The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Targeting specific countries isn't targeting a religion, in fact 9 of the 10 most populous Muslim nations aren't even on the list.

Hardly surprising that people will interpret it as targeting a religion when he actually promised to target that religion during his campaign though.
I wouldn't be that hopeful. Nothing happens and they say the ban is working, something happens they say they need to expand it, something happens after the 90 days they say another ban is needed.
Hey, as I posted...they updated the policy. So, Green card holders will be vetted individually...suppose they'll look at social destinations...etc etc...and, most will be let in.
Sorry, of course they aren't going to win with him. Not with me either. You don't seem to understand it, Green card holders have been vetted, given visas and have been staying in the country for some time, with majority of them having jobs and paying taxes for your country. Trapping them at the airport is a shitty thing to do. Don't get on your fecking high horse right now about technicalities.

I think you're right to point out the shoddiness of this whole thing. Trump likes the idea but doesn't seem to understand that his ideas are having real consequences for real people. I doubt he will give a feck though.
Think the whole "the polls failed" thing gets overplayed somewhat. AFAIAA the polls predicted that Clinton would win tbe popular vote and she did.

Hardly surprising that people with interpret it as targeting a religion when he actually promised to target that religion during his campaign though.

He did revise that bit to say he will do specific bans based on high terror threat countries, which is precisely what has been done.
Hence why I said "it's a big if".

There's nothing iffy about it. Walls work.

Israel, for instance, had a problem with tens of thousands of African migrants entering the country illegally across the Sinai border with Egypt. They built a proper wall. Last year the number of illegals dropped to about a dozen.

There's nothing special about the US border with Mexico. A well-designed wall, with sufficient human resources in support, can solve the problem of illegal migration once and for all.

After that I imagine the issue of illegals already in the US will cease to be so contentious, and most of them will eventually be allowed to stay.
There's nothing iffy about it. Walls work.

Israel, for instance, had a problem with tens of thousands of African migrants entering the country illegally across the Sinai border with Egypt. They built a proper wall. Last year the number of illegals dropped to about a dozen.

There's nothing special about the US border with Mexico. A well-designed wall, with sufficient human resources in support, can solve the problem of illegal migration once and for all.

After that I imagine the issue of illegals already in the US will cease to be so contentious, and most of them will eventually be allowed to stay.

People will still come in through tunnels, I saw it in this documentary that Vin Diesel hosted.
There's nothing iffy about it. Walls work.

Israel, for instance, had a problem with tens of thousands of African migrants entering the country illegally across the Sinai border with Egypt. They built a proper wall. Last year the number of illegals dropped to about a dozen.

There's nothing special about the US border with Mexico. A well-designed wall, with sufficient human resources in support, can solve the problem of illegal migration once and for all.

After that I imagine the issue of illegals already in the US will cease to be so contentious, and most of them will eventually be allowed to stay.

Not quite. 40% of undocumented people in the US fly in. Try again.
There's nothing iffy about it. Walls work.

Israel, for instance, had a problem with tens of thousands of African migrants entering the country illegally across the Sinai border with Egypt. They built a proper wall. Last year the number of illegals dropped to about a dozen.

There's nothing special about the US border with Mexico. A well-designed wall, with sufficient human resources in support, can solve the problem of illegal migration once and for all.

After that I imagine the issue of illegals already in the US will cease to be so contentious, and most of them will eventually be allowed to stay.
Not a chance they will build a wall 1,954 miles long.
Surprise surprise he hasn't banned people coming from Gulf States. We know Saudi Arabia funds ISIS.
Look I've bitched about this...but, we all know why.

Sure the F-ING Saudis funded a ton of madrassas...and Wahhabism sucks balls, but the Saudi govt isn't harboring terrorists...the regime is without doubt Pro-Western.

And the Saudis are the counterweight to Iran in the region.

No point in harping on about hypocrisy - that's just life and geopolitics is no different.
Visitors flying in legally and overstaying their visas is a separate issue. Let's solve one problem at a time.

You said the wall would solve the problem of illegal immigration forever though. Are those 40% that would be totally unaffected by the wall not illegal immigrants? If they are then it's the same issue.
Visitors flying in legally and overstaying their visas is a separate issue. Let's solve one problem at a time.

Where do you think so called illegal immigrants come from ? They're not scuba diving across the Rio Grande these days, they are flying in and ignoring their visa expirations. A wall will do feck all to remedy that, so the idea of flushing billions down the toilet for a wall is just bad and ignorant public policy.
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Will is basically a rightwing analogue of Will Self, thesaurus and all.
People will still come in through tunnels, I saw it in this documentary that Vin Diesel hosted.

That's where 'human resources' come in. Instead of chasing their tails up and down a 2000 mile open border trying to stop the unstoppable, the agents can use their time more productively. The first requirement is a proper barrier. Peripheral issues can then be addressed.
Oh - just to see that it is not meant on Muslims

(b) Upon the resumption of USRAP admissions, the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, is further directed to make changes, to the extent permitted by law, to prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality. Where necessary and appropriate, the Secretaries of State and Homeland Security shall recommend legislation to the President that would assist with such prioritization.

Link for the full text:

You take countries with Muslim majorities...


About the publication of criminal activities...

(b) To better inform the public regarding the public safety threats associated with sanctuary jurisdictions, the Secretary shall utilize the Declined Detainer Outcome Report or its equivalent and, on a weekly basis, make public a comprehensive list of criminal actions committed by aliens and any jurisdiction that ignored or otherwise failed to honor any detainers with respect to such aliens.


About the wall...

So that means that 250.000 guns each year less will get smuggled from the US into Mexico. Harms the industry... Ok, they could sell them to legal citizens but that might be more harmful to security than some mexican illegals... (that try to stay out of trouble because of their status and do jobs the US citizens will not do for the money... - especially as there aren't that many illegal Mexicans in the regions where the industries died.)
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That's where 'human resources' come in. Instead of chasing their tails up and down a 2000 mile open border trying to stop the unstoppable, the agents can use their time more productively. The first requirement is a proper barrier. Peripheral issues can then be addressed.
Uh huh... Tunnels man. The point was about tunnels.
Building a "wall" thats not needed? How is physically restricting the movement of race of people not fascism?

If by "physically restricting the movement of race of people" you mean simply executing your right as a sovereign nation to restrict people breaking into your country illegally, what does fascism got to do with it? He's not building a wall around Mexican neighborhoods in the US, FFS. We're talking about two sovereign nations here.
People often forget that Trump portrayed the wall during the campaign as a PUNISHMENT of Mexico. Hence the "we're going to make them pay for it".
Where do you think so called illegal immigrants come from ? They're not scuba diving across the Rio Grande these days, they are flying in and ignoring the visa expirations. A wall will do feck all to remedy that, so the idea of flushing billions down the toilet for a wall is just bad and ignorant public policy.

It's hard to get definitive figures on this, but Marc Rosenblum of the Migration Policy Institute estimates that overstays represent about 16 percent of unauthorized Mexican immigrants, about 27 percent of unauthorized Central Americans, and about 91 percent of all other unauthorized immigrants.

Obviously a Mexican border wall isn't going to solve the problem of Irish or British people overstaying their visas in the US, but it does address the problem of illegal immigration from Mexico and Central America.
I don't see how the president could legally have the power to effectively unilaterally suspend permanent residency status en masse based on country of origin. The courts need to strike this down quickly.
People often forget that Trump portrayed the wall during the campaign as a PUNISHMENT of Mexico. Hence the "we're going to make them pay for it".

Or he simply wanted to assure the voters that the bill won't be payed by their tax money. I'm sure the majority of people would agree that a better use can be found for that sum of money.
Not a chance they will build a wall 1,954 miles long.

Well Chinese built one that is over 13,000 miles long. :lol: But unless there is a threat of invasion from Mexico and the Americans has gone back technologically into 7th century BC, I agree that it makes no sense for them to build one now.
That's where 'human resources' come in. Instead of chasing their tails up and down a 2000 mile open border trying to stop the unstoppable, the agents can use their time more productively. The first requirement is a proper barrier. Peripheral issues can then be addressed.

Have you ever seen the border ? Its not a tidy contiguous stretch of land that is amenable for a giant wall. There are rivers, valleys, canyons, cliffs, stretches of land where there is already a wall (700 miles worth). The more you look into it the more absurd the idea sounds - never mind the fact that a large chunk of people don't even come across the land border, which would make it a massive waste of money.

We're not talking about European expats flying in and overstaying their visas, its mostly people from the western hemisphere who are doing it.

Or he simply wanted to assure the voters that the bill won't be payed by their tax money. I'm sure the majority of people would agree that a better use can be found for that sum of money.

But it is now going to be funded by american consumers instead!
Or he simply wanted to assure the voters that the bill won't be payed by their tax money. I'm sure the majority of people would agree that a better use can be found for that sum of money.
But it is going to be paid for with our tax money.

Then if he puts a 20% tariff on Mexican imports, it will be paid for by us a 2nd time via higher prices on those goods.
Or he simply wanted to assure the voters that the bill won't be payed by their tax money. I'm sure the majority of people would agree that a better use can be found for that sum of money.
So you're saying that people didn't think it important enough to demand federal dollars?

And this has nothing to do with the punishment aspect, which is also clear from his campaign starting with the "they're sending their murderers and their rapists" remark, and his response to Mexican criticism by declaring that "it just got ten feet higher". It's punishment.
Uh huh... Tunnels man. The point was about tunnels.

I don't know how many people enter through tunnels. I suspect it's a small fraction of the whole. But it's a lot easier to solve that problem if agents don't have to spend all their time fruitlessly trying to prevent people walking across the border above ground.
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