The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Trump is the boss of high pressure sales tactics. Go look at his tactics in the Trump university case and this will sound like gentle pleading in comparison.
Proof they're aware that their supporters are delusional and they like to play to that delusion.

yeah, looking past the utter absurdity of it, clearly a lot of money has been spent on perfecting the marketing message.

Fact is that this has been deemed the best message to appeal to his supporters, and that is really telling.
"Open the pod bay doors, HAL."

"Jake, is everything OK? President Trump asked us if you were available to meet him at an upcoming event but we told him we hadn't heard from you yet.
You've always been one of our best supporters, and not entering just isn't like you."
Again though, jokes aside it really makes you realise just what the audience is that they are catering to. Imagine the kind of idiot that actually thinks that Trump knows who they are and is personally inquiring about them. Imagine it.

Now realise that there are enough of those people in America right now to give Trump a realistic chance of getting reelected.

Nice to see the pressure on the advertisers is having an effect.
President Donald Trump has known for months of a Russian military intelligence campaign to offer secret bounties to Taliban militias for killing US soldiers in Afghanistan.

According to an exposé in the New York Times citing US intelligence officials, the president was notified of the bounty campaign in late March and discusses a range of possible responses, but has still yet to confront the Russians about the targeting of American troops.

“An operation to incentivize the killing of American and other NATO troops would be a significant and provocative escalation of what American and Afghan officials have said is Russian support for the Taliban,” the story noted. “It would be the first time the Russian spy unit was known to have orchestrated attacks on Western troops.”

There's always a new level to his psychopathy.
yeah, looking past the utter absurdity of it, clearly a lot of money has been spent on perfecting the marketing message.

Fact is that this has been deemed the best message to appeal to his supporters, and that is really telling.
I guess the message proves that you're right and this does work, but I still can't believe anybody would actually fall for that instead of just laughing their asses off and listing this as a poor spam attempt at fishing!
I get these emails too, they're fecking hilarious

I never donated or signed up though, I swear!
That's exactly what someone who had donated to Trump would say if they didn't want people to know what they've done.
WaPo is reporting they have confirmed this. If true, it makes the West Point visit even more remarkable. Recall that all those graduates had been sent home, but because he wanted a photo-op Donny overruled WP and made them bring the grads back for a ceremony.

He did all of that, resulting only in humiliating himself on stage followed by saluting cadets whilst having betrayed them. It’s an apt microcosm of his Presidency...
This Afghanistan business should be a resigning matter. The story about the Trump admin not acting because they were unsure what to do is likely a cover story for Trump actually deciding to do nothing.
WaPo is reporting they have confirmed this. If true, it makes the West Point visit even more remarkable. Recall that all those graduates had been sent home, but because he wanted a photo-op Donny overruled WP and made them bring the grads back for a ceremony.

He did all of that, resulting only in humiliating himself on stage followed by saluting cadets whilst having betrayed them. It’s an apt microcosm of his Presidency...

One of the few stories that have legitimately got to me. We're recruiting boys into the armed forces every year and they go in under the impression that the commander in chief has their interest at heart... And then this story.

wtf? I love Joe Biden now?

But seriously, look at the delusion through that tweet thread

Expect ridiculous fear mongering for the next 4 months to turn out the base and suppress as much Biden enthusiasm among his probable voters.

Sean Hannity's face :lol: :lol:

I have to say, that sounds like he’s attempting to say;

“A friend of mine said: You have to be the most Perfect Person. They criticise you for too much. They criticise you for too little. If you do something well, they ignore it and point at something else”

He’s said versions of this before, and that sounded like an attempt to do it again. Like he has to BE perfect to escape criticism. Not that his friend said he IS perfect.

I hate the cnut but that’s how it sounded to me. The laughter and applause cuts in and frames it oddly.
“A friend of mine said: You have to be the most Perfect Person. They criticise you for too much. They criticise you for too little. If you do something well, they ignore it and point at something else”

He shouldn't be complaining about that, and it's telling that he is moaning. It's absolutely par for the course for any public figure, especially these days. And if he was female, the criticism would be 100 times worse, guaranteed. He wants no criticism at all, it's clear. Besides, his reputation as the world's wealthiest used car salesman went before him; it's entirely his own fault that he's viewed as a publicity-hungry, fame-seeking and untrustworthy mercenary.
We started out small, manually then Niall dropped the nuclear option wiping out 500 of the vermin in one go
I love that this conversation is spread amongst multiple threads. I'm proud of the mods, they've done their part to partially shield us from the livertrumpians.
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