The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It's hard to get definitive figures on this, but Marc Rosenblum of the Migration Policy Institute estimates that overstays represent about 16 percent of unauthorized Mexican immigrants, about 27 percent of unauthorized Central Americans, and about 91 percent of all other unauthorized immigrants.

Obviously a Mexican border wall isn't going to solve the problem of Irish or British people overstaying their visas in the US, but it does address the problem of illegal immigration from Mexico and Central America.
Not even taking into account the psychological effect an intimidating landmark like that would have on would-be Mexican immigrants.
I don't know how many people enter through tunnels. I suspect it's a small fraction of the whole. But it's a lot easier to solve that problem if agents don't have to spend all their time fruitlessly trying to prevent people walking across the border above ground.
So instead they have to fruitlessly spend all their time stopping people below it.
Iran has just said it is going to "retaliate" after Trump's order which affects their citizens.

But yeah, nothing to worry about eh? Just wait until they do something.

All so pointless and completely unnecessary, he's had it in for Iran forever, always banging on about "the worst deal ever" when talking about Obama's deal with them. He's poking the hornets nest, and it's not as if the people of the Middle East haven't suffered enough. It's also worth mentioning again that nobody from Iran has carried out any terrorist attack on US soil.
I'd have thought a system of interconnected watchtowers with drones, night vision, infra-red scopes etc. would be more effective. You could also enlist all those nutty militia types with guns to do foot patrols. Give 'em a nice uniform, maybe a black or brown shirt and tell them what great Americans they are and all will be sorted.
I'd have thought a system of interconnected watchtowers with drones, night vision, infra-red scopes etc. would be more effective. You could also enlist all those nutty militia types with guns to do foot patrols. Give 'em a nice uniform, maybe a black or brown shirt and tell them what great Americans they are and all will be sorted.

:lol: Yeah, get Cliven Bundy and his ilk there and it would be sorted.
But it is now going to be funded by american consumers instead!

But it is going to be paid for with our tax money.

Then if he puts a 20% tariff on Mexican imports, it will be paid for by us a 2nd time via higher prices on those goods.

I agree, sounds like a clusterfeck of a plan. Really surprising for such a proclaimed businessman. He promised that we won't pay for that wall, and seems like he can't keep that promise.

So you're saying that people didn't think it important enough to demand federal dollars?

And this has nothing to do with the punishment aspect, which is also clear from his campaign starting with the "they're sending their murderers and their rapists" remark, and his response to Mexican criticism by declaring that "it just got ten feet higher". It's punishment.

We're talking about a post modern reality tv internet troll, of course that he would say those things. Again, what i'm trying to say here is that the only one who gets punished here is the American tax payer. It's not a punishment for Mexico because their people are not supposed to cross that border illegally in the first place.
Have you ever seen the border ? Its not a tidy contiguous stretch of land that is amenable for a giant wall. There are rivers, valleys, canyons, cliffs, stretches of land where there is already a wall (700 miles worth). The more you look into it the more absurd the idea sounds - never mind the fact that a large chunk of people don't even come across the land border, which would make it a massive waste of money.

We're not talking about European expats flying in and overstaying their visas, its mostly people from the western hemisphere who are doing it.

If medieval and pre-medieval Chinese civilizations found it possible to build a 13,000 mile wall along the entire length of their borders, using nothing but human labour, which effectively prevented nomadic peoples entering the country for centuries, I think modern America can muster the resources to build an effective barrier along its Southern borders, regardless of the difficulty of the terrain.
I'd have thought a system of interconnected watchtowers with drones, night vision, infra-red scopes etc. would be more effective. You could also enlist all those nutty militia types with guns to do foot patrols. Give 'em a nice uniform, maybe a black or brown shirt and tell them what great Americans they are and all will be sorted.

Not even taking into account the psychological effect an intimidating landmark like that would have on would-be Mexican immigrants.
You're kidding right? Some of these people have been traveling for months out of places like El Salvador and Guatemala, fleeing places that make gangland Chicago look like Happy Days. Not only did they flee horrible, violent circumstances, but to get to the border they had to go through multiple Cartel controlled areas of Mexico, mountains, desert, etc.

And you think a fecking wall is gonna be intimidating to them? :lol:
If medieval and pre-medieval Chinese civilizations found it possible to build a 13,000 mile wall along the entire length of their borders, using nothing but human labour, which effectively prevented nomadic peoples entering the country for centuries, I think modern America can muster the resources to build an effective barrier along its Southern borders, regardless of the difficulty of the terrain.

The ancient Chinese didn't have to worry about AEROPLANES did they ? We've already established that over 40% of illegals fly in, which in addition to the long list of other reasons, pretty much obliterates all arguments for constructing a wall.
The ancient Chinese didn't have to worry about AEROPLANES did they ? We've already established that over 40% of illegals fly in, which in addition to the long list of other reasons, pretty much obliterates all arguments for constructing a wall.

It couldn't even keep Wham! out.

The ancient Chinese didn't have to worry about AEROPLANES did they ? We've already established that over 40% of illegals fly in, which in addition to the long list of other reasons, pretty much obliterates all arguments for constructing a wall.

I've already posted about that stat. The large majority of illegals from Mexico and Central America don't fly in. Clearly the border wall is intended to address illegal immigration from that part of the world.
The ancient Chinese didn't have to worry about AEROPLANES did they ? We've already established that over 40% of illegals fly in, which in addition to the long list of other reasons, pretty much obliterates all arguments for constructing a wall.

And you are not invaded by Attila.
I've already posted about that stat. The large majority of illegals from Mexico and Central America don't fly in. Clearly the border wall is intended to address illegal immigration from that part of the world.

Do you think they will patrol this 3000km wall? People get into Glastonbury each year despite the 5km(a guess) wall being patrolled by security and having total coverage by CCTV.
You're kidding right? Some of these people have been traveling for months out of places like El Salvador and Guatemala, fleeing places that make gangland Chicago look like Happy Days. Not only did they flee horrible, violent circumstances, but to get to the border they had to go through multiple Cartel controlled areas of Mexico, mountains, desert, etc.

And you think a fecking wall is gonna be intimidating to them? :lol:
You think they're even going to set out on the journey if there's a big impassable "DO NOT ENTER" sign at the end of it?
Feel for you bud...just pray, nothing happens in the next 90 days. Trump, Bannon and Co. are looking for an excuse to make it indefinite!
Yeah hope so too
UPDATE:Green card holders from seven countries in Trump's ban have to be cleared in to U.S. on case-by-case basis - administration official

Assholes are just making it up on the run...ruining lives.
I guess this means they will allow only "minorities" then?
Mate, you arent white, christian and rich. they dont give a shit. i am sorry for your circumstance but this is how its going to be lad.
I guess I can be considered Syrian rich, which is American poor though.
You think they're even going to set out on the journey if there's a big impassable "DO NOT ENTER" sign at the end of it?

They're refugees fleeing drug wars and the highest murder rates in the world. Defeating that wall is a much better proposition than what they're living in.

Have you ever read what people are willing to endure to migrate from somewhere they don't want to be, to somewhere they do want to be? It's kind of the history of human civilization...
You think they're even going to set out on the journey if there's a big impassable "DO NOT ENTER" sign at the end of it?

People try to cross a desert, most of them die but people still try to cross a flippin' desert.

They're refugees fleeing drug wars and the highest murder rates in the world. Defeating that wall is a much better proposition than what they're living in.

Have you ever read what people are willing to endure to migrate from somewhere they don't want to be, to somewhere they do want to be? It's kind of the history of human civilization...
"Shit lads, the trip's off, THEY'VE PUT A BLOODY SIGN UP ON THE WALL."
Do you think they will patrol this 3000km wall? People get into Glastonbury each year despite the 5km(a guess) wall being patrolled by security and having total coverage by CCTV.

There are currently about 20,000 agents deployed on the Southern border of the US. That's ten agents per mile. One agent every 170 yards. If the barrier is properly constructed, there are enough personnel to monitor it.
There are currently about 20,000 agents deployed on the Southern border of the US. That's ten agents per mile. One agent every 170 yards. If the barrier is properly constructed, there are enough personnel to monitor it.

Oh nice, so these agents do 24 hour shifts then?
Oh nice, so these agents do 24 hour shifts then?

I'm sure they can just triple the amount of agents they have along the southern border at the drop of a hat given they apparently have infinite wealth to throw at the problem.
Talking about desert who is going to build the wall in the desert. Illegal mexican immigrants?
Detained refugees.

Shouldn't really joke about that to be fair, Nazis forced Jews to build a wall around the Warsaw ghetto, and made them pay for it. Not even kidding.
There's nothing iffy about it. Walls work.

Israel, for instance, had a problem with tens of thousands of African migrants entering the country illegally across the Sinai border with Egypt. They built a proper wall. Last year the number of illegals dropped to about a dozen.

There's nothing special about the US border with Mexico. A well-designed wall, with sufficient human resources in support, can solve the problem of illegal migration once and for all.

After that I imagine the issue of illegals already in the US will cease to be so contentious, and most of them will eventually be allowed to stay.

Hiya Will. How's that essay on your views that you promised us all going? Still waiting.
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