The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Couldn't care less about May's status. Miliband's opposition crippled any intervention that could have saved lives. I don't think that's irrelevant at all.

It's completely irrelevant when we're actively discussing Theresa May.

Additionally, what do you think of Trump appointing Steve Bannon to the national security council, a confessed Leninist who is acknowledged as saying that his goal is to work towards the destruction of the state?
I wouldn't be so quick to write him off. After my threesome with Melania and Ivanka Trump, both verified this info. Reliable source!

You asked him one "impossible" question for a Trump supporter, and surprise surprise, not only did he agree with Trump, he has actually worked for the UNFCCC and knows loads of scientists who don't agree with man-made climate change.

Sure mate :lol:
I wonder if aligning herself with Trump is going to be May's version of Cameron's Brexit referendum decision. When he's inevitably disgraced (as if he hasn't already been), impeached and hopefully imprisoned, there is going to be a 200 mile long queue to throw shit at May and ask her why she didn't have the backbone to stand up to him.
It could conceivably be a bit of a wedge issue to sway public opinion around Brexit. It's looking crazier by the day that we're having to abandon Europe and suck up to the US just as Trump gets power, and the speed at which they offered a state visit was sickening.
Why would Trump give a feck about protests in Britain? He doesn't pay attention to the protesters in America itself and they have the power to vote him in or out of the White House.
He pays attention to anything with his name on it. The problem is the people around him don't give a feck about the protests but he definitely does, he is like the snooty cnut from every high school movie where everything should show him in a positive light.
Trust you on a vague notion of a conspiracy? What?

As bad as it sounds on face value, look at everything going on at the minute.

Look at everything he's said previous to actually becoming President.

Look at how every time someone manages to find something about him that would derail anyone else, he gets off with a free pass. He STILL hasn't published his tax returns despite a) it being illegal for a President to withhold that information and b) it being fully proven that the 'audit' that he claims is stopping him is bullshit and he's perfectly able to disclose the facts.

Look at how whenever anyone directly questions him with proven facts that he's wrong about something, they only get as far as to say it to him and nothing further gets done. Someone did an interview with him the other day mentioning the Pew report proving him wrong and that's as far as he got, Trump just shouted him down and that was that.

Look at the people he's appointed to positions of power like Bannon and how he's consistently breaking norms to get them into things that they shouldn't be in (the NSC with Bannon) or having his sons in place too.

I don't know how, beyond there being forces at play behind the scenes to ensure he's in power throughout all the shitstorms that he creates, that things that would ordinarily be massively damaging to anyone else just bounce off him like they're nothing at all.

Like I said, short of nuking his own people (and even then I'd wonder if he could get away with it), nothing he can do over the next four years at minimum will result in an impeachment or anything else. He's only going to get more powerful and I can't shake the feeling that he's being allowed to do so.
And the reverse is equally true.

No it isn't. It's perfectly reasonable to believe the vast scientific consensus. Scientists come from different countries/backgrounds. They don't all work in one, illuminati-laden group. You're yet to explain how the decrease in arctic sea ice and increase in global temperatures on average is completely nothing to do with man-made climate change, though.
Also looking like Price lied to Congress

Couldn't care less about May's status. Miliband's opposition crippled any intervention that could have saved lives. I don't think that's irrelevant at all.

Miliband's a coward and history will remember his opposition to air strikes.
You asked him one "impossible" question for a Trump supporter, and surprise surprise, not only did he agree with Trump, he has actually worked for the UNFCCC and knows loads of scientists who don't agree with man-made climate change.

Sure mate :lol:
I thought it very convenient also, he most likely has an immigrant friend who believes it's right that he should be banned from traveling to the US based on his religion and place of birth.

Look no offense but if you don't like it and want to make it better that's great. But if you don't like it here and keep saying bullcrap like feck the US and hope we get banned/sanctioned Nazi this and Nazi that and whatnot, then yes, you're right. No one forces you to be here.

Edit: my post did not include your quoted post, so apologize if it looks out of context. @GiddyUp
Couldn't care less about May's status. Miliband's opposition crippled any intervention that could have saved lives. I don't think that's irrelevant at all.

What is it with you lot and your "yeah but one of your lot did this" arguments.

If that's true about Milliband then I fully condemn it and hope people learn from it.
I've got a made-up Scouse mate with a PDF in Climber Chains Studies.
What is it with you lot and your "yeah but one of your lot did this" arguments.

If that's true about Milliband then I fully condemn it and hope people learn from it.

It's because he probably doesn't have any defence for his own side. Instead we see strawman arguments.
It could conceivably be a bit of a wedge issue to sway public opinion around Brexit. It's looking crazier by the day that we're having to abandon Europe and suck up to the US just as Trump gets power, and the speed at which they offered a state visit was sickening.

Not to mention he's already made clear to the American people that they will only do trade deals that benefit themselves.

Sounds like a great partner.
No it isn't. It's perfectly reasonable to believe the vast scientific consensus. Scientists come from different countries/backgrounds. They don't all work in one, illuminati-laden group. You're yet to explain how the decrease in arctic sea ice and increase in global temperatures on average is completely nothing to do with man-made climate change, though.

The critique I've read from scientists hasn't been concerned with the mechanism, they acknowledge that human caused climate change is non-zero, rather the trust we put in the predictive models. I.e. the scope and implications.
You'e talking about Trump.Of course it hurts.
You are wrong, he did pay attention to the ones in the USA as he tweeted about them, not in the best terms either. It's also known he was pissed at the size of the protests and the fact it was widely reported to be bigger than the attendance at his inauguration. Do not underestimate the petty, thin skinned, narcissistic moron. It's widely reported he spends hours every day reading any articles about himself or watches anything on the news about him and gets angry at anything negative. White House insiders have already said his mood is bad because of constant negative coverage. You are talking about a man who organised acceptance rallies AFTER he was elected just because he enjoyed people cheering for him. I honestly believe it's all getting to him as he just wants to be adored and cant understand why people don't love him.

This and something else. It's a sign to all muslims in the country (and elsewhere) that they are not alienated because of of their religion. Im not pretending that it'll impress IS sympathizers or supporters, but it's a bit of narrative against IS propaganda that all Western Christians hate muslims.
Miliband's a coward and history will remember his opposition to air strikes.

I would hope history would remember that Milliband's opposition was to bombing Assad's troops in order to aid 'moderate' rebels who definitely aren't Al-Qaida affiliated on the basis of an attack that even Cameron said he wasn't sure wasn't a false flag.

But sure, bombing places because you don't have a better plan is definitely a good idea. I dread to think how much more fecked up Syria would be had Cameron won that vote.
Look no offense but if you don't like it and want to make it better that's great. But if you don't like it here and keep saying bullcrap like feck the US and hope we get banned/sanctioned Nazi this and Nazi that and whatnot, then yes, you're right. No one forces you to be here.

Edit: my post did not include your quoted post, so apologize if it looks out of context. @GiddyUp

To be fair the one who wants the US to fail the most is on his administration. Bannon's confessed in the past his aim is the destruction of the state.
This and something else. It's a sign to all muslims in the country (and elsewhere) that they are not alienated because of of their religion. Im not pretending that it'll impress IS sympathizers or supporters, but it's a bit of narrative against IS propaganda that all Western Christians hate muslims.

Most definitely, I agree completely. Damn right too!
Yeah its funny how he was blocked and refused co-operation at every turn, even Clinton had help from the right. Yeah you are right its NOTHING to do with his skin colour or muslim sounding name.

Why are you trying to make everything a race issue? Typical liberal tactic, play the race card on every issue when there's nothing more logical to say.
Why are you trying to make everything a race issue? Typical liberal tactic, play the race card on every issue when there's nothing more logical to say.
Yeah, typical liberal tactic, saying race might have had something to do with the treatment of the President who was called a foreigner by the current President for many years.
Well come on @Fearless you've already derailed this thread with your shite-ness, let's see this thesis.

To be fair to him my own mother can't get to grips with man-made climate change. Trying to explain the CO2 parts per million in the ice-cores just leads to a bewildered face.

I reckon his thesis will be the same as hers, "Well aint there always been ice ages and stuff even before we started burning things".
Couldn't care less about May's status. Miliband's opposition crippled any intervention that could have saved lives. I don't think that's irrelevant at all.

Big thing to assume intervention would have saved lives. I bet you think Libya has been a sparkling success
To be fair the one who wants the US to fail the most is on his administration. Bannon's confessed in the past his aim is the destruction of the state.

Ok a disclaimer here - Bannon shouldn't be anywhere close to the White House. Neither do a few more of his picks.
To be fair to him my own mother can't get to grips with man-made climate change. Trying to explain the co2 parts per million in the ice-cores just leads to a bewildered face.

I reckon his thesis will be the same as hers, "Well aint there always been ice ages and stuff even before we started burning things".
I think your giving Fearless far to much credit

And totally destroy your delusion? Now that would be fun.

But no cheers Fearless, glad your looking out for me.
Yeah, typical liberal tactic, saying race might have had something to do with the treatment of the President who was called a foreigner by the current President for many years.

Yes and the wall is being built to keep a whole race out. Let's just agree to disagree.
Ok a disclaimer here - Bannon shouldn't be anywhere close to the White House. Neither do a few more of his picks.

But he is, and from the look of it his agenda is being implemented, so why is it a surprise people want him and his puppet (read: president) to fail?
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