The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Logical and sensible but turns women gay
Jan 11, 2007
Yes I can hear you Clem Fandango!
Are presidential pardons so airtight that a blatantly dodgy president can just give himself one before he leaves office and he is bulletproof?
No one has done it before and there is a question mark over whether a President can pardon himself. So I suspect if and when he does it will end up in the Supreme Court.


Captain Stink mouth, so soppy few pints very wow!
Jun 28, 2014
My brain can't get pregnant!


Captain Stink mouth, so soppy few pints very wow!
Jun 28, 2014
My brain can't get pregnant!
Pence clearly not impeaching or going along with the 25th Amendment calls because it would feck his 2024 chances.

feck all these corrupt pieces of shit.


Fending off the urge
Apr 12, 2006
Under the bright neon lights of sincity
No one has done it before and there is a question mark over whether a President can pardon himself. So I suspect if and when he does it will end up in the Supreme Court.
Thinking he will get jailtime when they dont even have the guts to impeach him.

Wishful thinking.

He'd be exiled politically like napoleon.

Biden will be bipartisan. Gop will try to lay low for 2024.

Trump will be growing old in his golf course while playing victim.

Ivanka will somehow become senator. Jared will keep on makin deals with uae. Nothing will happen to ted cruz.

The pawn will be martyred and indicted heavily.

The next 4 years will resemble normal until 2023 where the next trump will emerge


Made of cheese
Jun 22, 2020
no-one in particular
I lead a team at Shopify and I can promise you that you're wrong.
Care to elaborate? (if you can) I'd be curious. I vaguely remember Shopify doing some other progressive things, but I can't remember specifics now. (Apart from deciding to make telework permanent. I think that's a good move.)

I worked across the street from you until I switched jobs a few months ago btw. At some point, my view was the pixel art of video game characters on your windows. :D
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Full Member
Feb 11, 2016
Feck me, the people who stormed the Capitol are famous now (the viking lad and the one who posted a selfie from Pelosi's office)
Fecking arrest them ffs


likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Nov 28, 2014
He released that video for two reasons.
  1. To avoid the embarrassment of being removed.
  2. To save his family's political future.


enjoys sex, doesn't enjoy women not into ONS
Oct 9, 2011
The final grift will be collecting money for Trump's bail.


likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Nov 28, 2014
If anyone is in doubt about the biggest snake in congress.


Full Member
Feb 2, 2014
Behind the curtains, leering at the neighbors
Those on TheDonaldWin site - BREAKING. Message from President Trump - The Donald - America First! - are not liking Trump's new video at all.

For example "feck Donald Trump. This fecking piece of shit dragged us into DC for what? To leave us holding the bag? What the feck"
Thread got removed :lol:. They are right back to licking his arse

Seriously, Trump gave it his all. He's in his 70s, and he worked 20 hour days for 5 straight years, throwing out his reputation, all of his friends, half his family. He did this for YOU. You want him to do EVERYTHING for you? He got this movement started. It's not fecking over, he gave us the playbook, now it's OUR turn to lead this movement, together. Yesterday showed the power we can exert when even a fraction of us get together in one location. We keep this going, forever, until the Left caves in or go extinct because they only f*ck 7 year old boys in the *** and can't reproduce.
I so badly wanted Trump to go down like a Founding Father, and complete the death blow to the system.
I wanted to see Obama face the law for his terrible actions. Clinton as well, along with tons and tons of others.
I wanted to see Assange testify about Rich.
I want to be optimistic, but it's not easy tonight. I'm sure I'll wake up in a different mood, but I feel very depressed.
I will always get by though! But, what I truly want, is a fearless leader, who is willing to risk death to lead us to true liberty.
Trump must not be that man. I love him, but we need people like the founding fathers.
How would our founders feel if they witnessed the tyranny of 2020?
They would organize massive revolts.

I've been thinking about this.
The Founders were young, energetic, and in positions of respect, wealth, and sometimes power.
They also were NUMEROUS. And despite their many differences, they shared the same goal and dedicated themselves to it.
Trump is basically ONE MAN. And the borg monster of government aka deep state has grown ten million times in size since the Founding.
It's just not realistic to think that one man - even the near perfect fighter that Trump is - can do it.
The whole world was against him, and he still accomplished more in four years than any president in my lifetime (I'm 51).
We're too stuck on superheroes in this culture. Trump is the closest human to a superhero we'll ever have.
God bless him.
I really feel sorry for these people. If you are so directionless in life that you latch onto fecking Trump then i feel really sorry for you. Worse still, they are so deep in the conspiracy and their own mental gymnastics that they have created a completely alternate reality


Full Member
Feb 17, 2012
Hal Institute for Criminally Insane Robots
I wonder what the investigation into the DC riots will uncover. There are a few questions I bet they're looking into:
  • There were clearly some police officers who were aiding the rioters, the question is if they were a few rogue officers or if there was a bigger plan behind it.
  • It's also pretty weird how the calls for reinforcements from the National Guard seemed to have been intentionally delayed for hours when it was clear that the situation was out of control. Who was responsible for this? Trump himself?
  • I'm also wondering what those reports of people in the WH being in contact with rioters was all about. Was there some kinda coordination?
  • Did guys like Hawley and other representatives play any role in this?
  • The last one leads one to wonder what exactly the actual intention of Trump and co was with the protest or rally. He told them to march on Congress and for some reason said he was going to join them, but obviously didn't because he's a lying moron, did he actually want this to happen and somehow exploit the chaos for his own benefit?
Based on how riots are used as political tools in some countries, India for instance, I have a hard time accepting that Trump and his inner circle didn't expect something like this happening, and intentionally let it play out. There's no doubt that Trump incited the crowd. It's only logical that a lot of people did what they did. I guess those provable morons didn't think it would backfire like this. Even some of his die hard followers seem to feel betrayed by him now.

I know a lot of people think Trump will get away with everything when he leaves office, but this could potentially become another case in the potential pile of cases already stacked up against him.


The Art of Bore
Aug 23, 2010
Still waiting for the Youthquake
Technically, no. But practically they can do any number of things - e.g. pretend the order was never received or not properly verified, claim equipment malfunction ... prevaricate, delay, obstruct, confuse etc .... and meanwhile go back to Pence with this convincing evidence that the 25th needs immediate execution.
So ignore orders and arrange a coup quicker than trump can get somebody else in the military who will follow orders... not worth the risk... get rid now


my face causes global warming
Apr 30, 2010
Truth like rain don't give a feck who it falls on.
Care to elaborate? (if you can) I'd be curious. I vaguely remember Shopify doing some other progressive things, but I can't remember specifics now. (Apart from deciding to make telework permanent. I think that's a good move.)

I worked across the street from you until I switched jobs a few months ago btw. At some point, my view was the pixel art of video game characters on your windows. :D
Inciting violence goes directly against our Acceptable Use Policy. We deplatformed Gab for similar reasons a while back. Shopify is probably the most progressive company I've ever worked for, very left leaning and progressive, massive massive emphasis on work life balance, mental health, individuals rights etc. I work in Vancouver and my role has always been remote but yeah great of the company to go work from home for everyone permanently. It's public knowledge that our presidents grandparents survived the holocaust and one of Trumps folks was running around the Capitol in an Auschwitz tshirt yesterday so I can assure you that keeping/getting rid of Nazi's on the platform isn't something that we're on the fence about or do/don't do to protect our reputation. It's disgusting, the company is vehemently against shit like Trump pulled and took action immediately. We can't just remove people because they're assholes and/or we don't like them but when something like that happens and it's a direct contravention of our terms then it's a no brainer and there's nothing to weigh up or take into consideration first.
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