The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Not as crazy as last night. Pretty sure there was a hasty rewrite well into last night.

Tonight is the listing of accomplishments, no doubt tomorrow will be the airing of grievances.
I think last night was all about firing up his batshit crazy base, where as tonight seems aimed far more at independents and swing voters.
Its a fecking Gaslight Convention. Trump sounds like such a standup guy.

Its like the last 4 years never happened.
That’s one of the only ways they might be able to get independent voters, gaslight, obfuscate, & act like the previous four years never existed.
That’s one of the only ways they might be able to get independent voters, gaslight, obfuscate, & act like the previous four years never existed.
As candidate Trump you can offer all the promises of saving the nation. But after 4 years as President Trump, his feck-ups are there for everyone to see.
As candidate Trump you can offer all the promises of saving the nation. But after 4 years as President Trump, his feck-ups are there for everyone to see.
Yet still he warns of rioting under President Biden - as if the rioting isn't happening now, or things would be different all of a sudden if Trump were reelected.
Yet still he warns of rioting under President Biden - as if the rioting isn't happening now, or things would be different all of a sudden if Trump were reelected.
They are painting the riots as happening only in democrat's cities. And if more cities vote democrat this is what would happen. It is an effective strategy.
After 4 years, the people who vote for him were always going to vote for him. All this fear about some people switching sides is nonsense imo.
This is all about who is more motivated to vote.
The play is definitely Nixon mach 2: fear in the suburbs. It's the only coherent theme coming out of this car crash of idiotic nepotism.

I just don't see how that can work for an incumbent. "If you elect crazy antifaJoe, your cities could look like this! *cuts to images of cities under Trump Presidency*"

I know these voters aren't the brightest crayons in the box, but Trump is still running as the outsider who can 'come in and fix things' - but he's there! And been there for 4 years, and everything is worse. That's a reasonably easy message that even the Democrats shouldn't screw up.

They should just do an ad that says: "Imagine a Trump Presidency" and then spend 2 minutes showing all of the terrifying disasters that have actually happened.
The play is definitely Nixon mach 2: fear in the suburbs. It's the only coherent theme coming out of this car crash of idiotic nepotism.

I just don't see how that can work for an incumbent. "If you elect crazy antifaJoe, your cities could look like this! *cuts to images of cities under Trump Presidency*"

I know these voters aren't the brightest crayons in the box, but Trump is still running as the outsider who can 'come in and fix things' - but he's there! And been there for 4 years, and everything is worse. That's a reasonably easy message that even the Democrats shouldn't screw up.

They should just do an ad that says: "Imagine a Trump Presidency" and then spend 2 minutes showing all of the terrifying disasters that have actually happened.

Every disaster they cause they just either pretend isn’t true or else they blame the ‘deep state’ which actually means their own administration. And his fans lap it up.
Every disaster they cause they just either pretend isn’t true or else they blame the ‘deep state’ which actually means their own administration. And his fans lap it up.
Yep, there's also option three which is "babble incoherently until the other person just gives up trying to change your mind."

For example, you could ask a Trump voter why they're voting for Trump despite them being poorer than before, sicker, living in an area with riots all the while the rich keep getting richer and they'll spend ten minutes yammering in a serpentine formation about Crazy Joe, gay frogs, Obama being an Eskimo etc.
Not sure if mentioned elsewhere but between a OANN journo now being appointed as a spokesperson to the FDA (articles were scrubbed), and the CDC being pressured to no longer suggest tests for people who are asymptomatic you can see where this is going (continuing to go?). Fkin banana republic at all levels these days.
The play is definitely Nixon mach 2: fear in the suburbs. It's the only coherent theme coming out of this car crash of idiotic nepotism.

I just don't see how that can work for an incumbent. "If you elect crazy antifaJoe, your cities could look like this! *cuts to images of cities under Trump Presidency*"

I know these voters aren't the brightest crayons in the box, but Trump is still running as the outsider who can 'come in and fix things' - but he's there! And been there for 4 years, and everything is worse. That's a reasonably easy message that even the Democrats shouldn't screw up.

They should just do an ad that says: "Imagine a Trump Presidency" and then spend 2 minutes showing all of the terrifying disasters that have actually happened.

Not just Nixon. Reagan and Bill Clinton also used it to great effect.
Trump voter can't name one reason she supports him: 'Not that I can think of'

Let's face it. She likes his immigrant policy.
Melania goes on stage to say that Donald's heart bleeds for the victims of police attacks and then he send feds to stop protestors again.
That's a bit unfair since it's very clear Trump isn't taking his meds.

Just like sports they should do convention day drug tests. I guarantee Jr tests positive for coke and Gaetz test positive for the blood of immigrant children.
This is the challenge. Fair play to whoever this guy is for being so clear:
This is the challenge. Fair play to whoever this guy is for being so clear:

It was something last night following Daniel Dale on his Twitter feed as he was fact-checking real time. Dale did state that this was somewhat off of teleprompter (bullet points, apparently), but that doesn’t tarnish the quality Dale put forth in this clip.

AC’s reaction is phenomenal.
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