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Are you a green card holder neutral?See my post above yours...there is no uncertainty.
Green card holders from those countries who are currently outside the US won't be allowed back in for the time being.
This is from DHS.
Are you a green card holder neutral?See my post above yours...there is no uncertainty.
Green card holders from those countries who are currently outside the US won't be allowed back in for the time being.
This is from DHS.
We already have possibly the most strict vetting system in the world. What does "extreme vetting" even mean in light of that?Nothing wrong with it at all. It's a temporary ban on individuals from high-risk countries until a review lasting a few weeks has been carried out on the USA immigration system which will determine stricter measures to be put in place to better vet against the entry of potential security threats. Pretty logical procedure.
You don't think she said the right thing?
It's one thing to tell him to his face what she thinks of the US policy but quite another thing for her to cause friction by publicly criticising his every move. It would be utterly foolish. We don"t want a leader who chooses to come to blows with every foreign leader whose views we disagree with. Just think how many of those there are in the world.
ComRes poll suggests otherwise. Others have suggested the same.
Polling was within the margin of error on Brexit, within 1 point on the national popular vote in November, and the catastrophic error in the UK GE in 2015 had the Tories about 3 points lower than their result, and Labour 3 points higher. Not good evidence against clear results like those posted above.I'm not being derisive as to the credibility of the research but just ever so slightly skeptical given how the (supposedly) most scientifically advanced polling techniques have failed to predict the major political events over the last year.
We already have possibly the most strict vetting system in the world. What does "extreme vetting" even mean in light of that?
Like Ubik said, they were within the margin of error. Just so happens that 1% is enough to swing it the other way.I'm not being derisive as to the credibility of the research but just ever so slightly skeptical given how the (supposedly) most scientifically advanced polling techniques have failed to predict the major political events over the last year.
I had this discussion with a work colleague from Iowa. He thinks the wall will stop crazy islamists from entering the US. So I mentioned that most illegal muslims come in through the airports and overstay their visas. Silence.Illegal immigrants can't vote, so it's entirely irrelevant.
It's also worth mentioning that as I understand it the majority of illegal immigrants in the US enter the country legally but then stay beyond the terms of their visa. So they arrive at the airport, not crossing the Rio Grande.
Those who do cross in that manner won't be stopped by a wall.
There will be people here that agree with that but no where close to 50%.Hahaha...take a poll in the UK, I bet at least 50% agree with Trump and want the UK to do the same.
Agreed, it's total garbage and just an excuse to punish an entire religion. I am absolutely mind-blown that anyone thinks it's ok to ban legal residents from entering their country of residence where they may have family/children/jobs waiting for them.
It's sick.
Or Saudi?When has an individual from Iran been a cause of terrorism in USA?
All pence thinks about is cocks and pussies, who has them, who wants them. We can deal with that fecker in-house. Trump on the other hand will destroy a lot of shit on a global scale. Remember, if we get rid of trump that means Bannon, Conway and the rest of the nazi hierarchy are gone. A new problem with father pence but one less terrifying. I can deal with battling a failed Indiana governor for women's reproductive rights but the piss drinker and his acolytes will burn the house down before they are forced out.If this is true, his presidency will end up shorter than Allardyce's England coaching career and we will be blessed with President Pence.
This was the first thing that I thought of.Imagine taking out a 6 figure loan to buy an education from an American Uni; only to find you can't even come back into the country to continue your degree.
This was well publicized for the past year, including the bit about whether or not people outside the country may want to not be outside the country when Trump takes office.
So so so many people fail to realize that simple fact.So I mentioned that most illegal muslims come in through the airports and overstay their visas. Silence.
We are definitely the bad guys
American products? Are you anti-china for any chance?
Don't worry, he's focused on the waterboarder too.
I have no problem with China, and I clearly said US products! Please don't be like your ignorant leader and think you are America. Your country is the USA. America is a vast continent, some class it as two, but it's still way more than the USA. Have you any idea how offensive it is or how many people get upset that so many US citizens think they speak for the entire continent? I have Brazilian Mexican and Argentinian friends who cringe each time they hear someone refer to the USA as America.
It's not true. Who the feck sits on news like this? It'd be on PornHub by now.
I get my students on that every semester... "Is a Mexican an American? What about a Canadian or Brazilian?"Please don't be like your ignorant leader and think you are America. Your country is the USA. America is a vast continent
Shame on those people for not postponing their holidays for 4 years. Or 8. Or forever.
Actions, views...little difference between the two where Trump"s concerned.She didn't say the right thing. She's a coward. We are not disagreeing with his views but his actions.
Id say they are very positive with what they have seen so far
What do you think his supporters would be unhappy with?
Vicente Fox is going to drive Trump mental - so childish, it's like they were made for each other
Liz Goodwin @lizcgoodwin
McConnell confirms Congress will try to approve $12-15 billion for wall...Ryan/McConnell ignore shouted q if they will offset those costs
No money for our schools, medicare or the poor...but billions for Israel and a wall (which many experts have said will not be effective)
I have a feeling that we'll have a more interconnected, interdependent and stronger anglosphere under Trump. Don't really know why I think that, it's just one of my random thoughts.
All pence thinks about is cocks and pussies, who has them, who wants them. We can deal with that fecker in-house. Trump on the other hand will destroy a lot of shit on a global scale. Remember, if we get rid of trump that means Bannon, Conway and the rest of the nazi hierarchy are gone. A new problem with father pence but one less terrifying. I can deal with battling a failed Indiana governor for women's reproductive rights but the piss drinker and his acolytes will burn the house down before they are forced out.
I think we will very shortly be taking our protests to trump inc., lets see how much his business means to him and see if he fights the people with government muscle to protect his families pockets. If that is the case he will be in a very tight spot with no legal protections. If anyone's in possession of this alleged video it must be dumped on every platform to bring an end to this madness.
Some of the guys I work with don't deal in facts. They must be getting their "facts" from Fox News.So so so many people fail to realize that simple fact.
Yes, holidays obviously take precedence over the possibility of not being allowed back in the country.
You guys know what, I actually think Drumpf will manage to somehow get Mexico to pay for the wall. The propaganda victory, yuuuge win and tremendous, tremendous and fantastic victory will just be too tempting for him.
If he manages to pull it off his supporters will literally jizz themselves into a frenzy and he will approach sainthood amongst large masses of them. Narcissus is very aware of this.
He will use the NAFTA deal, the aid from the US to Mexico, taxing of goods and all other methods of financial and political pressure he can.
if you were American you definitely would have voted Trump
We are definitely the bad guys
Yes, I enjoy him winding you guys up immensely.