The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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At Students for Trump rally just now, a young back student gave last speech and spoke passionately for Trump and viciously against the BLM movement.
And all her points came from a place of delusion: it was sad and depressing and shocking (for me) to watch.
At Students for Trump rally just now, a young back student gave last speech and spoke passionately for Trump and viciously against the BLM movement.
And all her points came from a place of delusion: it was sad and depressing and shocking (for me) to watch.
There's no more zealous convert than someone who's a careerist armed with pointless ambition.

McEnany defending the use of the term Kung Flu are these people going to be employable after this farce is over?

I thought Huckers was bad, but boy this woman has taken things to the next level. She's absolutely vile. Can't stand her at all.

Her first press conference, "I will never lie to you, you have my word on that." That lasted up until the second press conference.
I thought Huckers was bad, but boy this woman has taken things to the next level. She's absolutely vile. Can't stand her at all.

Her first press conference, "I will never lie to you, you have my word on that." That lasted up until the second press conference.

No, it lasted up until the sentence that followed that one, which was already a lie in itself.
From the Bolton book, about striking Iran. Is he trying to make Trump look like a human being, and a sympathetic figure who sees human beings beyond his borders? Because he succeeded.

Christ. This is Dr Strangelove-esque, Bolton's lack of compassion there is bone-chilling.
The Bolton book is really hard going, its like a constant block of his stream of consciousness. Horribly written.
Tbh i think bolton is so much of an idiot and asshole that trump comes out better for it. These republicans are idiotic war mongerers.
The more I find out about Trump the more I dislike the USA for voting him in. I don't want to dislike the USA. I like a lot of their culture but their President is a greedy, duplicitous, inconsiderate, racist, narcissist. The whole world can see this but they/he are tolerated because they/he are such an integral part of the world economy. Previous presidents were bad but this guy takes it new levels and needs to be voted out quickly.

Do the working people of the USA really believe he cares for them?

Damn, the boss look good for his age. Wish more people that chant the lyrics to his songs at Trump rallies (even though they're not allowed to be played) would listen to that.
The more I find out about Trump the more I dislike the USA for voting him in. I don't want to dislike the USA. I like a lot of their culture but their President is a greedy, duplicitous, inconsiderate, racist, narcissist. The whole world can see this but they/he are tolerated because they/he are such an integral part of the world economy. Previous presidents were bad but this guy takes it new levels and needs to be voted out quickly.

Do the working people of the USA really believe he cares for them?
My own take as an outsider with several stints in the US since I was a teenager is that the particular bloc of people that have made up the Republican party base since at least about the 90s now, and became even more enthusiastic about Trump than any former candidate, are very low on compassion. I was an exchange student in Mississippi about 15 years ago now. I found that they're outwardly polite and nice enough, but if you have a problem, that's your own problem. In fact I think they almost get some satisfaction from seeing other people with problems, because it makes them feel good that they don't have that particular problem.

I'm not going to go on a grand theory as to why they might be that way, but the only thing I'll also note is that when they dragged me to church most of the readings were from the old testament. Old testament god is mostly testing people's loyalty and punishing them... if you read enough old testament it pretty much goes that you're good if you're without sin, and if you're a sinner then you're screwed. Most of my other education in life was at catholic schools and most of the readings there were the new testament, and jesus' message which is generally much more forgiving and about repentance for sinning being the path to salvation. I'm not saying this to say that the differences in church are what cause the low compassion, rather that its just another symptom of it.

All this to say that I think a lot of the attitude of your core Trump supporters is that they want to see others hurt. In their self mythology they're all self-made, perfectly responsible for themselves and need no help (and even when they get it, they don't really acknowledge it in how they think of themselves and their place in society). They want to see the others, the poor people, the immigrants, the other countries, all get the same level of no help that these people imagine they themselves get. Trump is like a (misguided) expression of their own views about themselves.

To answer your original question, I don't think they believe he cares for them, but I think that's not what they want. They want others to have the same level of not caring that they think they get (despite the fact that their communities also see very significant public funding). And that makes up the base that makes so many states always go Republican... then the rest that pushed Trump over the line last time are the partially clueless voters with very narrow awareness and ideas like "he'll be good for the economy" or similar nonsense. We'll have to see now if his 4 years of shambles will be enough to move those people to voting for Biden.
If you stop all the testing then no people die of Covid. I can't believe he hasn't realised he could've saved 100,000 lives by just inhibiting testing altogether. He's not as smart as I thought he was.

Jared told him in February that if he pushed too much testing and the number of infected became high, it would spook the financial markets. It's the reason Jared came up with the idea that each state should manage their own COVID19 response, simply to create a chaotic environment and inconsistent data collection. This response was by design and also remember that they also invested in testing facilities. Trump knows he's screwed, he's just doing what he needs to do in order to keep is base engaged till November.
Yup, the presiding judge can reject the government’s petition to dismiss the case. He’s already asked a retired judge to make an argument in favor of it. Flynn might not be getting away quite so easy, although time will tell. If the judge does go against the DoJ it seems certain it’ll be appealed as well.

A federal appeals court on Wednesday ordered a judge to grant the Department of Justice's (DOJ) unusual move to drop charges against former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

A three-judge panel on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals approved Flynn's petition to intervene in the case after a district court judge had tapped an outside counsel to argue against the DOJ's move.

The panel ruled 2-1, with two Republican-appointed judges carrying the majority, that U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan overstepped his authority in second-guessing the prosecutors' decision.

"In this case, the district court’s actions will result in specific harms to the exercise of the Executive Branch’s exclusive prosecutorial power," Judge Neomi Rao, who was appointed to the circuit court by President Trump, wrote in the majority opinion.

"If evidence comes to light calling into question the integrity or purpose of an underlying criminal investigation, the Executive Branch must have the authority to decide that further prosecution is not in the interest of justice," Rao added.

This does however mean that the reason for so many conservatives to continue offering Trump their full throated support is now somewhat diminished. Whether or not that will make a difference remains to be seen, but judicial appointments have long been one of their justifications for backing him.

Always a chance that another SCOTUS seat might come up before November, but it’s likely to be a much harder sell.
This does however mean that the reason for so many conservatives to continue offering Trump their full throated support is now somewhat diminished. Whether or not that will make a difference remains to be seen, but judicial appointments have long been one of their justifications for backing him.

Always a chance that another SCOTUS seat might come up before November, but it’s likely to be a much harder sell.
Their eyes are firmly on RBG's seat, however long it takes and they'll be offering Trump their undying support until that happens at the least. Also, seems the plan is to have 'Trump ideologists/Qanon fanatics' get elected so as a whole the Republican party is going to continue to veer further right.
"Loaded and Locked" ...Trumps 'Bear traps' set for the next Democratic President.

Don't they have any integrity? Surely they should be governed by the law of the land and not the political party they're affiliated with? How can any judicial system be expected to work if it is not apolitical?
It's really simple: there's only one way for the older, white, male minority to run a country: by rigging the system. The only way to rig the system to is rig the courts.

McConnell is brilliant at achieving his goals. I hope he rots in hell, but he's played the game and won.
How did America vote him in :lol:

I still can't believe it
Tbf, the career pols fecked it up so much it made it easier for him.
Also, he lost on the popular vote, you know the one where individuals votes count? Against the electoral college. A nice setup to prevent the population from doing something stupid. Oh, the irony.
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