The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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After the news of these Russian bounties spread, instead of addressing it he’s tweeting wanted posters for people that supposedly vandalized an Andrew Jackson statue. Typical malignant narcissistic personality disorder.

It’s really a shame that Covid apparently hasn’t taken real root in the White House yet. I am so looking forward to Trump catching a truly bad case of it.
The strategy is apparently to gaslight the public into believing Biden is the crazy one

To be fair he doesn't help himself a lot of the time. He's also a pretty shit candidate.

He has a seriously inconsistent past on many issues that the majority of liberals/progressives want to see being implemented.

He's prone to gaffs and contradicting himself.

He is old and you can see the pain he has suffered has taken its toll on him.

He's not progressive at all and if anything he's more of the same. He's not the change the USA needs at the moment and of he does win everyone will celebrate they have got rid of Trump but fail to see they have made any real difference. It will just go back to being business as usual and ignoring the fact the entire system is broken.

He is the only alternative to Trump and that in itself shows how fecked the system is.

I just feel Biden is a double edged sword. Better than Trump? Of course. But so is a 4 year old that just drew Alvin and The Chipmonks on his bedroom wall out of his own shit.
I'm still baffled how the latest news about Russia is barely registering. It's just getting put in the same category as "Trump plays golf" and "Trump can't drink from a cup" and being quickly replaced by some minor scandalous thing that he's done next.
I'm still baffled how the latest news about Russia is barely registering. It's just getting put in the same category as "Trump plays golf" and "Trump can't drink from a cup" and being quickly replaced by some minor scandalous thing that he's done next.

It's no secret what both Americans and Russians did on Afghanistan, it has been a proxy war since Rambo III

Here's $5000 for killing american troop
Here's a stinger missile to kill Russian Pilot in a Helicopter
Here's $5000 for "private contractors" to kill Russians
Here's "M16" so you can kill Russian more efficiently (Replace M16 with AK47 depends on which side you're on)
Here's funding for Ukraine to buy weapon so you can kill Russians

The wording of "bounty and actual $ for killing Americans" made it sounds worse, but in reality that's just what countries like America / Russia does on daily basis.
I'm still baffled how the latest news about Russia is barely registering. It's just getting put in the same category as "Trump plays golf" and "Trump can't drink from a cup" and being quickly replaced by some minor scandalous thing that he's done next.
Weapons of mass distraction?
To be fair he doesn't help himself a lot of the time. He's also a pretty shit candidate.

He has a seriously inconsistent past on many issues that the majority of liberals/progressives want to see being implemented.

He's prone to gaffs and contradicting himself.

He is old and you can see the pain he has suffered has taken its toll on him.

He's not progressive at all and if anything he's more of the same. He's not the change the USA needs at the moment and of he does win everyone will celebrate they have got rid of Trump but fail to see they have made any real difference. It will just go back to being business as usual and ignoring the fact the entire system is broken.

He is the only alternative to Trump and that in itself shows how fecked the system is.

I just feel Biden is a double edged sword. Better than Trump? Of course. But so is a 4 year old that just drew Alvin and The Chipmonks on his bedroom wall out of his own shit.
There were loads of alternatives, this is the guy they chose to run with. That says a lot in and of itself...
It's no secret what both Americans and Russians did on Afghanistan, it has been a proxy war since Rambo III

Here's $5000 for killing american troop
Here's a stinger missile to kill Russian Pilot in a Helicopter
Here's $5000 for "private contractors" to kill Russians
Here's "M16" so you can kill Russian more efficiently (Replace M16 with AK47 depends on which side you're on)
Here's funding for Ukraine to buy weapon so you can kill Russians

The wording of "bounty and actual $ for killing Americans" made it sounds worse, but in reality that's just what countries like America / Russia does on daily basis.

UK soldiers too....

I wonder if Boris would like to comment?
I'm still baffled how the latest news about Russia is barely registering. It's just getting put in the same category as "Trump plays golf" and "Trump can't drink from a cup" and being quickly replaced by some minor scandalous thing that he's done next.
Our media is either compromised or complicit or self-interested. That's it.

I'm sick of myself for constantly moaning about the media but, after all, they are rather important in shaping our lives.
He is the only alternative to Trump and that in itself shows how fecked the system is.

Absolutely. That he may bring along Kamala Harris for the ride is doubly scary. She’s a terrible candidate with a history of oppressing the exact people this groundswell movement is trying to help raise up.

I think I’d rather listen to Trumps absurdity than her psychotic laugh for four years. It’s like she walks around with a 90’s Sitcom canned laughter track in her pocket that’s half a second out of step and just as overused.

People think she’s liberal and progressive as she’s a black female democrat. She’s closer to a Republican than Trump has been across her lifetime.
Anonymous intelligence reports about russia and cold war mongering should be taken with a wheelbarrow of salt.
This is all but confirmed so far as these things go, from sources on both sides of the pond. The WH isn’t even denying it, they’re just claiming POTUS didn’t know.
There were loads of alternatives, this is the guy they chose to run with. That says a lot in and of itself...
It's going to be a bitter pill to swallow for sure. Biden was close to the bottom of my list, I'm still shocked a bit that we are heading to November with him but it is what it fecking is right now. I'm hoping that if he wins the country is just ran around him by Congress and his Secretaries. The dems need a good fecking purge of that party starting at the top.
They can be pushed though, just look at the bills sitting on McConnell's doorstep, some good stuff in there. It has to be a collected effort to progress and throwing the toys out of the pram won't help anyone. This country is a social media comments page right now and by no means is Biden the uninstall button but after all we've witnessed over the last few years it seems a lot of Americans, especially older, chose the safe and most comfortable option. I would rather continue the fight with a Biden in the White House than a trump.
Bolton on his biggest worry for a Trump 2nd term (just now on Jake Tapper) :

"If a liberal justice leaves, he might get advised to keep the court balance and appoint a great liberal justice "

:wenger: Somehow this dude excels at making Trump look better than he is and appear unbelievably evil himself.
Our media is either compromised or complicit or self-interested. That's it.

I'm sick of myself for constantly moaning about the media but, after all, they are rather important in shaping our lives.
I think it’s because there is nothing democratic about how our media is structured. But we are supposed to believe they represent our best interests.
Bolton on his biggest worry for a Trump 2nd term (just now on Jake Tapper) :

"If a liberal justice leaves, he might get advised to keep the court balance and appoint a great liberal justice "

:wenger: Somehow this dude excels at making Trump look better than he is and appear unbelievably evil himself.

The republicans are just scum.
Dude just retweeted a video of a supporter yelling white power. I guess he decided why go half racist when you can go full racist.
Aside from the whole treasonous part of Trump covering up that Russia offering bounties for killing US soldiers story, is the fact they did it itself not a declaration of war by Russia?
It's no secret what both Americans and Russians did on Afghanistan, it has been a proxy war since Rambo III

Here's $5000 for killing american troop
Here's a stinger missile to kill Russian Pilot in a Helicopter
Here's $5000 for "private contractors" to kill Russians
Here's "M16" so you can kill Russian more efficiently (Replace M16 with AK47 depends on which side you're on)
Here's funding for Ukraine to buy weapon so you can kill Russians

The wording of "bounty and actual $ for killing Americans" made it sounds worse, but in reality that's just what countries like America / Russia does on daily basis.
Yeah - Charlie Wilson's War was a nice example for me of how that went in the Cold War (80s Afghanistan specifically), and I bet the US would still be doing similar stuff if Russia were engaged in a similar conflict right now. Ugly enough, but not particularly surprising. What stands out, is that Trump doesn't do anything with it. You'd think it's an easy stick to beat Russia with, which is supposedly the US's biggest rival alongside China. But no, nothing.

Guess that's really yesterday's outrage though. I mean, four years into Trump's presidency, him being weak on Russia really isn't anything new anymore, and it would in any case come in pretty low on the list of insane things he's doing.
The current US is a prime example about why Plato critical towards democracy as it could easily become the majority rule of idiots.
Yeah - Charlie Wilson's War was a nice example for me of how that went in the Cold War (80s Afghanistan specifically), and I bet the US would still be doing similar stuff if Russia were engaged in a similar conflict right now. Ugly enough, but not particularly surprising. What stands out, is that Trump doesn't do anything with it. You'd think it's an easy stick to beat Russia with, which is supposedly the US's biggest rival alongside China. But no, nothing.

Guess that's really yesterday's outrage though. I mean, four years into Trump's presidency, him being weak on Russia really isn't anything new anymore, and it would in any case come in pretty low on the list of insane things he's doing.

Just seen it. Nice chicks there. Thanks for lettintnme know a great movie
The current US is a prime example about why Plato critical towards democracy as it could easily become the majority rule of idiots.
The US is an oligarchy who like to keep their subjects idiots. Smart enough to operate machines, follow instructions and some to be innovative in technical fields, but not raise any questions about how to manage society. No one in their right mind can argue that the US is attempting their best to raise responsible critical thinking human beings to society.

Not going to happen. He is going to run and if he loses, he claim the election was rigged or due to China purpously creating a virus to destroy the US and his presidency or some other conspiracy.
What would they do if Trump dropped out? Have Pence as a candidate?
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