The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Over the past week I've been getting significantly more right-wing/Trump hailing based youtube channels 'recommended' for me. Despite me clicking the option that I don't want to see those recommendations, they come back.
Same thing happened to me today.
Same thing happened to me today.
Same here as well. It's kinda fecked and the same thing happened before. Seeing pro Trump and pro gun and pro conspiracy channel ads etc even though my search and watch history would clearly indicate that is the last thing I'm interested in.

Before I got a lot of RT and Russian TV shows etc recommended including for the profile my kids use. Was blocking things left and right and all of the sudden it stopped.

Would be very curious to hear someone (journos I guess?) hold Google to account and ask them to explain how the YouTube algorithms are suddenly completely off (again). If someone is fecking with it then we should be told whats going on.
Could it be the pro trump, pro conspiracy channels tagging their videos in a weird manner? Are the channels gaming the algorithm or are youtube pushing it?
Could it be the pro trump, pro conspiracy channels tagging their videos in a weird manner? Are the channels gaming the algorithm or are youtube pushing it?
It's possible they are adding in certain tags for sure I guess but it seems curious so many all of the sudden all pop up rather than a channel here or there. Makes you think there is something driving it beyond the individual content creators.
Bricks are too heavy but soup delivers more force!

From the man who brought you "Space Force"
There are even websites discussing which assault rifle you should start your children off with..

America is fecked.

Jesus Christ. That is just so alien to me. A fecking website for sizing your child for an assault rifle. A tactical military grade weapon. Designed for soldiers. Its just outrageous that people think its normal and a "right".

I mean if I lived there I would probably buy an M1 Garand rifle. Of World war 2. I have shot them on rifle ranges on holiday and I have a genuine interest in world war 2 historical weapons. I would like to own one that I would keep locked away and take to a range every now and then.

But an assault rifle? Why does anyone need an assault rifle - let alone a child need one. ?
I reckon he’s probably bang on about soup too, I bet the terminal velocity of a tin of tomato soup is abnormally high.
I reckon he’s probably bang on about soup too, I bet the terminal velocity of a tin of tomato soup is abnormally high.
That's what you get when former Soviet aerospace engineers come to the US and start designing tins!
Jesus Christ. That is just so alien to me. A fecking website for sizing your child for an assault rifle. A tactical military grade weapon. Designed for soldiers. Its just outrageous that people think its normal and a "right".

I mean if I lived there I would probably buy an M1 Garand rifle. Of World war 2. I have shot them on rifle ranges on holiday and I have a genuine interest in world war 2 historical weapons. I would like to own one that I would keep locked away and take to a range every now and then.

But an assault rifle? Why does anyone need an assault rifle - let alone a child need one. ?

M1 Garand is definitely an assault rifle.

First rifle for a child should always be a bolt action .22lr (that they only get to use under an adult's direct supervision and they have no access to unless supervised).
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At least we're not objectifying women while laughing at Trump for objectifying women. ;)
If saying Kim Jong Un hit on Sarah Sanders isn't a declaration of war against North Korea, I don't know what is.
At least we're not objectifying women while laughing at Trump for objectifying women. ;)

At least we are not being snowflakes and not criticising others for having a sense of humour and making innocent jokes about people they don't know and continuing a long running joke that has been going on for years.

It is possible to make jokes and still be respectful at your core.

Also, this is a sausage heavy site. You should see the way the 'ladies" speak about and objectify us on their sites.....
At least we're not objectifying women while laughing at Trump for objectifying women. ;)

I'm the only one in here that says anything complimentary about Kellyanne. Not having this. She is beautiful, smart, talented and I want to bone her.
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