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Representative Steve King, of Iowa, has had a model produced of his ideal border wall. Not sure from this picture whether he's still got the confederate flag on his desk.
Bit small isn't it?
Representative Steve King, of Iowa, has had a model produced of his ideal border wall. Not sure from this picture whether he's still got the confederate flag on his desk.
Bit small isn't it?
Farage and Le Pen visit Trump Tower, now this......
If this is true I can't imagine anyone else saying something like this and it not being seen as a threat. Some might even call it a declaration of war...
He is thinking to himself that maybe he will dating this little girl in ten years, maybe she needs some furniture to sweeten the deal.On a more amusing note, just realised Trump had a cameo in Home Alone.
When Donald does a presentation on it it will look full scale.
Its completely plausible imo. Putin would like nothing more than to break EU and NATO solidarity, which is why he's been funding politicians and right wing movements everywhere from the UK, France, the US, Moldova, Montenegro, Bulgaria etc. Now that right wing populism has finally gained a foothold in various European countries, the rise of Trump in the US is the final piece of the puzzle for Putin to put the squeeze on disassembling Europe.
I doubt there are many Col. Claus von Stauffenbergs floating around. Trump has been talking shit for five years now and everyday I still hear the media go on about how they are not prepared and never seen anything like this. cnuts, report the truth and push push push, you have 24hrs a day 7 days a fecking week. If they care they would do wall to wall coverage on Putin corruption and Trump inc. dodgy dealings. These two feckers have plenty of enemies, they just need public protection.Which is why it's imperative that he's stopped and why republican senators are after him.
It's a boy.He is thinking to himself that maybe he will dating this little girl in ten years
Representative Steve King, of Iowa, has had a model produced of his ideal border wall. Not sure from this picture whether he's still got the confederate flag on his desk.
Michael Jackson knew that but did trump inc.?It's a boy.
Hollywood, Silicon Valley and Wall Street should be worried if that's the case.Trump wanting to dismantle the European Union properly have something to do with it won´t give U.S.A a free trade agreement that benefits Trump and his corporate interests. If he is willing to destroy the European economies for his own benefit it would show how utterly stupid and short sighted he is and U.S.A should be treated as a threat with him as president if there is any truth to this. A economical weak Europe that is vulnerable to Russian and Chinese influence would be bad for American interests long term. It would lose a strong global partnership in world affairs while making China and Russia even stronger on the world stage. If Trump can´t see this he really is extremely stupid beyond belief and i hope he won´t stay in office for long for both European and American interests sake.
Well it didn't take long for TrumpleThinSkin to attack Mr Lewis.... Inevitable and so predictable. Nice that he slags off a whole area and its population too.
Oh and then this in caps so it must be uber important!
Should he be directly tweeting about what intelligence insiders think?
Well it didn't take long for TrumpleThinSkin to attack Mr Lewis.... Inevitable and so predictable. Nice that he slags off a whole area and its population too.
Oh and then this in caps so it must be uber important!
That OANN thing is an obscure new right wing media tv channel where Lewandowski now works. I'm assuming in true Breitbart form, they're going to start manufacturing fake news, which Trump will then reference on Twitter, which will essentially create a pro-Trump fake news narrative that the main stream media will have to cover and discuss.
That OANN thing is an obscure new right wing media tv channel where Lewandowski now works. I'm assuming in true Breitbart form, they're going to start manufacturing fake news, which Trump will then reference on Twitter, which will essentially create a pro-Trump fake news narrative that the main stream media will have to cover and discuss.
Trump's twitter feed comments are just a mess. Even people with no political affiliation are using it to flog their products.
My bad about the subs. But the Chinese do have naval superiority in the western Pacific, I think. Also, their defensive capabilities are what is called "carrier killer ", that is, designed to attack any US carrier groups that approached. Times have changed, 20 years ago the US would not have shown much caution, nowadays, in the event of conflicto, they'd have to think twice before sailing through the South China Sea with their behemoths because they are more vulnerable than they were.Only about 70 to 100
Why is Trump telling the Europeans or at least the EU to spend more on defence ? I suspect it's because the money and resources are needed for the Pacific. America's military remit is not what it was. Syria, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine and so on and cannot be controlled as easily as they once were. remember, I'm talking about trends, not imminent events.
Yes, but my focus is on the geopolitical reasons, which I think may be related to the coming confrontation in the Pacific. Does he plan to free up arms and soldiers in preparation for a stand off with China ?Trump regards the world through the eyes of a businessman.
70% of the cost of European defense is borne by the US. Trump looks at that rather remarkable fact and asks why. There are no freebies in his world - a business pays for services rendered. Europe is rich, so why shouldn't it meet the cost of defending itself? It's a good question.
Can they not just ignore it? Drawing attention to all that nonsense is only going to bring more traffic to those sites.That OANN thing is an obscure new right wing media tv channel where Lewandowski now works. I'm assuming in true Breitbart form, they're going to start manufacturing fake news, which Trump will then reference on Twitter, which will essentially create a pro-Trump fake news narrative that the main stream media will have to cover and discuss.
Trump regards the world through the eyes of a businessman.
70% of the cost of European defense is borne by the US. Trump looks at that rather remarkable fact and asks why. There are no freebies in his world - a business pays for services rendered. Europe is rich, so why shouldn't it meet the cost of defending itself? It's a good question.
Trump regards the world through the eyes of a businessman.
70% of the cost of European defense is borne by the US. Trump looks at that rather remarkable fact and asks why. There are no freebies in his world - a business pays for services rendered. Europe is rich, so why shouldn't it meet the cost of defending itself? It's a good question.
Exactly. The point about NATO members not meeting the 2% GDP requirement, is that the US doesn't really care that much primarily because the existence of NATO is far more important to the US in terms of geopolitical influence.Europe relying on the US has typically suited the Americans down to the ground, though. It's given them massive military sway and ensured no European country challenges them as the dominant military power. Wanting Europe to pay their fair share is fine, but there's no use in acting as if Europe have been screwing over the US when the situation has perfectly benefited America.
Exactly. The point about NATO members not meeting the 2% GDP requirement, is that the US doesn't really care that much primarily because the existence of NATO is far more important to the US in terms of geopolitical influence.