The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Ah, Tim Scott as the token black representative. Can't wait to hear Melania gushing over her husband like Michelle Obama did in 2012. No way will she be able to plagiarize that speech, that's for sure.
"I have a dream, that one day....."
Isn't their daughter a Sanders supporter? I'd not like to have supper round theirs!
Not sure if she’s a Bernie supporter or not, she’s definitely anti-Trump. She did tweet these in a row yesterday...

I definitely agree on the discomfort around the kitchen table in the coming weeks.
If my mother was an open supporter and enabler of this abomination, I'm not sure I'd take it well either.

The penny's probably finally dropped and she's realized that this abomination ain't worth destroying her family for. I didn't realize just how hard her daughter's been going in on her on social media.

Some serious shit going on right there. No wonder Conway has always looked like she could just do with a good night's sleep.
Are you seriously telling me that the POST OFFICE can arrest people in that batshit mental country? Land of the free my arse :lol:

It's odd for us, but I don't see what it has to do with freedom. We're not talking regular postal workers here. No idea why they would arrest Bannon, but they are the authority for stuff like stealing mail, which is a felony apparently.
Are you seriously telling me that the POST OFFICE can arrest people in that batshit mental country? Land of the free my arse :lol:

USPO is a federal agency which is responsible for the shipment of packages all over the United States and beyond. Is it actually surprising to you that they have authority to police it themselves given how it can be abused?
Are you seriously telling me that the POST OFFICE can arrest people in that batshit mental country? Land of the free my arse :lol:
Not the post office, but their law enforcement arm, the USPIS. The USPS is a government organisation, there are a lot of laws and regulations pertaining to mail and stuff, so they have their own branch specialised in dealing with the breaking of these.
It's odd for us, but I don't see what it has to do with freedom. We're not talking regular postal workers here. No idea why they would arrest Bannon, but they are the authority for stuff like stealing mail, which is a felony apparently.
They can investigate any crime that involves the mail, so presumably part of Bannon's fraud involved sending stuff, they apparently do quite a lot of financial fraud and drugs work too.

They are also the oldest contunually operating federal law enforcement agency, apparently they predate the declaration of Independence!
USPO is a federal agency which is responsible for the shipment of packages all over the United States and beyond. Is it actually surprising to you that they have authority to police it themselves given how it can be abused?
Extremely surprising, thats what the police are for, no? Do the police and FBI deliver amazon orders?
Extremely surprising, thats what the police are for, no? Do the police and FBI deliver amazon orders?

Right, but that's a thing with the US. Everyone and everything has its own police force. It's understandably strange for those of us who come from unitary policing systems (or whatever we call it), but it's just another American thing.
Right, but that's a thing with the US. Everyone and everything has its own police force. It's understandably strange for those of us who come from unitary policing systems (or whatever we call it), but it's just another American thing.
Just seems like such an unwieldy bureaucratic way of doing things, totally divisive and surely all the pissing contests over jurisdiction, funding etc must take valuable time and resources away from actually achieving something?
Even the Bureau of Indian Affairs (they should change that name) has its own police force!
tbh that one I can totally be onboard with given how many times the native americans have been screwed over by the rest of the US.
It's odd for us, but I don't see what it has to do with freedom. We're not talking regular postal workers here. No idea why they would arrest Bannon, but they are the authority for stuff like stealing mail, which is a felony apparently.

tbh that one I can totally be onboard with given how many times the native americans have been screwed over by the rest of the US.
Sadly often by the bureau of indian affairs - but that's another thread!

Can we take a moment to point out that none of trump's policies or "platform" is outside the realm of what is considered "republican". The broader GOP and smart-asses like the lincoln project would love Trump policy if it was delivered by Mitt Romney. I ABSOLUTELY HATE that republicans now get to play dumb because a wannabe-facist says the quiet part out loud.
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Even the Bureau of Indian Affairs (they should change that name) has its own police force!

Typically this is because America's jurisdiction on their lands is questionable at best. They will have a slightly better relationship, and by that I mean a defined one, with the bureau.
Nope, never seen it, recommend it?
Yea definitely, the quality has fallen away a bit in the later seasons but it was brilliant for a good 4-5 seasons and the later ones are still decent if not as great as it was.

There’s an episode featuring USPIS which is what sprang to mind seeing the above posts :)
Yea definitely, the quality has fallen away a bit in the later seasons but it was brilliant for a good 4-5 seasons and the later ones are still decent if not as great as it was.

There’s an episode featuring USPIS which is what sprang to mind seeing the above posts :)
Gotcha, Ill check it out cheers
Right, but that's a thing with the US. Everyone and everything has its own police force. It's understandably strange for those of us who come from unitary policing systems (or whatever we call it), but it's just another American thing.

The US does take it to an extreme degree. However the UK has quite a few law enforcement organisations as well. The biggest I guess would be the transport police, nuclear police, various park police, border, customs etc.Took me a lot longer than it should have to realise the Met didn't do centre of London and City of London was a thing.
Even university campuses have their own university police department -- carrying guns or tasers.

Let's not forget the Border Patrol who can basically do whatever they want as long as its within 100 miles of a US border (which includes either ocean).
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