The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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That's exactly what you tried to do.

Also, hinder and stop are two totally different things. Sure, it will slow them down, but for people desperate enough to go through what they've gone through to get to the border, it will not stop them.
If they get stopped at the border and taken back to their country of origin is that not being stopped? You disagree that gross illegal immigration would decrease?

Most of history hasn't had the luxury of air travel, high speed boat travel, and being able to enter countries on a visa.
Nor do most Mexicans. Such methods are far more expensive, dangerous and conspicuous.

There are still over 30 million Mexican Americans. That's an enormous figure (10% of the USA's entire population). The estimates of illegal/undocumented Hispanic/mostly Mexican immigrants in the US range from 10m-15m in figures I've seen. It's not a small sum, and considering the fact that they generally enjoy a high employment rate in America's least desirable job sectors, it would be reasonable to expect economic damage as a result of any large scale deportation program.

Building the wall is practically pointless. The birthrate of the Mexican Americans already in the country (and the illegal Mexicans who won't be deported) will far outweigh the number of people crossing the border.
I think the fact that they're employed is kind of the problem isn't it, Trump wants those jobs to go to citizens? The birthrate of current illegals makes it more necessary to take action to stop future net immigration numbers booming uncontrollably again should the economy pick up, not less?
I'm already practicing this: in my current US trip my secretary suggested a new York tRump hotel because it was close to my meeting location. I asked her to find me an alternative suggestion.

But it needs to be unified and adopted by all

Along this theme, I also think US immigrants should study the Ghandi playbook: A weeklong strike from immigrants would cripple the elite world that tRump occupies and literally bring America to a standstill. If that doesn't scare him enough, then try for a longer period again.

NY taxis managed 1 hour strike at JFK.

@Carolina Red
Mexican trade, backs up your argument with stats.
If they get stopped at the border and taken back to their country of origin is that not being stopped? You disagree that gross illegal immigration would decrease?

Nor do most Mexicans. Such methods are far more expensive, dangerous and conspicuous.

I think the fact that they're employed is kind of the problem isn't it, Trump wants those jobs to go to citizens? The birthrate of current illegals makes it more necessary to take action to stop future net immigration numbers booming uncontrollably again should the economy pick up, not less?

I bet you think Mexico is a hell hole with no money or civilization and US is some kind of Rivendell of the Middle earth.
I think the fact that they're employed is kind of the problem isn't it, Trump wants those jobs to go to citizens? The birthrate of current illegals makes it more necessary to take action to stop future net immigration numbers booming uncontrollably again should the economy pick up, not less?
You're missing the point. Illegal immigrants are employed because American citizens don't want to do the jobs that illegal immigrants do.
Although I don't think Trump is anywhere near the level of Hitler I still laughed :lol:
Well no...not too many in modern history are, the man tried to wipe out a group of ppl from the face of the earth, Trump just doesn't want them in the US.

Trump is practically a humanitarian compared to Hitler :lol:
They don't have to. The concern about many of the countries is that they have an active ISIS or AQ presence (again except Iran).

You know very well that the nationalities of ISIS fighters have little to do with the countries they're active in, that they recruit from the entire region, and even Europe too as we've seen.
I'm already practicing this: in my current US trip my secretary suggested a new York tRump hotel because it was close to my meeting location. I asked her to find me an alternative suggestion.

But it needs to be unified and adopted by all

Along this theme, I also think US immigrants should study the Ghandi playbook: A weeklong strike from immigrants would cripple the elite world that tRump occupies and literally bring America to a standstill. If that doesn't scare him enough, then try for a longer period again.

Very true. Protests are all well and good but long-term, unless Trump really tanks quickly people will need to take action in order to force him out, or to change course. Large portions of the workforce simply threatening not to work (be it immigrants, women or another group) would cripple the economy in no time.
I'm talking about the high threat countries, not where individual hijackers came from 16 years ago. We're in a different world today.
You might find that Saudi Arabia is one of the leading suppliers of terrorist recruits in the world. Where is the Saudi ban?
States like NY and CA are going to play the role of Texas for this administration. I bet there are many liberal judges waiting to dole out stays for executive orders. Unfortunately, Trump will make sure that the Supreme Court is 5-4 to the conservatives. That pick was so crucial, and way to go Electorate.

And if 84 year old cancer survivor Ruth Bader Ginsberg does not last these next 4(possibly 8) years the Supreme Court will be conservative for the foreseeable future. There is also 78 year old Stephen Breyer.
2 wars and countless lives lost to fight terrorists, but 1 signature from Trump has given those terror groups unlimited free adverstisement for their recruiting causes.

Trump’s striking inconsistencies, his much-criticized fickleness, and the resulting array of contradictory messages, suddenly turned out to be his great asset: a different message for every voter. The notion that Trump acted like a perfectly opportunistic algorithm following audience reactions is something the mathematician Cathy O’Neil observed in August 2016.

“Pretty much every message that Trump put out was data-driven,” Alexander Nix remembers. On the day of the third presidential debate between Trump and Clinton, Trump’s team tested 175,000 different ad variations for his arguments, in order to find the right versions above all via Facebook. The messages differed for the most part only in microscopic details, in order to target the recipients in the optimal psychological way: different headings, colors, captions, with a photo or video. This fine-tuning reaches all the way down to the smallest groups, Nix explained in an interview with us. “We can address villages or apartment blocks in a targeted way. Even individuals.”

In the Miami district of Little Haiti, for instance, Trump’s campaign provided inhabitants with news about the failure of the Clinton Foundation following the earthquake in Haiti, in order to keep them from voting for Hillary Clinton. This was one of the goals: to keep potential Clinton voters (which include wavering left-wingers, African-Americans, and young women) away from the ballot box, to “suppress” their vote, as one senior campaign official told Bloomberg in the weeks before the election. These “dark posts”—sponsored news-feed-style ads in Facebook timelines that can only be seen by users with specific profiles—included videos aimed at African-Americans in which Hillary Clinton refers to black men as predators, for example.
Saudi not included in the ban. Also not included in ban: Egypt and Turkey.

Interestingly Trump has business interests in Saudi, Turkey and Egypt.
Trump's like a bigly version of the man who eventually manages to get membership of the posh golf club. He isn't really interested in golf, but he wants to meet the right people who'll give him contracts for his shop-fitting business.
He's simply cock sucking for his next 38 billion dollar US cheque.

Naa, it's more than the money thing. Netanyahu and Obama never got along, and he had a hard time with Bill Clinton as well. This is the first time Netanyahu's got a republican president while in office and he's hoping for a whole lot of leeway. Trump was also sponsored by Sheldon Adelson, whose been doing the same for Netanyahu.
Out of interest may I ask what percentage of Israeli would welcome a Palestinian State and are against civil rights discrimination against them? Just an outside, curiously looking in.

I really can't tell anymore. There has been a recent poll that claimed about 60% of the people in Israel still support a two-state solution, but you never know with polls these days.

Netanyahu is now over his head with investigations over different things, and might not survive this. He's busy lashing out at the media, police, investigators, etc. Becoming a little Erdogan. Scary. And the Israeli arabs are always an easy target of his, especially since he used them to win the last elections. So I can no longer really say what the public here thinks or believes. But I feel the country is turning more to the right and away from liberalism and TOWARDS discrimination, just like it's happening elsewhere.

So easy to fill people with hate and fear.
Read that many flight companies employ personnel from the countries included in the blacklist. This thing is gonna cause them many problems.
If the wall would indeed be ineffective or largely unnecessary, I could see no other purpose for it than to serve as a gigantic symbol of anti-immigrant/hispanic resentment. A (damn expensive) statement towards the inside and the outside and also a threat regarding possible things to come. The demonising and bullying wouldn't be a supplement to an otherwise reasonable thing, but the root of the matter.

And looking at Trump's conduct so far, this appears to be the most likely explanation for the whole project to me - to put it carefully.

You're missing the point. Illegal immigrants are employed because American citizens don't want to do the jobs that illegal immigrants do.
They are employed because they are cheaper. If the jobs are undesirable but important, the employers will end up paying more for it if they couldnt find cheap labour.
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