The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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This is sad if you look at the text used (whining about the media and DNC, fawning over Trump), but otherwise actually makes sense. There is no point developing a major platform, name side everything knows that Trump won't care and will never feel beholden to it. (Assuming he'd ever even find out what the platform is. Maybe someone would have read a brief summary to him.) Also, people in the US by now know what Trump's about; it's not like there is still anything new to explain about his general direction and ideas (or 'ideas'). So why bother going through the trouble of creating a platform, which can lead to quite intense and divisive discussions?

(Yes, it says things about Trump and the GOP, but nothing new.)
Wait, are the gun couple actually invited to the GOP convention? :lol: I thought the comment about them was a piss take!
To be fair, Canada's border patrol have similar licence to operate within a set distance of the border. It's likely true for most other countries as well. There's nothing wrong with that but the Trump administration's abuse of that to deploy them against American citizens who are not comitting the kind of offences border agents should be dealing with is a problem.
WTF is that. Great, more Comey apologists. F*cker is responsible for this.
Don the Baptist about to speak where these religious nuts are just listening to hymns waiting for orange gob to show up.

Ivanka is so hot though

Sounds like Kelly Anne is going to be looking for some new dick soon. :drool:

Just saw some of Don Jr’s thoughts from the RNC. Christ. At one point he calls Biden The Loch Ness monster of the swamp:lol:
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