The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Full Member
Feb 11, 2019
Not now. Pence’s statements and actions show that he’s outside the Trump tent, seen as an enemy by the crazies. Pence has bet on the revival of a more staid and conventional post Trump GOP.
Yes, it seems that way. I guess Trump needed a bigger rally to be in a position to negotiate a deal for himself. I've suspected that to be his plan A for quite a while. Pence pardoning him could have been a plan B. I hope he didn't get anything for that concession speech, except the right to show up in court. We'll see how truthful and righteous the remaining Dems and Repubs conduct themselves...


Full Member
Nov 25, 2015
Why is he allowed to distance himself as if he was not part of it? He is responsible for what happened. Sure he was not directly inside the capitol himself, but without his speech there is no way these people would've stormed inside. That's not even taking into account the extremely shoddy security job which should be thorougly investigated.

I was thinking whether there has been a democratically elected president in a pre WW2 western republic that has done a worse job than Donald. I honestly cannot think of one.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2015
Why is he allowed to distance himself as if he was not part of it? He is responsible for what happened. Sure he was not directly inside the capitol himself, but without his speech there is no way these people would've stormed inside. That's not even taking into account the extremely shoddy security job which should be thorougly investigated.

I was thinking whether there has been a democratically elected president in a pre WW2 western republic that has done a worse job than Donald. I honestly cannot think of one.
He did tell them to do it and said he was going to walk up to the Capitol with them. He then went home to watch it on TV. The biggest fecking coward I've ever seen in my life.


Full Member
Feb 26, 2014
He's such a god damn joke.

1. He stirred up the crowd in the manner he wanted. Both him and Rudy.
2. In the heat of the moment he stays silent until he's asked by the opposition to condemn what is happening.
3. Puts out a video that doesn't condemn, but 75% of the time talks about how they've been cheated and robbed of something so important. Fanning the flames.
4. After impeachment/25th amendment is announced, and the whole fiasco is finished...THEN condemns his supporters.
5. Talks of pardoning himself?!

He's an absolute lunatic. A massive danger to America, I hope everyone who followed him/helped him stir up such a disaster gets what they deserve. Watching so many republicans jump ship now it's safe to do so...ugh.


Lineup Prediction League Winner 2021-22
Aug 10, 2019
I really feel sorry for these people. If you are so directionless in life that you latch onto fecking Trump then i feel really sorry for you. Worse still, they are so deep in the conspiracy and their own mental gymnastics that they have created a completely alternate reality
Its not too disimilar to people being radicalised into ISIS


Man of the crowd
Oct 19, 2012
They really shouldn't go easy on him. Or on those feckwits who stormed the Capitol. Or on the sycophants and lunatics who participated in Trump's frivolous "case" in the courts.

The message should be very clear: The election was not rigged and it is entirely unacceptable to keep on suggesting, in any shape or form, that it was.

Setting a precedent, in other words: next time around, we don't want to see this feckin' nonsense again.

ETA And this is - of course - mainly about those in positions of power and influence who keep using the idea that something untoward actually happened in order to stroke a "base" of uninformed, cult-like voters they don't want to alienate. That needs to stop. The unfounded ideas entertained by said "base" have to be utterly dismissed and rejected in no uncertain terms by as many public figures (not least those who actually run for office) as possible.

There have always been misguided souls who believe in some version or other of the "deep state" (or the lizard people, or the pedophile/Jewish/communist/cannibalistic secret world order...whatever). That will likely always be the case. But they won't constitute a genuine threat to democracy without high-profile politicians and enablers who actively encourage their beliefs.
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Redcafes Most Rested
May 20, 2018
No longer in WI
Atlanta United
I find people like Cruz, Hawley, Gaetz, Mo Brooks and like more despicable than Trump himself.
I remember pre trump Mo Brooks from my time in AL. I listened to local political radio while working at the lab bench most of the day and he would be a frequent guest of the afternoon guy Matt Murphy. Both of the were fairly coherent, libertarian leaning conservatives and would have great conversations and debates with local Dem politicians. They are now both batshit crazy and spewing election controversies left and right. I would love to ask if they have truly gone insane or are doing it purely for votes and listeners.

The Firestarter

Full Member
Apr 8, 2010
I remember pre trump Mo Brooks from my time in AL. I listened to local political radio while working at the lab bench most of the day and he would be a frequent guest of the afternoon guy Matt Murphy. Both of the were fairly coherent, libertarian leaning conservatives and would have great conversations and debates with local Dem politicians. They are now both batshit crazy and spewing election controversies left and right. I would love to ask if they have truly gone insane or are doing it purely for votes and listeners.
Maybe they were always that batshit but only felt liberated to share their true views once Trump got elected and such rhetoric became normalised.


Redcafes Most Rested
May 20, 2018
No longer in WI
Atlanta United
Maybe they were always that batshit but only felt liberated to share their true views once Trump got elected and such rhetoric became normalised.
Maybe? Brooks is likely, but the host I am not so sure. Either way, both of them can go feck themselves now, because real or fake their current platforming is extremely dangerous.


Full Member
Feb 2, 2014
Behind the curtains, leering at the neighbors
I remember pre trump Mo Brooks from my time in AL. I listened to local political radio while working at the lab bench most of the day and he would be a frequent guest of the afternoon guy Matt Murphy. Both of the were fairly coherent, libertarian leaning conservatives and would have great conversations and debates with local Dem politicians. They are now both batshit crazy and spewing election controversies left and right. I would love to ask if they have truly gone insane or are doing it purely for votes and listeners.
I think its the latter. Cruz, Graham etc etc. All of them are opportunistic snakes that condemned Trump before he became the nominee and then turned heel and kissed his ass and enabled his insanity for 5 years so they could tap into his cult for votes.

Now they flee the sinking ship like rats. These people have zero principles besides a lust for power and you should never let them forget that


Is it Gaizka Mendieta?
Apr 28, 2008
None of your business mate
The greatest team in history

Former Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell was sued for defamation by the voting-machine company she repeatedly placed at the center of a vast and unfounded election conspiracy that she claimed switched votes to favor President-elect Joe Biden.

The complaint filed Friday by Dominion Voting Systems Inc. seeks $1.3 billion from Powell, who filed numerous unsuccessful court cases seeking to overturn the election results. She was dumped by the Trump campaign not long after a Nov. 19 press conference in which she claimed that agents from Iran and China infiltrated Dominion’s voting machines to help Biden, and that the software had ties to Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, who died in 2013.

“Powell’s wild accusations are demonstrably false,” the company, based in Toronto and Denver, said in the complaint. “Acting in concert with allies and media outlets that were determined to promote a false preconceived narrative about the 2020 election, Powell launched a viral disinformation campaign about Dominion that reached millions of people and caused enormous harm to Dominion.”

The case could be the first of numerous suits against individuals and media outlets accused of trashing the company’s reputation by repeating or broadcasting wild conspiracy theories to explain President Donald Trump’s failed bid for a second term. Trump’s lead election lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, Fox News and the White House itself were among those who received letters from Dominion’s attorneys in December.
Actions have consequences I guess.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2015
They really shouldn't go easy on him. Or on those feckwits who stormed the Capitol. Or on the sycophants and lunatics who participated in Trump's frivolous "case" in the courts.

The message should be very clear: The election was not rigged and it is entirely unacceptable to keep on suggesting, in any shape or form, that it was.

Setting a precedent, in other words: next time around, we don't want to see this feckin' nonsense again.

ETA And this is - of course - mainly about those in positions of power and influence who keep using the idea that something untoward actually happened in order to stroke a "base" of uninformed, cult-like voters they don't want to alienate. That needs to stop. The unfounded ideas entertained by said "base" have to be utterly dismissed and rejected in no uncertain terms by as many public figures (not least those who actually run for office) as possible.

There have always been misguided souls who believe in some version or other of the "deep state" (or the lizard people, or the pedophile/Jewish/communist/cannibalistic secret world order...whatever). That will likely always be the case. But they won't constitute a genuine threat to democracy without high-profile politicians and enablers who actively encourage their beliefs.
So you want us to scold them like you would disobedient child and then blame the video games they've been playing. feck no.
This is a crowd of adults acting like savages because they believe a lie told by a game show host despite all the evidence indicating that they are delusional. They committed crimes against the state and they are responsible for their own fecking actions. I believe the electoral college had a duty after the '16 election to deny trump based on his temperament, bigotry and criminal actions, millions did. Look at the march the day after his inauguration. Did I or anyone who felt this way act like these delusional fecking shitheads and storm government property with threats of death to public officials? NO. You suck it up and go out and campaign for the next election.


Man of the crowd
Oct 19, 2012
So you want us to scold them like you would disobedient child and then blame the video games they've been playing. feck no.

Those who stormed the Capitol should be tracked down, arrested, tried and punished accordingly.

If that's what you mean.

Not sure what you mean, actually.


In a well-ordered universe...
Dec 26, 2000
On a pale blue dot in space
I remember pre trump Mo Brooks from my time in AL. I listened to local political radio while working at the lab bench most of the day and he would be a frequent guest of the afternoon guy Matt Murphy. Both of the were fairly coherent, libertarian leaning conservatives and would have great conversations and debates with local Dem politicians. They are now both batshit crazy and spewing election controversies left and right. I would love to ask if they have truly gone insane or are doing it purely for votes and listeners.
Maybe they were always that batshit but only felt liberated to share their true views once Trump got elected and such rhetoric became normalised.
Science should study this phenomenon. My guess is a cult of personality takes over as the person becomes more known/famous and then someone like Trump comes along and Stockholm takes over, which brought out subconscious beliefs/feelings that one always held or finds a spot in one's core as he/she buys into the fringe beliefs (all others are anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-gun, anti-this/that). Many of these types are seeking an outlet, a voice that reasons with them, that says what they want but were afraid to say because they know it's wrong, subconsciously.


No one is a match for his two masters degrees
May 7, 2012
Science should study this phenomenon. My guess is a cult of personality takes over as the person becomes more known/famous and then someone like Trump comes along and Stockholm takes over, which brought out subconscious beliefs/feelings that one always held or finds a spot in one's core as he/she buys into the fringe beliefs (all others are anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-gun, anti-this/that). Many of these types are seeking an outlet, a voice that reasons with them, that says what they want but were afraid to say because they know it's wrong, subconsciously.
It's like a shared hysteria in a manner,


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
Science should study this phenomenon. My guess is a cult of personality takes over as the person becomes more known/famous and then someone like Trump comes along and Stockholm takes over, which brought out subconscious beliefs/feelings that one always held or finds a spot in one's core as he/she buys into the fringe beliefs (all others are anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-gun, anti-this/that). Many of these types are seeking an outlet, a voice that reasons with them, that says what they want but were afraid to say because they know it's wrong, subconsciously.

It's quite simple really, he just told them anything that they wanted to hear without delivering any of it. People have been falling for that kind of grift forever.


In a well-ordered universe...
Dec 26, 2000
On a pale blue dot in space
It's quite simple really, he just told them anything that they wanted to hear without delivering any of it. People have been falling for that kind of grift forever.

Trump has basically started a political religion. L Ron Hubbard said it best - "You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion."


Full Member
Feb 17, 2012
Hal Institute for Criminally Insane Robots
I can't see how he won't be prosecuted by the incoming DOJ, FBI or local jurisdiction and probably jailed after this to be honest. One way or the other. There's absolutely no doubt that he bears the responsibility of the riots. This would never have happened without his months of incitement. With a few exceptions the DC GOP won't give a shit I think, they have always hated him.


In a well-ordered universe...
Dec 26, 2000
On a pale blue dot in space
His base would eventually return to the R side regardless. They would vote a rotted carcass if it had an R next to the name. They're sheep (most of us are to be fair). And someone more polished in public engagement and more charming would take the throne. Enter an asshole like Hawley.


Redcafes Most Rested
May 20, 2018
No longer in WI
Atlanta United
His base would eventually return to the R side regardless. They would vote a rotted carcass if it had an R next to the name. They're sheep (most of us are to be fair).
I could never be a sheep, I enjoy lamb too much and cannibalism is not my thing.
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