:
absolutely right!
The only reason the Wehrmacht generals, drawn from the Weimar aristocracy, drevolted in 1943-44 was because Hitler was an incompetent megalomaniac as field commander, not because of some principled opposition to his policies. Hell, despite the revisionism, the Wehrmacht itself (not just the SS) was heavily involved in rounding up Jews, commisars, and revenge butchery against partisan villages, especially in the USSR.

About the issue of semantics: the left is so fecking masturbatory that the general secretary of India's biggest Communist party wrote a full-page opinion piece explaining that Modi isn't fascist, merely authoritarian, and hence, following unimpeachable Marxist dogma, his party would not take part in a broad anti-Modi alliance.
Not that his party has any influence outside 2-3 states, but just the fact that he spent 1000 words explaining his definitions of authoritarian and fascist...
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