The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Jacob Rees Mogg is currently on 4 News and I'm incredibly close to smashing my TV to pieces.

The perfect example of a Tory who's good at making himself sound clever, but actually contains little substance and is a bit of an idiot when you pay attention to what he's saying. Perfect example:

"The Queen is always happy because it's her constitutional duty to be happy.":lol:
Look, stop being dramatic and read a history book. I’ll come across as a prick during this post and I appologize beforehand.

Yes you make a good point, I've only studied it for the last 25 years, so I should definitely go and 'read a history book'. Thank you for your wisdom.
@langster Also protests in Glasgow, around George Square I believe. Didn't pass by today and was back down from the city fairly early, but quite a big crowd apparently.

Yeah, huge one in Glasgow apparently mate, the pictures look amazing. Leeds also looks like one of the biggest from the pics on TV and on Twitter. I think about 30 towns and cities around the UK in total. I would think more people in total than Trump had at his inauguration, again. Which I hope people will throw at him at every given opportunity.

He has to be watching pictures of all this as we know he has to see or read anything concerning him. It has to be pissing him off too which is amazing. :lol:
WH Press Sec calls Quebec City attack "a reminder of why the president is taking steps to be proactive not reactive" on national security.

At first I was like...wait, the shooter is a white guy who likes - Trump, Marie La Pen, and the IDF. But, then I got it...if you prevent muslims from coming over, you won't need, no mosques to get shot up! Makes sense when you stop and think about it for a minute.
@langster Bigger than I thought, Buchanan Street as well as George Square by the looks of things.
Brilliant. I personally worked for the UNFCC and could write an entire thesis on how full of self-serving shit it is.

Elaborate on how the scientific consensus of 97% of the community is incorrect, and how man-made climate change can be denied in the context of the rapid melting of polar ice caps, increasing global average temperatures, and environmental damage such as smog etc which has been in many cities, and shows that the action of fossil fuels is quite clearly harmful for the environment in some capacity.
Is that a serous post? If so, why did you even bother to immigrate to the US if you feel that way towards the US? Genuine question.[/QUOTE
What?? It's not like I immigrated her last month. You start you're question with the typical "if you don't like it get out", asshat.
I wonder if aligning herself with Trump is going to be May's version of Cameron's Brexit referendum decision. When he's inevitably disgraced (as if he hasn't already been), impeached and hopefully imprisoned, there is going to be a 200 mile long queue to throw shit at May and ask her why she didn't have the backbone to stand up to him.
It'll change nothing apart from fuel Trump even more. Why don't people understand the equation?

It won't change much, I was just surprised at that many protesting here. But surely you recognise the democratic right of people to protest? And lastly, Trump shouldn't need to be 'fueled'. They are aren't military enemies; they're a bunch of protesters.
I wonder if aligning herself with Trump is going to be May's version of Cameron's Brexit referendum decision. When he's inevitably disgraced (as if he hasn't already been), impeached and hopefully imprisoned, there is going to be a 200 mile long queue to throw shit at May and ask her why she didn't have the backbone to stand up to him.

Can already see Boris distancing himself from the Trump policy. She isn't going to be losing any elections anytime soon but if he gets really, really bad the party will want to oust her, I'd imagine. Expect a comeback from Osborne at some point too, imo.
Elaborate on how the scientific consensus of 97% of the community is incorrect, and how man-made climate change can be denied in the context of the rapid melting of polar ice caps, increasing global average temperatures, and environmental damage such as smog etc which has been in many cities, and shows that the action of fossil fuels is quite clearly harmful for the environment in some capacity.

Not here. Don't want to derail this thread. Suffice to say that a good few scientists I worked with felt extremely under pressure to sex-up plenty of stats.
I wonder if aligning herself with Trump is going to be May's version of Cameron's Brexit referendum decision. When he's inevitably disgraced (as if he hasn't already been), impeached and hopefully imprisoned, there is going to be a 200 mile long queue to throw shit at May and ask her why she didn't have the backbone to stand up to him.

I don't think she needs any more help to show she has no backbone. She's as weak a leader as we've ever had and that includes Cameron who I didn't think could be topped.

One thing is absolutely for sure though, short of nuking his own country because they've insulted his tiny hands, there's nothing that Trump will do over the next four years (at least) that'll get him impeached or imprisoned. Trust me, things are just bouncing off him like they don't matter, there's something at play here behind the scenes.
I'm sure native American ancestors immigrated over the bering strait land bridge, in fact Trump should build a wall on the aleutian islands.
While they did, the time frame is far back in comparison to Trump, his cronies and supporters who pretend they/their ancestors have been in God's great country since Adam and Eve.
I wonder if aligning herself with Trump is going to be May's version of Cameron's Brexit referendum decision. When he's inevitably disgraced (as if he hasn't already been), impeached and hopefully imprisoned, there is going to be a 200 mile long queue to throw shit at May and ask her why she didn't have the backbone to stand up to him.

You could ask the same of Milliband whose (in)actions signed the death warrant of thousands in Syria....but hey, he's a lefty so gets a free pass.
Not here. Don't want to derail this thread. Suffice to say that a good few scientists I worked with felt extremely under pressure to sex-up plenty of stats.

I'd say it's perfectly relevant to the thread considering the action of President Trump may have a massive, massive impact.

But if you don't wish to discuss that, then what do you think of Trump's contradictory stance in wishing to run a small government, low-tax administration, while still interfering socially in the affairs of people when it comes to things like abortion, and wishing to bring back coal jobs instead of leaving it to the market, as a truly conservative, small government politician should do? Additionally, why would a small government, protectionist President aim to expand the military?
I don't think she needs any more help to show she has no backbone. She's as weak a leader as we've ever had and that includes Cameron who I didn't think could be topped.

One thing is absolutely for sure though, short of nuking his own country because they've insulted his tiny hands, there's nothing that Trump will do over the next four years (at least) that'll get him impeached or imprisoned. Trust me, things are just bouncing off him like they don't matter, there's something at play here behind the scenes.

Trust you on a vague notion of a conspiracy? What?
Why would Trump give a feck about protests in Britain? He doesn't pay attention to the protesters in America itself and they have the power to vote him in or out of the White House.
You could ask the same of Milliband whose (in)actions signed the death warrant of thousands in Syria....but hey, he's a lefty so gets a free pass.

There's been plenty of retrospective criticism of those who did not take action in Syria. Miliband is largely irrelevant now considering he was never more than an opposition leader. May is the most powerful figure in British politics, her actions are obviously going to receive more attention.
Not here. Don't want to derail this thread. Suffice to say that a good few scientists I worked with felt extremely under pressure to sex-up plenty of stats.

Well it's certainly worthy of discussion somewhere. Despite your claims (that may very well be true because that culture is present pretty much everywhere) of scientists 'sexing up' statistics, it's still not a denial that man made climate change is a real thing.

Climate change deniers really out to be jettisoned off the planet they're ruining.

I don't get what they've got to lose to be honest. If they're right, then we're screwed anyway but if they're wrong then at least we can try to change things, even if it's in vain. Just doesn't make any sense to deny it aside from if you have vested interests in oil companies or something else that contributes to ruining the planet.
There's been plenty of retrospective criticism of those who did not take action in Syria. Miliband is largely irrelevant now considering he was never more than an opposition leader. May is the most powerful figure in British politics, her actions are obviously going to receive more attention.

Couldn't care less about May's status. Miliband's opposition crippled any intervention that could have saved lives. I don't think that's irrelevant at all.
Why would Trump give a feck about protests in Britain? He doesn't pay attention to the protesters in America itself and they have the power to vote him in or out of the White House.

You are wrong, he did pay attention to the ones in the USA as he tweeted about them, not in the best terms either. It's also known he was pissed at the size of the protests and the fact it was widely reported to be bigger than the attendance at his inauguration. Do not underestimate the petty, thin skinned, narcissistic moron. It's widely reported he spends hours every day reading any articles about himself or watches anything on the news about him and gets angry at anything negative. White House insiders have already said his mood is bad because of constant negative coverage. You are talking about a man who organised acceptance rallies AFTER he was elected just because he enjoyed people cheering for him. I honestly believe it's all getting to him as he just wants to be adored and cant understand why people don't love him.
Well it's certainly worthy of discussion somewhere. Despite your claims (that may very well be true because that culture is present pretty much everywhere) of scientists 'sexing up' statistics, it's still not a denial that man made climate change is a real thing.

Climate change deniers really out to be jettisoned off the planet they're ruining.

I don't get what they've got to lose to be honest. If they're right, then we're screwed anyway but if they're wrong then at least we can try to change things, even if it's in vain. Just doesn't make any sense to deny it aside from if you have vested interests in oil companies or something else that contributes to ruining the planet.

It's always funny how climate change deniers also tend to be people who find themselves politically aligned with movements who just happen to benefit from the denial of climate change.
Why would Trump give a feck about protests in Britain? He doesn't pay attention to the protesters in America itself and they have the power to vote him in or out of the White House.
You'e talking about Trump.Of course it hurts.
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