The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Imagine being part of a movement that says "we want our voices to be heard as equally as everyone else's, and we want the violence towards black people to stop" only to find out that your President's response is to call you traitors and support aggression towards you.
"Ravin' Mad Reagen wants Gorbachev to tear down a historic wall. Damaging Government property is TREASON!"
Black Lives Matter leader states, “If U.S. doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it”. This is Treason, Sedition, Insurrection!
Absolutely unforgivable by Trump. He would let America burn just to keep his voter-base (un)happy.
Absolutely unforgivable by Trump. He would let America burn just to keep his voter-base (un)happy.
The disingenuousness of him keep saying loose movements like Black Lives Matter and Antifa have 'leaders' really pisses me off too. These aren't paramilitary organisations, but that's the impression he's desperately trying to foster in his support.
More presidential tweets from earlier today:
Trump said:
A Fox News commentator just ripped me with lies, with nobody defending. They talked about the “friendly” protesters (they set the Church on fire the day before. They were anything but friendly), and how I stood and held the Bible upside down - it wasn’t upside down.
Trump said:
The number of ChinaVirus cases goes up, because of GREAT TESTING, while the number of deaths (mortality rate), goes way down. The Fake News doesn’t like telling you that!
Trump: Black Lives Matter leader states, “If U.S. doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it”. This is Treason, Sedition, Insurrection!

I guess that means his statement about shooting someone on 5th Avenue is murder.
His tweeting has been particularly awful today. Somebody forgot the dipping sauce for his McNuggets I am guessing.

Or he was briefed on his numbers with 65+ voters...
Elections have consequences. To sit it out because certain candidates failed your purity test, even though they are the closer to your way of thinking than the other, in a shit political system like this makes you a fool in my opinion.
We aren’t built to work as a fully functioning democracy. Really wish people would stop pushing lesser of two evils as a valid strategy. It’s high time we recognize nothing good has ever come from it. Irrespective of who the president is, we are still stuck with systemic racism that will kill more innocent black people, round up migrants and continue to treat them like scum.
You’d think after 2016 more folks will recognize the flaws in our system and work towards addressing it. But instead we get the same rhetoric jammed down our throats but with more urgency.
His tweeting has been particularly awful today. Somebody forgot the dipping sauce for his McNuggets I am guessing.

Or he was briefed on his numbers with 65+ voters...
"My approval ratings have skyrocketed - now up to 87% amongst 70+, obese, bald Presidents called Donald Trump."

'Thanks, Rasputin! Or, actually, Putin.'
We aren’t built to work as a fully functioning democracy. Really wish people would stop pushing lesser of two evils as a valid strategy. It’s high time we recognize nothing good has ever come from it. Irrespective of who the president is, we are still stuck with systemic racism that will kill more innocent black people, round up migrants and continue to treat them like scum.
You’d think after 2016 more folks will recognize the flaws in our system and work towards addressing it. But instead we get the same rhetoric jammed down our throats but with more urgency.
Vote for trump then.
How much of a fool do you have to be to follow someone with no understanding about anything so religiously?
We aren’t built to work as a fully functioning democracy. Really wish people would stop pushing lesser of two evils as a valid strategy. It’s high time we recognize nothing good has ever come from it. Irrespective of who the president is, we are still stuck with systemic racism that will kill more innocent black people, round up migrants and continue to treat them like scum.
You’d think after 2016 more folks will recognize the flaws in our system and work towards addressing it. But instead we get the same rhetoric jammed down our throats but with more urgency.
If all you have is a flawed system - and I don't think anyone here disagrees that is what you have in the US - then your only choice is to work with what you've got. You need to vote for the lesser of two evils if you have any chance of change. Otherwise you're defeated before you can start to change things, because this guy and his party throw up more and more obstacles in the way of progress.

As much as we wish it wasn't the case, lasting change is slow and incremental. With people abstaining from voting because of Hillary, you've lost ground and are steady regressing, with Trump sliding you back to the 1950s.
How much of a fool do you have to be to follow someone with no understanding about anything so religiously?

That’s the thing, people must see voting for Trump (either consciously or subconsciously) as voting for themselves.

“If I was president I would [quit Paris/leave Nato/leave NAFTA/build a wall/etc etc]”

That’s my opinion on why people in America will vote for him - he does the crazy things that sadly a lot of people say they would do having watched five minutes of television.

He could quite easily get re-elected, I think...
How much of a fool do you have to be to follow someone with no understanding about anything so religiously?

So when do we actually cross over to accepting that the US president actually believes testing for something makes it real? I've maintained that he's said this shit just to annoy people, but now he's saying it every single time there is a camera around. He....actually belives a virus can only exist if it's tested for. :lol:
So when do we actually cross over to accepting that the US president actually believes testing for something makes it real? I've maintained that he's said this shit just to annoy people, but now he's saying it every single time there is a camera around. He....actually belives a virus can only exist if it's tested for. :lol:

Building a narrative that testing can stop. Doctors can diagnose illness and death as ‘Any if the 19 things’.
Building a narrative that testing can stop. Doctors can diagnose illness and death as ‘Any if the 19 things’.

Can definitely see that, but also remember that this is a person that believes the human body is a battery and exercise depletes that battery quicker thus leading to an earlier death
Can definitely see that, but also remember that this is a person that believes the human body is a battery and exercise depletes that battery quicker thus leading to an earlier death

You’ve got me there. The mans hall of fame of stupid comments is ace.
Dude seems to be losing it. Not that really ever had it but the magic has worn off.

Just wait til COVID deaths begin to spike again after this latest case surge and various Governors are forced to re-shutdown their states leading to another market crash. He will completely melt down and do something very stupid, even by his own standards.
Just saw a clip of him entertaining attendees at yesterday’s rally with how bewildered he was at the word Covid19, as apparently no one had been able to explain to him the meaning of 19.

I think I’ve mentioned it before, but it seems like America is broken beyond repair. Two parties for a population of 350 million, politicians so partisan that they just do whatever the party expects of them, judges appointed by the President, which means someone like Flynn can suddenly be acquitted even though he plead guilty - in essense that the judiciary branch isn’t nessessarily about the law but rather the judge’s political stance or who they own their job to.
Am looking forward to the WH spin on suing to kick 20m people off Obamacare in the middle of a pandemic. To fall back to a system whereby you need a job to have health insurance. With unemployment at historic levels.

Very bad Obama. Did things - no President has ever been worse. People say, what Obamacare? They want Trumpcare. I've been told I'm so healthy it's impossible to be healthier, so who better on healthcare? Trumpcare, has nice a ring right? And we'll do it and it'll be great. And we have the doctors - the best doctors - people keep saying aren't doctors often Ch-ineeeese now? And I say yeah I know and then Coronavirus? People say someone should look into that. But no one - and I mean no one - could have done more than I did. 2 million. I saved 2 million. How many people can say that?
Just saw a clip of him entertaining attendees at yesterday’s rally with how bewildered he was at the word Covid19, as apparently no one had been able to explain to him the meaning of 19.

I think I’ve mentioned it before, but it seems like America is broken beyond repair. Two parties for a population of 350 million, politicians so partisan that they just do whatever the party expects of them, judges appointed by the President, which means someone like Flynn can suddenly be acquitted even though he plead guilty - in essense that the judiciary branch isn’t nessessarily about the law but rather the judge’s political stance or who they own their job to.

Well said Rob, I agree with everything you say there, I’m just wondering how you slipped the net?
Very bad Obama. Did things - no President has ever been worse. People say, what Obamacare? They want Trumpcare. I've been told I'm so healthy it's impossible to be healthier, so who better on healthcare? Trumpcare, has nice a ring right? And we'll do it and it'll be great. And we have the doctors - the best doctors - people keep saying aren't doctors often Ch-ineeeese now? And I say yeah I know and then Coronavirus? People say someone should look into that. But no one - and I mean no one - could have done more than I did. 2 million. I saved 2 million. How many people can say that?


Still too much structure, coherence and proper grammar.
Well said Rob, I agree with everything you say there, I’m just wondering how you slipped the net?

My English fails me, what does slip the net mean here?

Vds explained it. I suppose it’s because I’ve been here a long time without pissing anyone off. Must admit I spend a lot of time on here so quite pleased to be allowed to stay.
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