The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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We don't know what was in the bag. Agreed. He was being chased. He did get attacked with a skateboard while on the ground and he did have someone aim a gun at him. As I said there was different reports about what was thrown and what it contained. Maybe it will come out a trial. Gun culture is not something I really get as a European but in a place where guns are common and there was plenty on show that night i'm trying to understand looking at all thing mad things going on there. Certainly feels like he was chased and defended himself without regard to the legalities.
Especially if you're European, I would think you can appreciate the difference between one person hitting with a skateboard and the other shooting a gun. Not quite a proportionate response. Yes, the kid had a gun, and it might seem to make sense that he'd shoot it when threatened. But that does not actually make sense. Guns kill, shooting them at people should be the very last resort, and even then you should have aim, not shoot randomly so you might hit someone in the head. (As indeed happened.) If you can't control yourself like that, you either shouldn't have a gun, or be held fully accountable for the results.
There are a lot of things about America these days that I can’t really wrap my mind around, but of them all one really stands out.

How can Trump and his cronies show videos/describe things that are happening RIGHT NOW and describe them as a vision of Biden’s America, when these things are literally happening in Trump’s America.

Surely the cognitive dissonance has to have a limit somewhere?

Because the partisan divide has become so deep that it's just about your team winning. You see the same with Brexiters who respond to concerns about economic fallout with: "suck it up we won".
Yes, after he fecking shot someone with a gun he wasn't legally allowed to be carrying, in a state where he didn't live, guarding a business that didn't need him.
Especially if you're European, I would think you can appreciate the difference between one person hitting with a skateboard and the other shooting a gun. Not quite a proportionate response. Yes, the kid had a gun, and it might seem to make sense that he'd shoot it when threatened. But that does not actually make sense. Guns kill, shooting them at people should be the very last resort, and even then you should have aim, not shoot randomly so you might hit someone in the head. (As indeed happened.) If you can't control yourself like that, you either shouldn't have a gun, or be held fully accountable for the results.

Yes and he didn't try to shoot him until the guy with the skateboard tried to take the gun off him(after cracking him in the head). Shocking thing to watch but in all honesty taking purely that moment I don't know how anyone can blame him for defending himself.
Because the partisan divide has become so deep that it's just about your team winning. You see the same with Brexiters who respond to concerns about economic fallout with: "suck it up we won".

I guess looking from the outside it's just difficult to wrap my mind around people ignoring things that are literally happening before their eyes.
Yes and he didn't try to shoot him until the guy with the skateboard tried to take the gun off him(after cracking him in the head). Shocking thing to watch but in all honesty taking purely that moment I don't know how anyone can blame him for defending himself.
So shooting someone in the head is, in your opinion, a warranted response of “self defence” when someone throws something (an unknown object at that) at you? Hmmm. I’d personally think it’s a wee bit of an overreaction.
There are a lot of things about America these days that I can’t really wrap my mind around, but of them all one really stands out.

How can Trump and his cronies show videos/describe things that are happening RIGHT NOW and describe them as a vision of Biden’s America, when these things are literally happening in Trump’s America.

Surely the cognitive dissonance has to have a limit somewhere?
As someone explained to me earlier, the argument is that this is happening in cities governed by Democrats, so it would get worse if Democrats get in power federally as well. If Trump is re-elected, he can expand his federal policy and do other stuff to restore Law and Order.

(I know, lots of loopholes; but it's an election campaign argument, not a real one.)
So shooting someone in the head is, in your opinion, a warranted response of “self defence” when someone throws something (an unknown object at that) at you? Hmmm. I’d personally think it’s a wee bit of an overreaction.

It's completely shocking but he didn't stop after throwing the bag he chased him down. You might say shooting someone is always wrong but what the hell are you chasing a guy with a gun for? It's absolutely crazy.
I saw a video and it looked like a petrol bomb. All you did was post a pic with and without flames you do realise that flames can be added or taken away don't you? Again its still a minor point in the altercation the guy threw something which I presume was to do harm. He was also chasing the kid with a large mob. Exactly how would that make you feel? If the flames were doctored in it only makes it an unknown object throw which cold still have been dangerous.

Also the original reply I was making was because no one mentioned the attack on the ground or the glock out and obviously you all ignore that with the classic trope of going after the issue with the flames (which I even put both sides in my post so hardly me saying it was fact) IT was a shocking tragedy which ever way you view it and a lot of wrongs that culminated in two deaths, one seriously injuring and probably one live ruined. More carnage on this disaster that is looking more like civil war every day,

I did not just post a picture, but this wasn't important enough for you to read the thread.

I can also post pictures and videos of Ahmaud Arbery wearing Timberlands and holding a hammer, of James Fields getting attacked before he drove into Heather Heyer among others, of the Proud Boys getting attacked first instead of being the instigators, of an old innocent man getting attacked instead of being a fascist beating people up with a hammer.

Would you believe that as well?
I did not just post a picture, but this wasn't important enough for you to read the thread.

I can also post pictures and videos of Ahmaud Arbery wearing Timberlands and holding a hammer, of James Fields getting attacked before he drove into Heather Heyer among others, of the Proud Boys getting attacked first instead of being the instigators, of an old innocent man getting attacked instead of being a fascist beating people up with a hammer.

Would you believe that as well?

I never believed anything I specifically pointed out it had been reported as two different things. Both sides had guns. the whole event was tragic. you just zeroed in on one thing which you could make a point on.
I never believed anything I specifically pointed out it had been reported as two different things. Both sides had guns. the whole event was tragic. you just zeroed in on one thing which you could make a point on.

Ok. You're either a nazi or you made a mistake. You can't read anything at all into the words I used here, because I said that you maybe made a mistake. Nazi (or someone who made a mistake).

See how ridiculous that is? If not, what about this: You either killed a man in cold blood, or your Redcafe username is DFreshKing.
Ok. You're either a nazi or you made a mistake. You can't read anything at all into the words I used here, because I said that you maybe made a mistake. Nazi (or someone who made a mistake).

See how ridiculous that is? If not, what about this: You either killed a man in cold blood, or your Redcafe username is DFreshKing.

Yeah, it's definitely ridiculous. Well done on Godwin's though (Or not i'm not entirely sure you triggered it).
Yeah, I don't understand why he was there either but unless you have more details he might have family in the area or business to protect. Also he was chased before any of the shootings (Unless again there has been some manipulated video).
You're an apologist, you've picked your narrative.
Yeah, it's definitely ridiculous. Well done on Godwin's though (Or not i'm not entirely sure you triggered it).

We can go full Godwin if that gets you going.

Either WW2 was because the Nazis, or it was because of the Jews. Either the Nazis killed around 6 million Jews and 11 million people total in the Holocaust, or it was all Jewish lies. I'm just reporting what some people have said, don't read anything at all into my framing.

Come on. The far right always lies about cases like this, and they did so here. You bought it, for some reason or other, hopefully an innocent one. You should acknowledge it, though. If you want to argue that he acted in self defense you can do so without far right lies.
I remember that, it was one of the first times the government acknowledged the extent of the ability of licence plate readers being used by the police.

You’re right that a murder of the media live wouldn’t be a first, but, in the context of what’s happening today, especially if it is at a protest, it could be explosive.
Oh no doubt. I’m convinced that it is a “when” not an “if” situation at this point. We are a powder keg waiting for a match. It is to the point that I’ve been in conversations with my athletics director and principal where they were discussing if we should have school the day after the election or not.
Yes and he didn't try to shoot him until the guy with the skateboard tried to take the gun off him(after cracking him in the head). Shocking thing to watch but in all honesty taking purely that moment I don't know how anyone can blame him for defending himself.
I don't blame him for defending himself, in that particular moment as a defence mechanism would have kicked in automatically, but I do 100% blame him for starting the whole incident by being there in the first place with a fecking assault rifle, enflaming a situation he had no need to be anywhere near while apparently thinking he was playing some sort of real life version of Call of Duty. This whole thing is completely his own fault.
Oh no doubt. I’m convinced that it is a “when” not an “if” situation at this point. We are a powder keg waiting for a match. It is to the point that I’ve been in conversations with my athletics director and principal where they were discussing if we should have school the day after the election or not.
Wow. That is insane you are having such discussions, but thankfully you are. Hopefully the talks are productive.
Yes and he didn't try to shoot him until the guy with the skateboard tried to take the gun off him(after cracking him in the head). Shocking thing to watch but in all honesty taking purely that moment I don't know how anyone can blame him for defending himself.
Here’s the thing... this isn’t like he was on his own property or legally carrying and “standing his ground”.

He is underage, he crossed state lines, and the way in which he was carrying was unlawful. There’s a laundry list of feck ups by him that led to that situation.
He had is gun out and pointing at the kid. The footage is there for you to view. Maybe if you had seen it you would not think the reasoning is insane. I didn't morph anything I said has been reported as I.E by reporters. I actually saw the video of the guy lob the fiery cocktail or petrol bomb so I have no need to make it up.
I too saw the video of the guy throwing something, all the way from the throw to him getting shot.
Heres the thing about petrol bombs, they explode on impact or at a minimum they will show some flames. The object that was thrown at cadet cop did nothing other than hit the floor and stay there, if you're thinking of how the object "lit" up then its because the object passed by a street light and became illuminated for a second.
Imagine defending some weirdo teenager who thinks it's a great idea to march around the streets with a rifle and who then proceeds to shoot and kill two people. Bizarre, kid should have the book thrown at him and imprisoned.
Imagine defending some weirdo teenager who thinks it's a great idea to march around the streets with a rifle and who then proceeds to shoot and kill two people. Bizarre, kid should have the book thrown at him and imprisoned.
At 17, the parents deserve a looking at as well. How the feck do you raise your kid to carry a fecking cannon to another state and shoot people.

If Biden wins there will be serious civil unrest. These lunatics are completely brainwashed.
I too saw the video of the guy throwing something, all the way from the throw to him getting shot.
Heres the thing about petrol bombs, they explode on impact or at a minimum they will show some flames. The object that was thrown at cadet cop did nothing other than hit the floor and stay there, if you're thinking of how the object "lit" up then its because the object passed by a street light and became illuminated for a second.

Yeah it makes sense you would expect an explosion and it appears some feckwit doctored the footage to add fire but it was an object thrown and was a small part of the attack and chase. He should not of been there but, many others had guns and what do people expect to happen in such an atmosphere of hate and intimidation. Things will go to shit. Chasing a gunman is not clever. Pointing your own gun is not clever. Talking of defending people one of the victims was a convicted pedo so im not going to lose any sleep over him.
Here’s the thing... this isn’t like he was on his own property or legally carrying and “standing his ground”.

He is underage, he crossed state lines, and the way in which he was carrying was unlawful. There’s a laundry list of feck ups by him that led to that situation.

Yeah I 100% agree with all of that must have been a severe case of misplaced patriotism. Had no place being there as far as we can tell so far.
I don't blame him for defending himself, in that particular moment as a defence mechanism would have kicked in automatically, but I do 100% blame him for starting the whole incident by being there in the first place with a fecking assault rifle, enflaming a situation he had no need to be anywhere near while apparently thinking he was playing some sort of real life version of Call of Duty. This whole thing is completely his own fault.
Yeah it makes sense you would expect an explosion and it appears some feckwit doctored the footage to add fire but it was an object thrown and was a small part of the attack and chase. He should not of been there but, many others had guns and what do people expect to happen in such an atmosphere of hate and intimidation. Things will go to shit. Chasing a gunman is not clever. Pointing your own gun is not clever. Talking of defending people one of the victims was a convicted pedo so im not going to lose any sleep over him.

You're on a roll tonight. Ok, so you bought the far right lie hook and sinker about the Molotov. Does that change a thing? No, of course not, what do you expect to happen when you chase a gunman and throw plastic at him? (Why did you even bring up the Molotov when it didn't actually matter for your conclusion? We will never know!). Things will go to shit. Shit happens. We won't talk about the gunman, we will only talk about the people chasing the gunman. By the way, apparently one of the people chasing the gunman was apparently a pedo so what the gunman did was fine anyway.

I would get banned if I accurately described what kind of person you are.
Pretty sure these last two pages have made my point. There is no bottom and justifications will just keep on coming.
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