As I said, I'm no expert on UK politics, so apologize for missing the 'referendum' part!
Although still I would say apples and oranges. Having a physical barrier to secure one sovereign nation from another, especially when you have so much narcotics and criminal activity pouring in through there, is a legitimate act. People freaking out without paying attention that these walls and fences were already there before Trump,
so I don't see what's all that wall outrage is about.
That would be because you still haven't looked into the issue properly.
A quick run-down of some of the very real issues with it:
- It will cost a ridiculous amount of money
- It won't work because people come in through airports and overstay their visas
- Drugs already get through the walls via tunnels or being literally shot over the walls
- People also already get over the walls with ladders, an increasing number of which have been found lately

- It's utterly pointless to build in many areas along the border because it's uninhabitable
- It's utterly pointless to build in many areas because the terrain will make it incredibly hard, nigh impossible, to build there
- Some Americans, due to the vagaries of where lines on maps have been drawn in the past, will actually inevitably end up on the wrong side of the wall. Google that topic if you don't believe me.
- Land will have to be purchased from people who don't want to sell it (and in some cases actively profit from illegal immigration) and the wall will be held up in those areas in the courts for years.
The list goes on and on, seriously. Get a clue.