The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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As I said earlier it's all fecking stupid anyway because it won't stop many, and it will just mean people try different methods. You will see many more coming over in trucks and lorries, many more flying in and many more tunnels being made. Also many more will come in by boat. The US coastline is vast and there are so many places to enter without being seen. The wall is a stupid expense and doesn't solve the problem. Like the ridiculous war on drugs doesn't do a thing, and just ignores the real problems.
More money to those private prison corporations, get inmates on it.

I didn't thought that option.

Detained refugees.

Shouldn't really joke about that to be fair, Nazis forced Jews to build a wall around the Warsaw ghetto, and made them pay for it. Not even kidding.

I wasn't really joking. Construction work in a desert, that's for desperate people.
If by "physically restricting the movement of race of people" you mean simply executing your right as a sovereign nation to restrict people breaking into your country illegally, what does fascism got to do with it? He's not building a wall around Mexican neighborhoods in the US, FFS. We're talking about two sovereign nations here.

Would love you to address the reasons I quoted you for it not working.
If by "physically restricting the movement of race of people" you mean simply executing your right as a sovereign nation to restrict people breaking into your country illegally, what does fascism got to do with it? He's not building a wall around Mexican neighborhoods in the US, FFS. We're talking about two sovereign nations here.

What countries without a dictatorship or a fundamentalist leader do you know have physical structures in place to keep a particular race of people out? There has been no wall since the creation of the current United States, using former Mexican land btw. Immigration is low and a wall is not needed.
Haven't seen any details about payment so how is he going to get the Mexican government to pay for the wall ? In public or secret payments so as not to anger the Mexican population ? Or maybe by saying that he was going to set X% tariffs but has increased it by X%, which over 4 years will pay for the wall ? This being the most considerate way for Mexico, for whom he has the greatest respect.
I don't think it's worthwhile arguing that the wall won't discourage illegal immigration. The more relevant fact is the apparently declining rate of illegal immigration through the harsh deportation regime under Obama:

The flat graph indicative of zero net growth.

Also worth pointing out is the cost of the wall, likely to be built by his donors, and that it doesn't cover 41% of illegals.
I didn't thought that option.

I wasn't really joking. Construction work in a desert, that's for desperate people.
It's alright, was referring to the joke in the first part of my post.
I don't think it's worthwhile arguing that the wall won't discourage illegal immigration. The more relevant fact is the apparently declining rate of illegal immigration through the harsh deportation regime under Obama:

The flat graph indicative of zero net growth.

Also worth pointing out is the cost of the wall, likely to be built by his donors, and that it doesn't cover 41% of illegals.

Exactly, this is a huge waste of money, this is Trumps legacy, a huge feck off line in the sand thats there because of him.
I don't think it's worthwhile arguing that the wall won't discourage illegal immigration. The more relevant fact is the apparently declining rate of illegal immigration through the harsh deportation regime under Obama:

The flat graph indicative of zero net growth.

Also worth pointing out is the cost of the wall, likely to be built by his donors, and that it doesn't cover 41% of illegals.
And paid for by US taxpayers, a class which Trump doesn't belong to.
I don't see building a wall across the desert as any particular challenge, the Panama Canal was built with worse technology and conditions. Constructing the tunnels under it might be more of a task.
There's nothing iffy about it. Walls work.

Israel, for instance, had a problem with tens of thousands of African migrants entering the country illegally across the Sinai border with Egypt. They built a proper wall. Last year the number of illegals dropped to about a dozen.

There's nothing special about the US border with Mexico. A well-designed wall, with sufficient human resources in support, can solve the problem of illegal migration once and for all.

After that I imagine the issue of illegals already in the US will cease to be so contentious, and most of them will eventually be allowed to stay.

Israel's border with Egypt is 250 miles and it took them 3 years to build that wall. US border with Mexico is 2000 miles.

This is the same logic right wingers use to argue when someone like Sanders says several countries in Europe have free public healthcare.
Oh - just to see that it is not meant on Muslims

Link for the full text:

You take countries with Muslim majorities...


About the publication of criminal activities...


About the wall...

So that means that 250.000 guns each year less will get smuggled from the US into Mexico. Harms the industry... Ok, they could sell them to legal citizens but that might be more harmful to security than some mexican illegals... (that try to stay out of trouble because of their status and do jobs the US citizens will not do for the money... - especially as there aren't that many illegal Mexicans in the regions where the industries died.)

This is excellent news! I'm sure the rohingya are already filling out their application forms.
If Donald Trump can renege on his promise to release his taxes......

(Why are you so interested, u_l? It pains me to show so little confidence in human nature, but I suspect your motives)

Just holding you to your own word, Will. The Donald would have been booted back to the noobs long ago.
I don't see building a wall across the desert as any particular challenge, the Panama Canal was built with worse technology and conditions. Constructing the tunnels under it might be more of a task.
They think something like 22,000 people died building that canal.

Also, ironically a construction project to make it easier to get to other parts of the world, not harder.
Even if all the bullshit regarding dual nationalities of people like Mo Farah or members of parliament was sorted out tomorrow, people like the Yazidis who've fled genocide would still be banned

But he doesn't use the term "muslim ban", so it's fine, right?
They think something like 22,000 people died building that canal.

Also, ironically a construction project to make it easier to get to other parts of the world, not harder.
Yes, as I said the conditions were much worse and I think the Suez was hard as well. There were two attempts at building the canal. The French started it but the Americans finished it. Malaria and yellow fever were the main killers, which presumably wouldn't be a big problem for this wall. How may died building Israel's desert wall ?
But he doesn't use the term "muslim ban", so it's fine, right?
According to the vid I posted the man himself intimated it was indeed a Muslim ban... Would like confirmation but it goes against what some are pushing in here...
I'd be surprised if you had. You're not ten years old - I'm sure your political views are set in stone by now.

@Pexbo @DiseaseOfTheAge

Sorry. I'm not up to writing a 2000 word essay tonight, even if anybody wanted to read it, which I doubt. But my views, as you rightly suspect, are very controversial. So prepare yourselves to be shocked and outraged..... You live on borrowed time.:nervous:

@Will Absolute
According to the vid I posted the man himself intimated it was indeed a Muslim ban... Would like confirmation but it goes against what some are pushing in here...
I was just reading that there's an exemption to the ban for "religious minorities" in the stated countries. In other words non-muslims from those countries are allowed.
I was just reading that there's an exemption to the ban for "religious minorities" in the stated countries. In other words non-muslims from those countries are allowed.
Oh ok, that's the loophole then...
Yes, as I said the conditions were much worse and I think the Suez was hard as well. There were two attempts at building the canal. The French started it but the Americans finished it. Malaria and yellow fever were the main killers, which presumably wouldn't be a big problem for this wall. How may died building Israel's desert wall ?
I have no clue, but I do know that the environmental dangers in the Sinai =/= those of the American southwest.
I can't believe people think this wall is anything other than a completely ridiculous suggestion in all aspects including what it's meant to achieve

But there you go. I guess that's why Trump is president right now.
Even if all the bullshit regarding dual nationalities of people like Mo Farah or members of parliament was sorted out tomorrow, people like the Yazidis who've fled genocide would still be banned

But he doesn't use the term "muslim ban", so it's fine, right?

Trump thinks the Yazidis are a sort of sauce you pour over your hot dog.
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