The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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If you stop all the testing then no people die of Covid. I can't believe he hasn't realised he could've saved 100,000 lives by just inhibiting testing altogether. He's not as smart as I thought he was.
Looks like the shit hit the fanatic.
It hadn't occurred to me either, until I saw that photo of him with Jaffa Cake make-up on.
Even as more of his campaign staffers test positive for coronavirus, Trump is still scheduled to hold a campaign event in Phoenix, Arizona, tomorrow. The president will speak at a “Students for Trump” event at the Dream City Church in Phoenix, despite Arizona seeing a rise in its number of coronavirus cases.

In a video, two of the church’s leaders said they have installed cutting-edge technology that 'kills 99.9% of Covid within 10 minutes'. "You can know when you come here you’ll be safe and protected,” one of the church’s leaders says in the video. “Thank God for great technology.”
Two more Trump campaign staffers who attended Saturday’s rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, have tested positive for coronavirus. That news brings the total number of Tulsa rally staffers who have tested positive for the virus to eight.
(U.S. Guardian)
Seeing that photo, I kept thinking of the lyric 'Someone left a cake out in the rain...'
He's headung for an hustoruc vuctory.
I agree. How exactly does Bolton consider not wanting to kill people (even if might've been because of negative perception only) irrational? Is there further context to this because that just seems like the right decision.

Bolton is a well known hawk on Iran. I think he is just ideologically inclined to go to war with them
Bolton is a well known hawk on Iran. I think he is just ideologically inclined to go to war with them

Or to put it another way he’s a psychopathic asshole who has spent decades having wet dreams about changing the Middle East by bombing it into submission.
Bolton is a well known hawk on Iran. I think he is just ideologically inclined to go to war with them
I get Bolton's a hawk and I have no doubt that's the case but it's the description of the decision being (I'm paraphrasing) the most irrational thing he's ever seen a president do that gets me. Firstly, he may disagree but it's clearly not irrational even if the reason was bad PR and, secondly, this is Donald Trump we're talking about: this is the most irrational thing he's done?
The thing that blows my mind is how unequivocal these ex-Trumpites are about the man. Bolton says, and repeated live, that Trump is patently unfit for office, and lacks the intelligence required to do the job. This is Republican warmonger John Bolton. Similarly, Kelly and Tillerson have been quoted saying Trump is totally incapable of being President. These are people Trump hired, who were in the rooms where it happened and are, in theory, reliable witnesses.

And yet nothing from Trump fans or even the GOP. I'd be f*cking terrified if I knew the man who shared the SIT with Trump didn't believe him to be capable of making a sound decision. That's 25th amendment stuff.

But he's not a racist...

I never understand the point these people are trying to make. Because one black guy is on a video being a violent twat, clearly commiting a criminal act, somehow all the Black Lives Matter protests are invalid? The protesters are saying that black people don't deserve systematic racial profiling and disproportionate treatment by police for things like being suspected of having a dodgy cheque, they aren't saying all black people are saints. Yet the response from the Trump crew is showing exactly the mindset they are fighting against - they believe that a video like this is somehow evidence that all black people are a step away from assaulting them.
Good god, he’s going on again about ‘less testing less cases’ today. I wonder how the people in Arizona where they are approaching max ICU bed capacity feel about that.
Good god, he’s going on again about ‘less testing less cases’ today. I wonder how the people in Arizona where they are approaching max ICU bed capacity feel about that.

Also doing it today? Christ, but he was kidding right?
‘Just a joke about slowing down testing...’

Does he not realise that it is the deaths which is the issue and not the amount of testing.
Of all the metrics, the number who have died is the bottom line.

Let's keep it simple.
Testing is good.
Dying is bad.
He only allowed that amount of testing just so he can boast...about that amount of testing.
Very quick though to give drug companies a bunch of money to be first to receive any vaccines or cures, in case any were developed. It's almost as if someone could benefit from it in another way.
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