The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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What would they do if Trump dropped out? Have Pence as a candidate?

Accept Biden will be elected but do all they can to retain the senate so he achieves nothing in 4 years while they get ready for 2024.
Accept Biden will be elected but do all they can to retain the senate so he achieves nothing in 4 years while they get ready for 2024.
Not sure that'd work out though. Replacing Trump would be a huge thing. There would be enormous coverage, big discussions, Trump would never go quietly (even if he agrees), and lots of people would look to settle accounts. I would think that it would take the GOP months to get everything calmed down and get everyone on the new message, and while that's going on, they might even do worse in the senate elections because of the unhappy Trump fans that might not show up anymore. I would think Trump's polling numbers would have to be catastrophically bad before the GOP would want to go into all this.

Or maybe I'm underestimating the degree to which all GOP people would be able to suddenly switch direction simultaneously? (I don't think that particular aspect of 1984 has ever been put to practice...?) Alternatively, they might push Pence to the fore to appease the Trump fans a little, and leave him alone with Biden while focusing all their actual efforts on saving some senate seats. (You'd almost pity Pence in that scenario. But not really.)
What would they do if Trump dropped out? Have Pence as a candidate?
Pence and Haley are the only ones I see getting odds on the books; they’d probably offer up Pence as a sacrificial lamb. The baby Trumps would have to sit that one out.

Not that I see it being a real possibility, but it is easy to underestimate just how much an extreme case of narcissistic personality disorder affects a person’s decision making. Those that suffer from it are not entirely sane.

This was being discussed on Friday on ‘Morning Joe.’ At first I was skeptical, but it fits in with Trump’s overwhelming narcissism.

The unfortunate thing would be the immediate rehabilitation to some extent by all the media immediately after he announces he will not run.
Can't see it in a million years. If he steps down it's because the GOP have forced him to, they'd have to have something massive to embarrass him with though, like evidence he doesn't want to sleep with Ivanka or something.

Trump is a narcissist. There's zero chance a narcissist drops out of a race before it's run, even if they know the result of the race. What they do is before running the race, they create the excuses and blame everyone else for their failure, even if they already knew the result.
Trump is a narcissist. There's zero chance a narcissist drops out of a race before it's run, even if they know the result of the race. What they do is before running the race, they create the excuses and blame everyone else for their failure, even if they already knew the result.

The other thing he is though is a massive coward and a bully who always punches down. Tulsa let him see he might not have the support he thought and he looked shellshocked after it.
Why are people even giving credence to an "exclusive" report from a random account on twitter? This is the equivalent of indykaila news on the transfer tweets thread.
So Trump as gone from he was never briefed, to the info was not credible so was not reported to him. He's toast.
'Possibly' and 'maybe' tell its own story.
I mean he's blatantly lying again there. Intel 'just' briefed him. Sure, course. Get his press sec out there later saying that the word just could refer to any time period, and we've been sentient for hundreds of thousands of years and also of course just the 3 thousand in the bible and so what is a few months and anyway the intel wasn't clear and no one is harder on Russia than this administration.

It's just another weekly scandal that would have wrecked other presidencies.
'Possibly' and 'maybe' tell its own story.
Since when does Trump use qualifiers in tweets? Those words surely mean that it can be proven that he knew a long time ago.
:lol: I'm even talking to the sock on my hand, in homage to the man himself!
Wasn't Bush & Cheney wanted in Spain? John McCain then wanted to go to war with them. Can't remember the episode or if I imagined it.
Inevitably coming soon from his campaign people: 'President Trump has been accused of a crime he didn't commit...'
'And YOU, patriot, can help pay for the billionaire's defence even though he'll never go to trial. Just send us $500000. Thanks, Jake.'
Not sure what Iran are hoping to achieve, but I can't wait for the tweet storm that is likely to come.
Trump tweet:
Can anyone believe that Princeton just dropped the name of Woodrow Wilson from their highly respected policy center. Now the Do Nothing Democrats want to take off the name John Wayne from an airport. Incredible stupidity!

He also retweeted the video of a white couple pointing guns at protesters.
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