The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Well don't worry about the citizenship issue. Anyone with a passport is obviously in a different category to this.

You know, my friends have been saying the same thing to me. Reminds me of this poem by Martin Niemoller

Somebody should advise him to close his Twitter account. It's downright embarrassing.

This stuff about people not being able to come back to US is awful.

Getting seriously worried now. I'm a Muslim American of Pakistani origin. If they can block green card holders, what's to say they can't block citizens?

Surreal that this is happening in this day and age.
Well don't worry about the citizenship issue. Anyone with a passport is obviously in a different category to this.

Says who? What's to stop him going a step further and picking on citizens/groups of citizens he doesn't like?
Surreal that this is happening in this day and age.

Seriously it's disgusting. You're not allowed in, you're of this religion from this country and that makes you bad so we don't like you.

How is this happening?
It's disgusting is what.

You think it'd be ok if Scotland have a 2nd referendum and then decide to build a massive wall between them and the "criminals" from England & Wales?

I'm not an expert on British politics, but last time I've checked Scotland, England and Wales were all part of the UK. So your example of Scotland building a wall between them and England is pretty much the same as Texas building a wall between them and Oklahoma. Does not apply to US-Mexico.

You know what's disgusting? Breaking into a foreign country, while completely disobeying that country's laws and disrespecting the millions of legal immigrants in that country.
I'm not an expert on British politics, but last time I've checked Scotland, England and Wales were all part of the UK. So your example of Scotland building a wall between them and England is pretty much the same as Texas building a wall between them and Oklahoma. Does not apply to US-Mexico.

You know what's disgusting? Breaking into a foreign country, while completely disobeying that country's laws and disrespecting the millions of legal immigrants in that country.

Oh god.

Regarding your first paragraph, you must have missed the part I wrote about an independent Scotland.
I'm not an expert on British politics, but last time I've checked Scotland, England and Wales were all part of the UK. So your example of Scotland building a wall between them and England is pretty much the same as Texas building a wall between them and Oklahoma. Does not apply to US-Mexico.

You know what's disgusting? Breaking into a foreign country, while completely disobeying that country's laws and disrespecting the millions of legal immigrants in that country.
That's why he said they could have another referendum.
So your example of Scotland building a wall between them and England is pretty much the same as Texas building a wall between them and Oklahoma. Does not apply to US-Mexico.

Not really, you obviously misread his post because he clearly said "if Scotland held a 2nd referendum" Something that is more and more likely by the day.
Says who? What's to stop him going a step further and picking on citizens/groups of citizens he doesn't like?

It's an inherent right of citizenship. There are checks and balances in the law to prevent that sort of thing. His current action of temporarily blocking immigrants is only for people from high risk countries.

I can't believe anyone in this day and age can condone a border wall, it's horrific if placed anywhere.

Plus completely pointless. The border is already heavily manned and a lot of cases of illegal immigrants are people on visas overstaying and not going home again. Not to mention a lot of illegal immigration from neighbouring countries isn't just from Mexico, but many of the Carribean islands nations.
It's an inherent right of citizenship. There are checks and balances in the law from that sort of thing. His current action of temporarily blocking immigrants is only for people from high risk countries.

And? When has Trump ever given the slightest feck for anyone's rights? He supports torture, bullies people who oppose him online, insults the families of dead soldiers, and tries to undermine the constitutional right to freedom of the press.

He has a majority in both houses and a Republican party who broadly agree with much of what he's doing. Quite genuinely...who's going to stop him if he decides to undermine the right to citizenship and his own party don't step in? Rights are essentially words on a piece of paper if the people elected to uphold them don't do so.
He can build a wall as much as he likes, but while all the attention is based around the land border, what the feck is he going to be doing about the coastline? Is he going to build a wall around the entire coast too? Like everything else, it's just a gesture for his supporters, and like everything he really hasn't thought it through because he's a fecking moron.
Says who? What's to stop him going a step further and picking on citizens/groups of citizens he doesn't like?

I'd say the constitution. And congress.
Although there is an unfortunate precedent to that, see Japanese American citizens during WWII.
And? When has Trump ever given the slightest feck for anyone's rights? He supports torture, bullies people who oppose him online, insults the families of dead soldiers, and tries to undermine the constitutional right to freedom of the press.

He has a majority in both houses and a Republican party who broadly agree with much of what he's doing. Quite genuinely...who's going to stop him if he decides to undermine the right to citizenship and his own party don't step in? Rights are essentially words on a piece of paper if the people elected to uphold them don't do so.

If you've followed the campaign, you will have known that both parties are against a religious entry test, so no it won't happen. What can happen is a restriction on immigration from high risk countries where ISIS and similar groups have a foothold.
I'd say the constitution. And congress.
Although there is an unfortunate precedent to that, see Japanese American citizens during WWII.

Ultimately worth very little when the people elected to uphold it don't do so.

If you've followed the campaign, you will have known that both parties are against a religious entry test, so no it won't happen. What can happen is a restriction on immigration from high risk countries where ISIS and similar groups have a foothold.

The Republicans are also against Russia, and yet have done nothing to impede Trump's appeasement of them. Even a moderate like McCain has approved Tillerson. The Republicans are for/against what gets them power, and nothing more or less. They'll probably support religious entry tests if Trump tells them to.
Of course there is outrage, imagine being a green card holder who has lived in the US for a few years but is currently on holiday?

How can you just brush that off @Raoul ?

The hate this man will bring upon America is scary.

This was well publicized for the past year, including the bit about whether or not people outside the country may want to not be outside the country when Trump takes office.
The Republicans are also against Russia, and yet have done nothing to impede Trump's appeasement of them. Even a moderate like McCain has approved Tillerson. The Republicans are for/against what gets them power, and nothing more or less. They'll probably support religious entry tests if Trump tells them to.

Not really. There haven't been any Russia policy actions so far so its unknown. Tillerson actually came off as moderately impressive during his hearings, so there was no reason not to approve him.
Not really. There haven't been any Russia policy actions so far so its unknown. Tillerson actually came off as moderately impressive during his hearings, so there was no reason not to approve him.

Tillerson's connections to Putin and business interests in Russia should be evidence enough of his leanings. I'll hold my breath for the Republicans taking any genuine action against Trump's lifting of sanctions.
Tillerson's connections to Putin and business interests in Russia should be evidence enough of his leanings. I'll hold my breath for the Republicans taking any genuine action against Trump's lifting of sanctions.

Did you watch the Tillerson hearings ? It doesn't sound like it. He came off as a pretty level headed guy who assuaged the concerns of the pro-Russia hawks, including McCain, Graham, and eventually Rubio as well. I was against him in the beginning but warmed to the idea that his relationship with the mafia state is moreso a good thing than not.
This was well publicized for the past year, including the bit about whether or not people outside the country may want to not be outside the country when Trump takes office.
Speaking from personal experience you are often faced with horrible choices when deciding to travel or not during immigration status changes. The last people to blame are those who were probably visiting family, perhaps for the first time in many years, and perhaps due to a recent loss.
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