The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Just got home from work and Mum/Sisters/Cousins are going protesting in Liverpool tonight. Putting to one side whether you agree with it or not, they are doing their signs now and need clever slogans! Ideas on a postcard. Or PM if mods prefer.
Not clever, but what I'd paint if I go on a Trump protest:
Humanity against Trump.
Make America immigrate again.
Dump Trump!
Just got home from work and Mum/Sisters/Cousins are going protesting in Liverpool tonight. Putting to one side whether you agree with it or not, they are doing their signs now and need clever slogans! Ideas on a postcard. Or PM if mods prefer.

listen are the most vile cumstain I've ever encountered on this planet. You monopoloise every attempted conversation you come across with some half arsed one liner that would'nt qualify for the Joe Longthorne show and then present yourself like you are the King of comedy on American prime time. You epitimise most of what I detest about the world...opinions formed at the drop of a hat....petty jokes at the expense of others with no thought for their feelings and most of all the self absorbing egotistical self correction of spelling that really points out to every other poster that the highlight of your day is a wank to "big tit weekly". You dont have the friends here you perceive yourself to have and have the intellect of a gnat and the culmanation of this sceario will be your demise in a slow and agonising manner.

Be warned.

I mean it may be a bit long...and the spelling bit doesn't quite work, but the rest is pretty valid.
Look, stop being dramatic and read a history book. I’ll come across as a prick during this post and I appologize beforehand.

The DVSTB alone had almost 200k members in the 20s. Extreme nationalism, chauvinism, racism, militarism and other parts of the Nazi ideology (e.g. anti-Semitism) weren’t some fringe ideology, but very much part of the mainstream. The SA had 400k members in 1933. It would take too long to explain you the rise of Hitler, but your comparison are simply nonsense.
Materialistic success in a fascist state is a means to an end (=> (military) power), but not an end in itself. Trump’s core promise was to help the economy to pick up, so people earn more money again (=>so they can buy a car or what not). Completely different things.
The level of income tax is absolutely meaningless, when you the whole economy is centrally controlled. Google “Wehrwirtschaft” and you might learn a thing to two. This comment shows a level of ignorance that is genuinely baffling. You seem to know absolutely nothing about this time.

I think it is safe to say that his economic theories were as incoherent as his strategy in Russia

Hitler's views on economics, beyond his early belief that the economy was of secondary importance, are a matter of debate. On the one hand, he proclaimed in one of his speeches that "we are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system",[16] but he was clear to point out that his interpretation of socialism "has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism," saying that "Marxism is anti-property; true Socialism is not."[17] At a later time, Hitler said: "Socialism! That is an unfortunate word altogether... What does socialism really mean? If people have something to eat and their pleasures, then they have their socialism."[15] The term that Hitler later wished he had used for his political party name was “social revolutionary.”[18] In private, Hitler also said that "I absolutely insist on protecting private property... we must encourage private initiative".[19] On yet another occasion he qualified that statement by saying that the government should have the power to regulate the use of private property for the good of the nation.[20] Shortly after coming to power, Hitler told a confidant: "There is no license any more, no private sphere where the individual belongs to himself. That is socialism, not such trivial matters as the possibility of privately owning the means of production. Such things mean nothing if I subject people to a kind of discipline they can't escape...What need have we to socialize banks and factories? We socialize human beings".[21] He clearly believed that the lack of a precise economic programme was one of the Nazi Party's strengths, saying: "The basic feature of our economic theory is that we have no theory at all."[22] While not espousing a specific economic philosophy, Hitler employed anti-semitic themes to attack economic systems in other countries, associating ethnic Jews with both communism ("Jewish Bolsheviks") and capitalism, both of which he opposed.[23][24] Hitler also believed that individuals within a nation battled with each other for survival, and that such ruthless competition was good for the health of the nation, because it promoted "superior individuals" to higher positions in society.[25] At Berchtesgaden in July 1944, Hitler gave his final speech in front of an audience. Drafted by Albert Speer, he emphasised the "self-responsibility of industry". After the war was won "private initiative of German business will experience its greatest moment". Hitler also expressed his belief in "the further development of humanity through the promotion of private initiative, in which alone I see the precondition for all real progress."[26]

Given that the Nazi party started as street thugs, it's not much of a surprise they were both anti-wealth and pro-"private initiative" at the same time. And of course their authoritariannature +likelihood of war meant that they took control of any industry that might be essential during a war.
Little hands do Devil's work

Coming to America?
Think again.

No room at the Inn.
Vacancies in Trump Tower (No Muslims)

Lady Liberty: "Give me your tired.."
Trump: "Keep 'em"
This is the typical argument of a Trump supporter when they can't think of anything else to say.

I'm not a Trump supporter. Would take a Ryan/Romney/Rubio/ in a heartbeat. But that doesn't make my point invalid. If you're hoping for your president to fail (if you're American he's your president whether you like it or not) it's like hoping for your captain to sink the ship that you're on.
I'm not a Trump supporter. Would take a Ryan/Romney/Rubio/ in a heartbeat. But that doesn't make my point invalid. If you're hoping for your president to fail (if you're American he's your president whether you like it or not) it's like hoping for your captain to sink the ship that you're on.
Trump is damaging the US. That's why I can fully understand every American who wants him to fail damaging America.
I'm not a Trump supporter. Would take a Ryan/Romney/Rubio/ in a heartbeat. But that doesn't make my point invalid. If you're hoping for your president to fail (if you're American he's your president whether you like it or not) it's like hoping for your captain to sink the ship that you're on.

When "success" is what many would define failure (Obamacare repeal, climate change denial, Muslim ban), then is it any surprise people want him to fail?

His failure is our success.
Nah we wont we will still call out bullshit artists on here. How did that respect work out for the black president then? How did that go?

Two wrongs don't make a right. I may have not agreed with many of Obama's actions, but I still respected him and wanted him to do well. There are plenty of knuckle-heads on both sides, so don't throw that 'black president' bulshit at me, as if being conservative equals to being racist if that's what you mean.
I'm not a Trump supporter. Would take a Ryan/Romney/Rubio/ in a heartbeat. But that doesn't make my point invalid. If you're hoping for your president to fail (if you're American he's your president whether you like it or not) it's like hoping for your captain to sink the ship that you're on.

Where were you the last 8 years though?
Like he gives a shit. He'll think of the big picture...the tens of thousands of illegal homes he'll put up in the upcoming years. The embassy moving to Jerusalem.

He'll be more worried with his own future. He's been questioned 3 separate times in a criminal investigation.
If there's any truth to the stories that some border guards made people sign forms that surrendered their green cards, then good lord.

I think it's good to know how deep and far his supporters are. I'm sure they control the army, police, and seemingly airports.
I'm not a Trump supporter. Would take a Ryan/Romney/Rubio/ in a heartbeat. But that doesn't make my point invalid. If you're hoping for your president to fail (if you're American he's your president whether you like it or not) it's like hoping for your captain to sink the ship that you're on.

Depends what you class as success and failure, though. Some Americans would regard, say, a Republican administration that results in growth and economically prosperous as being successfully, but such a regime could also be incredibly damaging socially and, say, environmentally at the same time.

Photo I also took yesterday .... its a popular theme!

I think it's good to know how deep and far his supporters are. I'm sure they control the army, police, and seemingly airports.
TBF - Customer and Border Protection have ALWAYS been a bit heavy handed and this isn't the 1st time they've done stuff like this (Getting bewildered and confused ppl to do something against their best interests)

And with the present climate - I am NOT surprised we're hearing of such things.
Two wrongs don't make a right. I may have not agreed with many of Obama's actions, but I still respected him and wanted him to do well. There are plenty of knuckle-heads on both sides, so don't throw that 'black president' bulshit at me, as if being conservative equals to being racist if that's what you mean.

Yeah its funny how he was blocked and refused co-operation at every turn, even Clinton had help from the right. Yeah you are right its NOTHING to do with his skin colour or muslim sounding name.
I'm not a Trump supporter. Would take a Ryan/Romney/Rubio/ in a heartbeat. But that doesn't make my point invalid. If you're hoping for your president to fail (if you're American he's your president whether you like it or not) it's like hoping for your captain to sink the ship that you're on.

What an awful analogy.

No mate, if you're hoping for this president to fail, it's like hoping for mutiny against a captain who is leading you straight into an iceberg.
So far the UK petition against Trump's visit has received 1.5 MILLION signatures. To put that in context, the one last year that was up for 6 months only received 588,000. So almost three times as much in less than 48 hours. That's insane.

Also, in over 30 towns and cities around the UK tonight, huge crowds are gathering to protest Trump and his travel ban. Yeah, people will say it doesn't achieve anything, but it's sending a message, it's showing many of us to keep believing and to have hope after a shitty year. It's showing the Syrian's, Iranians, Somali's, Iraqi's, Libyans and the people from Sudan and Yemen and ALL Muslims around the world that we stand with them and we aren't all racist bigots. It's showing the US citizens that we are with them and it's hopefully showing Trump that although the Queen might meet him because she is obliged to do so, we don't want him here and he is not welcome. It's also showing Trump and his cronies that no matter where he goes he will have a tough time and people all over the world are not going to make things easy for him.




@langster Also protests in Glasgow, around George Square I believe. Didn't pass by today and was back down from the city fairly early, but quite a big crowd apparently.
Jacob Rees Mogg is currently on 4 News and I'm incredibly close to smashing my TV to pieces.
Jim Sciutto ‏@jimsciutto
Just in: Israel seeking clarity on #TrumpTravelBan - 145,000 Jews born in 7 countries listed in EO incl 54,000 in Iraq & 45,000 in Iran

Bannon is NOT going to be happy. What's that...he's a f-ing Somali and a Jew? Well, Fcuk me :mad::mad:

I thought that last week the administration has already said that it'd allow minority religions (in largely muslim countries, iirc) into the US.
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