The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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FAO our Indian posters (e.g. @berbatrick, @VidaRed et al):

The Indian/Pakistan border is considerably longer than the US/Mexican border, and the stakes are much higher with two nuclear armed enemies facing each other and insurgent/terrorist infiltration a real, genuine threat, especially in Kashmir.

How common is infiltration one way or the other? Are any sections of the border walled, fenced or mined? What about remote desert areas like the Thar Desert or the Rann of Kutch?

Infiltration is common, mostly in Kashmir. It apparently often happens under covering fire from the other side (obviously the border is militarised). IIRC there are long fenced sections, but the people coming across aren't exactly helpless refugees or even economic migrants, and they have methods and training to overcome fences.
Without the terrain and sympathetic locals in Kashmir, infiltration doesn't make much sense in other sectors.
Give it another 48 hours and Theresa May will be promising to chuck £350m a week towards it.

Her arse is so far open for him it probably spans the entire US-Mexico border.
Infiltration is common, mostly in Kashmir. It apparently often happens under covering fire from the other side (obviously the border is militarised). IIRC there are long fenced sections, but the people coming across aren't exactly helpless refugees or even economic migrants, and they have methods and training to overcome fences.
Without the terrain and sympathetic locals in Kashmir, infiltration doesn't make much sense in other sectors.

Are there any nomadic peoples who wander back and forth across, say, the desert regions in the south?
The "and they will pay for it" clause is particularly odious tbf.
Though it's not the done thing to resort to Nazi comparisons, it doesn't half remind me of Kristallnacht & making Jewish people pay 'damages'.
Oh nice, so these agents do 24 hour shifts then?

Much of the border is open country. One guy in a tower with a pair of binoculars can monitor miles of it. Lighting, night vision cameras, other sophisticated detection systems make the border patrol's task easy as long as intruders face a formidable physical obstacle which cannot be circumvented. Resources can then be concentrated along that line of defence. The US employs more than enough people to do the job.

Canada speaks up and offers help to those that need it.

I really can't understand what Trump expects to gain from all this. The negatives far outweigh the positives. Firstly, yeah, he appeases his supporters and shows them he's a man of his word and is doing what he said he would, but aside from that what else is he achieving?

The negatives far outweigh anything he can gain. The US is already one of the toughest countries to get in to anyway, especially for the likes of Syrian refugees, I bet Iranians have to go through hell to get a visa, even a tourist one.

This is just all so ridiculous and he has put his foreign businesses, his country and his countrymen who are overseas all in serious danger from retaliation. He has pissed off numerous countries and not just the Muslim countries he has banned people from either. He's looking like a complete arsehole and a fool to the rest of the world and not exactly doing himself any favours either. And for what? The last terrorist attack in the US was Florida and that was carried out by a US citizen, not someone who came in to the country, So what is he trying to prove by banning people from certain countries?

It's also left him open to ridicule and to more questions about his honesty, integrity and conflicts of interest that he hasn't banned people from other countries like Saudi Arabia or Pakistan too. By not doing so, and reports of him having businesses in those countries just makes it all look more dodgy and unfair. All this is literally pointless, if anything it's counter productive and will actually have the opposite effect. Unless that's their plan and then they can have more wars? I mean, he did say he wanted Iraq's oil didn't he?
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Canada speaks up and offers help to those that need it.

I really can't understand what Trump expects to gain from all this. The negatives far outweigh the positives. Firstly, yeah, he appeases his supporters and shows them he's a man of his word and is doing what he said he would, but aside from that what else is he achieving?

The negatives far outweigh anything he can gain. The US is already one of the toughest countries to get in to anyway, especially for the likes of Syrian refugees, I bet Iranians have to go through hell to get a visa, even a tourist one.

This is just all so ridiculous and he has put his foreign businesses, his country and his countrymen who are overseas all in serious danger from retaliation. He has pissed off numerous countries and not just the Muslim countries he has banned people from either. He's looking like a complete arsehole and a fool to the rest of the world and not exactly doing himself any favours either. And for what? The last terrorist attack in the US was Florida and that was carried out by a US citizen, not someone who came in to the country, and the most recent ones in Europe have all been carried out by citizens of those countries (Belgium & France) So what is he trying to prove by banning people from certain countries? It's also left him open to ridicule and to more questions about his honesty, integrity and conflicts of interest that he hasn't banned people from other countries like Saudi Arabia or Pakistan too. By not doing so, and reports of him having businesses in those countries just makes it all look more dodgy and unfair. All this is literally pointless, if anything it's counter productive and will actually have the opposite effect. Unless that's their plan and then they can have more wars? I mean, he did say he wanted Iraq's oil didn't he?

Unfortunately, for a large amount of people it's enough. There are millions of people who voted for him just because he said he would Do the things that it's taken him one week to do. Contrast that with that the rest of the UK said it would do pre Scottish referendum and post remain victory. I don't like the guy but i can understand why a genuine trump supporter would be over the fecking moon right now.
Built and reinforced over centuries, actually close to a millennium and the purpose was to stop an invading army, which utterly failed time and again.

I know you joked but that argument from Drumpfkins is so #alternativefact that it hurts.
I didn't even know that Trump had used the Great China wall as a justification for his own wall. Read about it after your post. :eek:
And yet every single country is a majority muslim country. Also this,

9 of the 10 most populous Muslim countries are not on it. Seems more like a list of high threat countries where ISIS and the like have set up shop (except Iran).
9 of the 10 most populous Muslim countries are not on it. Seems more like a list of high threat countries where ISIS and the like have set up shop (except Iran).

And yet not one country on the list has ever had someone convicted for terrorism within the US.
9 of the 10 most populous Muslim countries are not on it. Seems more like a list of high threat countries where ISIS and the like have set up shop (except Iran).

So why is Iran on it then @Raoul?

Also, which nationalities actually carried out the last major terrorist jihad attack on US Soil?

As for Sept 11th....
Origins of the 19 hijackers
Saudi Arabia - 15 :eek:
United Arab Emirates - 2
Egypt - 1
Lebanon - 1

I'm sure it's also just a coincidence that he's the first President not to mention Jews in the holocaust remembrance press release. Nothing to do with having a white supremacist in the white house, can't be.
Much of the border is open country. One guy in a tower with a pair of binoculars can monitor miles of it. Lighting, night vision cameras, other sophisticated detection systems make the border patrol's task easy as long as intruders face a formidable physical obstacle which cannot be circumvented. Resources can then be concentrated along that line of defence. The US employs more than enough people to do the job.

Unnnnllleeessss there's a tunnel under all of that.
Abraham? You sure about that?

Of course, I could be wrong. But in the war of 4 vs 5 kings, didn't he take his men and slaughter King Chederlaomer and the opposing troop when they took his brother Lot? And of course, he also asked Sarai his wife to pose as his sister and she was taken by Pharaoh for the king's concubine when he was in Egypt and that episode with Abimelech as well.

Right but I'm just pointing out that if we are to believe his biography he actually turned from a very good man into tyrant.

I'm not as well read on the old testiment. I'm an ex-muslim hence my interest of and criticism of Muhammed.

Well it makes sense. I'm just saying that Old Testament and some parts of Quran should be treated as records of history instead of their literal representation. Those who call for Shariah law in it's barbaric form are as bad as Orthodox Christians demanding persecution of gays and abortion laws based on Old Testament text. While I appreciate the fact that you are an ex-muslim, I'm a current-Christian.

Wasn't Abraham the one who was quite literally going to sacrifice his son until God told him it was all just a test?

True, but that was a test of faith for the guy and he passed his test. Would be one of his qualities as the 'father of faith' in the 3 major religions practised today.
Much of the border is open country. One guy in a tower with a pair of binoculars can monitor miles of it. Lighting, night vision cameras, other sophisticated detection systems make the border patrol's task easy as long as intruders face a formidable physical obstacle which cannot be circumvented. Resources can then be concentrated along that line of defence. The US employs more than enough people to do the job.

Well you could apply for the job Will.
So why is Iran on it then @Raoul?

Also, which nationalities actually carried out the last major terrorist jihad attack on US Soil?

As for Sept 11th....
Origins of the 19 hijackers
Saudi Arabia - 15 :eek:
United Arab Emirates - 2
Egypt - 1
Lebanon - 1


They are technically on the state sponsor of terrorism list for their support of Hezbollah and the likes of Flynn probably put them on. I disagree with that one strongly.
Yeah, people are conflating two separate issues:

1. Whether or not the wall will be effective - certainly up for debate.
2. Whether or not it is immoral to build the wall. This one is missing the point, since the wall is just a means to confirm and secure what already exists as the basis of, like you say, the international system - the borders between nation-states. If the wall is immoral, then international borders are also immoral. That may or may not be true depending on one's general perspective on these matters, but we can all agree it's the reality we live in today, for right or wrong.
The second part is technically true and well put, but in this specific case the focus on the moral issue may still not miss the point. I think you already touched upon that yourself:
If (and it's a big if) a wall can achieve that then it's a legitimate means. The problem with Trump's wall is all the demonising and bullying rhetoric surrounding it.
If the wall would indeed be ineffective or largely unnecessary, I could see no other purpose for it than to serve as a gigantic symbol of anti-immigrant/hispanic resentment. A (damn expensive) statement towards the inside and the outside and also a threat regarding possible things to come. The demonising and bullying wouldn't be a supplement to an otherwise reasonable thing, but the root of the matter.

And looking at Trump's conduct so far, this appears to be the most likely explanation for the whole project to me - to put it carefully.
And yet not one country on the list has ever had someone convicted for terrorism within the US.

They don't have to. The concern about many of the countries is that they have an active ISIS or AQ presence (again except Iran).
Latest: El Chapo is back in Mexico, having tunnelled under the wall that hasn't been built yet.
So why is Iran on it then @Raoul?

Also, which nationalities actually carried out the last major terrorist jihad attack on US Soil?

As for Sept 11th....
Origins of the 19 hijackers
Saudi Arabia - 15 :eek:
United Arab Emirates - 2
Egypt - 1
Lebanon - 1


This isn't about 9/11 though. That's ancient history at this point. The states on the list have an active IS or AQ presence in the present.

You can add the 21st step now of being told to go back where they came from.
The reason he's going ahead with the wall despite the absolutely ridiculous and pointless nature of it and the eye watering cost and logistics involved is because it literally builds a tangible, lasting monument that will forever be associated with President Trump. In his narcissistic mind this is an Egyptian Pyramid or Great Wall of China.
This is exactly correct... and anyone who opposes him needs to quickly get out of the denial and shock and understand what they are fighting.

Ridicule and damnation won't affect a 70 year old man who has just won the seat of the US presidency. He may be many crazy things but he still had a lifetime of his own knowledge and also knows he won't live much longer. He is in immediate legacy mode and wants to be remembered in time immemorial.

The only way to defeat him is via internal rebellions from internal US agencies like CIA or the army or the Republican party itself. The Democrats need to master the British Empire tactic of 'divide and conquer' if they are to remove him.
Tbh, it's looking more and more like Bin Laden won 9/11 and it's aftermath. America's gone down the exact route he wanted.
Nah. As the saying goes, 'If this year's faceless bogeyman bin Laden hadn't been invented, he'd have to exist.'
I personally think 2 Billion Muslims should start boycotting US goods and services. That usually teaches businessmen lessons.
I'm already practicing this: in my current US trip my secretary suggested a new York tRump hotel because it was close to my meeting location. I asked her to find me an alternative suggestion.

But it needs to be unified and adopted by all

Along this theme, I also think US immigrants should study the Ghandi playbook: A weeklong strike from immigrants would cripple the elite world that tRump occupies and literally bring America to a standstill. If that doesn't scare him enough, then try for a longer period again.
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