The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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That's a reasonable criticism of the label, of course. But I'm not sure why you want to convince me of that, since I tried to make clear that an actual repeat of the 1920s/30s is out of the question. That last sentence quoted above I have written almost word for word myself. So I'm certainly aware that these labels have to be used with strong reservations. It's also completely okay to discard the term 'fascism' for its explanatory limits, that's just a matter of agreement.

The phenotypical/institutional differences are fairly obvious and if you read my post again, I have written myself that a simple equation of the current authoritarian and xenophobic mobilisation in the US with European fascism from ~90 years ago doesn't work. But my point is that this is no automatic argument against the possibility that certain elements that were part of historical fascism may re-emerge in a different, more contemporary form. No matter what label is attached to the whole thing afterwards.

But reading your answer to @Kentonio's post I'm not sure we'd get far with an open-ended and necessarily speculative discussion on that.

I gave you a fairly constructive and far more detailed answer on why he isn't a fascist. It is true so; if you think Kentonio's reply was sensible, any discussion would be futile. He has no idea about historic facts, doesn't understand the underlying ideology and tries to make a connection between cutting taxes+regulation and Nazi-Germany. Thats simply crazy. Even 5 minutes on wikipedia should be sufficient to understand that. Now I start to understand why so many people throw around this label all the time. There are a lot of fascists out there, when deregulation, cutting taxes or a market economy is an indicator for such an ideology.
The point is that you think it's fair to be subject to a penalty if you use the roads and don't get insurance.

Yes I think it's fair. Because there are other people on the road too. And if you cause damage you must carry a policy that will be held accountable and will compensate for the potential damage you may cause.

But how is that relevant for health insurance?
Feck it, I prefer the alternative facts that the Republicans and oil companies keep telling us about, you know the one where the oceans and rivers aren't full of plastic and the fish are sustainable at the rate they are being caught, and the temperatures around the globe haven't been going up year after year and where the seas aren't rising either and where the ice caps aren't melting either. It's ok because it's not like we are all going to die if it goes wrong.

Tbf they may wipe us out via nuclear armageddon before then so there's that.
Trump is running the country as he runs his companies. Why did anyone think it wouldn't be like this?
And he's being given that chance by the ones that matter, Congress. It is held by Republicans and among Democrats there's thus far no rank-and-file blanket opposition on everything he pursues. People however are free to protest against what they perceive to be unjust, cruel and downright regressive from his administration.

Again, I agree with you. The right to a peaceful protest is a core value in our democracy. Violent protests, however, and trying to cause harm is what I have problem with.
The legimitacy of using the label "fascist" is surely not about whether it currently meets the criteria of other specific, well established historical regimes (real life isn't as conveniently neat as that, in any case) but rather whether the first 10 days of his rule, combined with his campaign rhetoric and barmy personality, point towards a recognisably dangerous trend, if left unchecked...Which clearly it does.

It's about flagging up the warning signs with the aim of curtailing them, before it reaches a point where we can merely go "Huh. Well we can't do anything about it now, but at least we've finally got the semantics right"...

If anything I agree that the label's been used far too liberally - by liberals - up to now. Years of lazily directing it at the likes if Bush and Blair have robbed it of its potency when it really matters.
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I gave you a fairly constructive and far more detailed answer on why he isn't a fascist. It is true so; if you think Kentonio's reply was sensible, any discussion would be futile. He has no idea about historic facts, doesn't understand the underlying ideology and tries to make a connection between cutting taxes+regulation and Nazi-Germany. Thats simply crazy. Even 5 minutes on wikipedia should be sufficient to understand that. Now I start to understand why so many people throw around this label all the time. There are a lot of fascists out there, when deregulation, cutting taxes or a market economy is an indicator for such an ideology.

It was a brief answer pointing out that the list of things you described as the 'opposite' of things fascist states would do, were in fact things fascist states did actually do. Making your attempt to appear an expert on the subject fairly humerous.

It seems your 5 minutes on wiki could have been better spent.
One of Trump's team was on Radio 4 earlier saying the list was drawn up by the Obama administration as presently posing a threat. I have no idea how accurate that is.
Isn't it more a case of "maybe avoid going to these places on vacation", the Obama thing?
The legimitacy of using the label "fascist" is surely not about whether it currently meets the criteria of other specific, well established historical regimes (real life isn't as conveniently neat as that, in any case) but rather whether the first 10 days of his rule, combined with his campaign rhetoric and barmy personality, point towards a recognisably dangerous trend, if left unchecked...Which clearly it does.

It's about flagging up the warning signs with the aim of curtailing them, before it reaches a point where we can merely go "Huh. Well we can't do anything about it now, but at least we've finally got the semantics right"...

If anything I agree that the label's been used far too liberally - by liberals - up to now. Years of lazily directing it at the likes if Bush and Blair have robbed it of its potency when it really matters.
Yeah, saw a comment recently that pointed out the term "Never again" doesn't mean wait for Hitler reincarnate to have stripped people of citizenship and property before you get antsy. It means look for the warning signs and be vigilant.
Yeah, saw a comment recently that pointed out the term "Never again" doesn't mean wait for Hitler reincarnate to have stripped people of citizenship and property before you get antsy. It means look for the warning signs and be vigilant.
You can't be too careful - RAWK has a thread claiming that Hitler escaped.
I have trouble believing this.
It would be a deliberate provocation, as @berbatrick mentioned. I'm not sure they'll want that kind of fight on their hands just yet, but after the first ten days it's hard to rule anything out.
You can't be too careful - RAWK has a thread claiming that Hitler escaped.
Let me guess, they then think he went on to become a successful football manager in the north-west of England.
Yeah, saw a comment recently that pointed out the term "Never again" doesn't mean wait for Hitler reincarnate to have stripped people of citizenship and property before you get antsy. It means look for the warning signs and be vigilant.

Which is why most of these widely shared posts and memes are specifically about the "warning signs" ...The most famously recognisable thing about fascism, after all, is that you can't really do anything about it after the fact. Apart from, you know, have a big war.
Isn't it more a case of "maybe avoid going to these places on vacation", the Obama thing?

Obama went out of his way to remove sanctions on Iran, they wouldn't be anywhere on that list.

How far back is it supposed to refer to ? American soldiers were killed in Somalia in 1993.

Which is why most of these widely shared posts and memes are specifically about the "warning signs" ...The most famously recognisable thing about fascism, after all, is that you can't really do anything about it after the fact. Apart from, you know, have a big war.

Has it gone too far already?

He's consolidating his power already.

You'd hope before it went that far, the military would down tools and refuse to back him. I guess you'd also imagine that congress would step in before a coup so I don't think there's the same risk of it reaching those levels of facist regime.

I think he could do most damage if he just keeps moving along as he is now, causing serious damage without it being enough for the Republicans in congress to take any action.
The list talks about numbers killed so I suppose strictly speaking Abdul Razak from Somalia, who was responsible for the Ohio State University attack, doesn't count. But it seems deliberately (?) misleading to me.

I am not arguing for the merits of the list as I think the ban list will be counter productive and embolden the worst people on both sides (might have already happened in Canada) but it is right to put forward Trump's reasoning.
Hi. What is the significance of this?

Trump came in for a lot of criticism after removing director of national intelligence and the chairman of Joint Chiefs from attending all the meetings at the security council.

This move will have someone senior in a intelligence organisation (In this case the CIA head) attend as was the case before they made the change 2 days ago.
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I am not arguing for the merits of the list as I think the ban list will be counter productive and embolden the worst people on both sides (might have already happened in Canada) but it is right to put forward Trump's reasoning.
Fake or manipulated news can come from anywhere. I remember the "fact" that no Jews were killed in the twin towers. I agued with people about that after checking the names of the dead on the internet. Vigilance is needed, Orwell was right.
Trump came in for a lot of criticism after removing director of national intelligence and the chairman of Joint Chiefs from attending all the meetings at the security council.

This move will have someone senior in a intelligence organisation (In this case the CIA head) attend as was the case before they made the change 2 days ago.

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