The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Wait.. What? (I've been drinking so help me out here)
I'm already practicing this: in my current US trip my secretary suggested a new York tRump hotel because it was close to my meeting location. I asked her to find me an alternative suggestion.

But it needs to be unified and adopted by all

Along this theme, I also think US immigrants should study the Ghandi playbook: A weeklong strike from immigrants would cripple the elite world that tRump occupies and literally bring America to a standstill. If that doesn't scare him enough, then try for a longer period again.

Same. We traveled to Vegas for work last year. The team (12 of us) was booked on a trump hotel, to which I went to leadership and said hell no. Got all of us booked to a different hotel.
Nothing, just Ann Coulter doing her stuff.

Thankfully I always have my passport with me, but opening my backpack in front of US cops is the death sentence. So I'm not sure how to deal with it if it happens.

What is your status?

L1 A with visa Extension till 2018. I was hoping to apply for a Green Card this Feb, but rethinking that with Trump. I will qualify for EB1, so if granted I'd get GC in 3 months. My wife and child (US citizen) are preparing to travel to India this May :lol:

Right wing media hacks worried about Christian and Yazidi refugees who suffered at the hands of ISIS and asking for expedited solution :lol: Good one, you absolute dunderheads.
Along this theme, I also think US immigrants should study the Ghandi playbook: A weeklong strike from immigrants would cripple the elite world that tRump occupies and literally bring America to a standstill. If that doesn't scare him enough, then try for a longer period again.

There's the threat of that in the UK at the moment, Feb 20th, in relation to Brexit. Just need the US immigrants to join in on that day.
NY court has halted the ban for the moment?
L1 A with visa Extension till 2018. I was hoping to apply for a Green Card this Feb, but rethinking that with Trump. I will qualify for EB1, so if granted I'd get GC in 3 months. My wife and child (US citizen) are preparing to travel to India this May :lol:

Right wing media hacks worried about Christian and Yazidi refugees who suffered at the hands of ISIS and asking for expedited solution :lol: Good one, you absolute dunderheads.

I'm definitely not going home till my degree is over, and then to Europe for my postdoc. Visa lasts till 2021 and I can overstay if my degree isn't over. To make his policy constitutional he might amend it to include other countries. Anyway my dream was a postdoc in NY/SF/Europe (not a US small town), so I'll rule those 2 out.
There's the threat of that in the UK at the moment, Feb 20th, in relation to Brexit. Just need the US immigrants to join in on that day.
I never knew. Have any links? Will tell all my mates over here.

Its naturally a great concept and will bring a Government quickly to heel.
How quickly before Trump can get it turned over?

Should say that the sight of so many lawyers turning up to JFK to work on behalf of those affected has brought a tear to the ol' eye. Feck off Trump.
How quickly before Trump can get it turned over?

Should say that the sight of so many lawyers turning up to JFK to work on behalf of those affected has brought a tear to the ol' eye. Feck off Trump.

Surely it'll have to go to the next level of court now for appeal? I'm not familiar with the American system but I'd assume that's Supreme Court? This was always the way that his executive orders were going to fail. I sincerely hope he's absolutely seething at the moment :drool:
Is it true that the countries affected are lacking in business dealings with Trump? If so, then little more needs to be said regarding his true motivation for the ban.

Here's the U-turn, the moderate has finally emerged. Hope his supporters can bare the crushing weight of a broken campaign promise


Here's the U-turn, the moderate has finally emerged. Hope his supporters can bare the crushing weight of a broken campaign promise

About the only thing that can bring him down. 2006 happened due to a combination of things but W trying to privatized Social Security was a big part of it.
They're already there. Hispanics make up a sixth of the United States' population. That's over 50 million Hispanic people currently residing in the US (legally). Add illegals to that, and it's probably significantly higher. Trump can't deport that many people. For a start, the economy would collapse over night.

Essentially, Trump is building a wall for no reason.
Trump is only really talking about Mexican immigrants which number about a fifth of that total, and then only really illegal Mexican immigrants which make up closer to 5 million. Not an indispensably large number to do without.

Attempting to straw man my argument doesn't help you
I don't need to. You're basically using history to tell me that walls don't hinder the movement of people when history shows us that they absolutely do.
I don't need to. You're basically using history to tell me that walls don't hinder the movement of people when history shows us that they absolutely do.

Most of history hasn't had the luxury of air travel, high speed boat travel, and being able to enter countries on a visa.
A judge in New York has issued an 'emergency stay' that temporarily blocks the U.S. government from sending people out of the country after they have landed at a U.S. airport with valid visas.

The American Civil Liberties Union estimates the stay will affect 100 to 200 people detained at U.S. airports or in transit.

The ruling by Judge Ann Donnelly came during a hearing called after President Donald Trump issued an executive order blocking people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US.
I don't need to. You're basically using history to tell me that walls don't hinder the movement of people when history shows us that they absolutely do.
That's exactly what you tried to do.

Also, hinder and stop are two totally different things. Sure, it will slow them down, but for people desperate enough to go through what they've gone through to get to the border, it will not stop them.
I can't wait to see him lose it on this on Twitter in the morning. The thought of him being fuming right now is quite fun, actually.
Trump is only really talking about Mexican immigrants which number about a fifth of that total, and then only really illegal Mexican immigrants which make up closer to 5 million. Not an indispensably large number to do without.
There are still over 30 million Mexican Americans. That's an enormous figure (10% of the USA's entire population). The estimates of illegal/undocumented Hispanic/mostly Mexican immigrants in the US range from 10m-15m in figures I've seen. It's not a small sum, and considering the fact that they generally enjoy a high employment rate in America's least desirable job sectors, it would be reasonable to expect economic damage as a result of any large scale deportation program.

Building the wall is practically pointless. The birthrate of the Mexican Americans already in the country (and the illegal Mexicans who won't be deported) will far outweigh the number of people crossing the border.
At this point I honestly wish they'd have stopped the bullshit and just said any country with a Muslim majority is banned.

Obviously that'd be a horrible thing to do but at least it'd be open and honest.

These protests will do about as much as the Women's march and the other protests the night he got elected. Zilch.
States like NY and CA are going to play the role of Texas for this administration. I bet there are many liberal judges waiting to dole out stays for executive orders. Unfortunately, Trump will make sure that the Supreme Court is 5-4 to the conservatives. That pick was so crucial, and way to go Electorate.
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