The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Given how their base sees things now, they kind of have to don’t they?

They’re the party of Trump, full cult of personality now.

Yeah, but before that they were the party of... whomever. I guess it's possible they continue their path towards authoritarianism and eventually fascism, but I think they'll probably go back to being more dog-whistly racist and horrible, like they were before.
Yeah, but before that they were the party of... whomever. I guess it's possible they continue their path towards authoritarianism and eventually fascism, but I think they'll probably go back to being more dog-whistly racist and horrible, like they were before.
It's not like the GOP leadership chose Trump now. They're just being spineless cowards supporting him, but all of them were working against Trump during the primaries. Even if it's the same if a Trump-like person runs, there is no guarantee the GOP leadership will successfully oppose that candidate this time. Anyway, I'm not so sure they would even try; Trump did become president and has given the GOP a lot of what they wanted (like tax reform and all those judges everywhere). If you look past the insane persona and endless gaffes, Trump hasn't been all that bad for even the moderate side of the party.
It's not like the GOP leadership chose Trump now. They're just being spineless cowards supporting him, but all of them were working against Trump during the primaries. Even if it's the same if a Trump-like person runs, there is no guarantee the GOP leadership will successfully oppose that candidate this time. Anyway, I'm not so sure they would even try; Trump did become president and has given the GOP a lot of what they wanted (like tax reform and all those judges everywhere). If you look past the insane persona and endless gaffes, Trump hasn't been all that bad for even the moderate side of the party.

While this is all true, it's still a fact that he's currently on course to lose in a landslide, despite having a huge electoral college advantage. And while it's also true that the GOP leadership didn't choose Trump, that makes Trump more the exception than the rule. It remains to be seen whether Trump represents a completely new trend, but I'm not sure I'd count on it.

Have mercy on us - he has discovered emojis!

This is a great example of why people and the media need to stop using a stock index of the 30 largest mega conglomerates as a substitute for "the economy". Sure, the billionaires and wall street fat cats are doing the great right now. The bottom 90%? Not at all.
One of the greatest cons was convincing people to associate the health of the overall economy with the wealth of the richest investors.
This is a great example of why people and the media need to stop using a stock index of the 30 largest mega conglomerates as a substitute for "the economy". Sure, the billionaires and wall street fat cats are doing the great right now. The bottom 90%? Not at all.
One of the greatest cons was convincing people to associate the health of the overall economy with the wealth of the richest investors.
Yes he did and yes, GC was an absolute cnut and sexual predator.

Your lack of acknowledgment for my phenomenal wordplay makes me sad.

But yeah, the remnants of memory from HS AP history of him having his rape victim committed and child taken away is disgusting. Basically all of our presidents have been horrible human beings who did horrible things in office, which I guess would make Harrison our best president?
While this is all true, it's still a fact that he's currently on course to lose in a landslide, despite having a huge electoral college advantage. And while it's also true that the GOP leadership didn't choose Trump, that makes Trump more the exception than the rule. It remains to be seen whether Trump represents a completely new trend, but I'm not sure I'd count on it.
Let's see about that landslide first, I'd say. Plenty of time and an October surprise to come. (I read the CDC is already gearing up on getting states ready to start working with vaccines - which will be a complete danger as nothing has been fully developed yet, but hey-ho! Or maybe they'll just go with that wonder vaccine developed in Russia by Trump's best pal.) And if there is no landslide loss (or even a win), the Democrats might not take back the Senate either.

Trump will anyway have made the Republican Party reconsider its political orientation. After the Obama wins, they concluded that they needed to connect to different demographics more, like hispanics. That would have been one of their reasons to oppose Trump's candidacy. But Trump showed that that's not the only possible road to victory, and so the GOP leadership might also have reconsidered the type of candidate they want or can accept. They might be pretty happy now with someone who's a lot like Trump, just less stupid.
Let's see about that landslide first, I'd say. Plenty of time and an October surprise to come. (I read the CDC is already gearing up on getting states ready to start working with vaccines - which will be a complete danger as nothing has been fully developed yet, but hey-ho! Or maybe they'll just go with that wonder vaccine developed in Russia by Trump's best pal.) And if there is no landslide loss (or even a win), the Democrats might not take back the Senate either.

Trump will anyway have made the Republican Party reconsider its political orientation. After the Obama wins, they concluded that they needed to connect to different demographics more, like hispanics. That would have been one of their reasons to oppose Trump's candidacy. But Trump showed that that's not the only possible road to victory, and so the GOP leadership might also have reconsidered the type of candidate they want or can accept. They might be pretty happy now with someone who's a lot like Trump, just less stupid.

It’s still a losing strategy purely because of changing demographics, and while they can slow that a bit with immigration bans they can’t stop the inevitable. The longer they try the harder the road back will be.

Not to mention it’s stupid as feck as LOTS of Latinos are conservative and religious as feck. Perfect Republican fodder.
It’s still a losing strategy purely because of changing demographics, and while they can slow that a bit with immigration bans they can’t stop the inevitable. The longer they try the harder the road back will be.

Not to mention it’s stupid as feck as LOTS of Latinos are conservative and religious as feck. Perfect Republican fodder.
I agree completely. It's useless in the long term. But that means nothing in the short term of political opportunism. If Trump loses now, I don't think it'll be a landslide, and it won't just be because of changing demographics. I don't think another Trump-like candidate in four years would be out of the question.

(It's the downside of a two-party system. Many people won't feel at home anywhere. As you say, as a conservative non-white person, you get to choose between the non-conservative (let's not call the Dems progressive) and the white party. Sounds fun.)
I agree completely. It's useless in the long term. But that means nothing in the short term of political opportunism. If Trump loses now, I don't think it'll be a landslide, and it won't just be because of changing demographics. I don't think another Trump-like candidate in four years would be out of the question.

(It's the downside of a two-party system. Many people won't feel at home anywhere. As you say, as a conservative non-white person, you get to choose between the non-conservative (let's not call the Dems progressive) and the white party. Sounds fun.)

I think there’s a frankly enormous list of Republican politicians just waiting for that happy day Trump leaves office so they can knife him repeatedly in the press. It’s going to be open season, and I’m not sure how it’s going to effect the next election yet.
Your lack of acknowledgment for my phenomenal wordplay makes me sad.

But yeah, the remnants of memory from HS AP history of him having his rape victim committed and child taken away is disgusting. Basically all of our presidents have been horrible human beings who did horrible things in office, which I guess would make Harrison our best president?
1) Damn. Sorry I missed that :lol: I’d just finished teaching a class when I posted that so I’ll blame the kiddos

2) Ha! Yeah he didn’t really have a chance to do anything crazy... that said he had a “splendid” military career.
I think there’s a frankly enormous list of Republican politicians just waiting for that happy day Trump leaves office so they can knife him repeatedly in the press. It’s going to be open season, and I’m not sure how it’s going to effect the next election yet.
Yeah, that will be interesting to watch if Trump loses. I guess it will be a short free-for-all, with a lot of fun from The Lincoln Project - until it becomes clear how the power balance in the GOP has shifted and whose asses now need to be kissed. I do hope the Republicans would shift to the centre, of course. That would give less voice to the right-wing nutjobs, give the DNC the opportunity to move left again (well, a little!) - and might lead to huge infighting, when the QAnon, Tea Party, and populist types go all-out for the throats of the new leadership.

Maybe I'll have popcorn tonight in anticipation. (Then at least I'll have had popcorn also if it doesn't happen that way!)
Can't see the GOP ever moving towards the center, they've been trending to the far right for some 30+ years. They may find another empty suit or nice guy type that appears more center-right, but actions behind the scenes will still be the same reality.
Sounds exactly like him.

It will be interesting to see if the right has any push back on this. The right got so bent out of shape after four died in Benghazi with dozens of hearings & tens of millions of dollars spent. I highly doubt we will hear a peep from them; that’s unfortunate as this could be the only scenario that could move the needle precipitously in the edges of his support

Not doubting that this happened, but these sort of headlines must have about zero impact on the voters. If you haven't turned on Trump after he attacked a Gold Star family, called McCain a loser and fired Mattis - which was more than just hearsay - you won't do it based on this.
Not doubting that this happened, but these sort of headlines must have about zero impact on the voters. If you haven't turned on Trump after he attacked a Gold Star family, called McCain a loser and fired Mattis - which was more than just hearsay - you won't do it based on this.
The purpose of these headlines is to make money, nothing else. If they wanted to impact voters the best way would be just ignore Trump completely. Don't give him any bandwidth and his deceptions don't enter the main stream. The media is complicit in this to make money.
John McCain was a champion of global violent extremism and pretty good at it. A true winner and hero for advancing US interests even when it means courting nazis and jihadists.
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