The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Part of me doesn't want to give a penny to John Bolton, but another part wants the laughs... and also to get an actual picture of how absurd things are in the WH.
There will be a pdf online probably before it even releases.
Part of me doesn't want to give a penny to John Bolton, but another part wants the laughs... and also to get an actual picture of how absurd things are in the WH.

I’ll send you a digital copy when it’s released. Remind me.

Nice line from the book:

Beijing’s repression of its Uighur citizens also proceeded apace. Trump asked me at the 2018 White House Christmas dinner why we were considering sanctioning China over its treatment of the Uighurs, a largely Muslim people who live primarily in China’s northwest Xinjiang Province.

At the opening dinner of the Osaka G-20 meeting in June 2019, with only interpreters present, Xi had explained to Trump why he was basically building concentration camps in Xinjiang. According to our interpreter, Trump said that Xi should go ahead with building the camps, which Trump thought was exactly the right thing to do. The National Security Council’s top Asia staffer, Matthew Pottinger, told me that Trump said something very similar during his November 2017 trip to China.
I mean surely, surely the fallout from these revelations will be too much for even Teflon Don to overcome from a re-election POV?
'The fascinating thing about Trump is he's basically the ultimate evolution of modern capitalism. If you got in a Jules Verne time machine and went to the future to see what the end of the human story looks like, it'd be Donald Trump.

By that I mean, when people take the p*ss about the fact he doesn't know anything about history, or geography, or politics, it's not because he's thick - it's because he doesn't care.

He's learned to completely disregard anything that doesn't have the sole aim of putting money in his pocket. Even the way he dresses is no more than functional, it's certainly not flash. He'd happily leave his kids in a burning building unless they had money in their pockets.

He doesn't care about the difference between the Atlantic or Pacific oceans, because it doesn't make him money. He doesn't care about the dangers of a solar eclipse, because it doesn't have anything to do with money.

It's like someone replaced the quantum singularity at the centre of a black hole with a wallet. Nothing can escape it - not love, not knowledge, not physical appearance or mental wellness, not fashion, form or art or beauty.'

(Written by a poster on TLW forum)
Hasn't tweeted in 19 hours?

They've obviously tied him up!

Or maybe he died...
He's busy crossing out sentences in Bolton's book with a giant Sharpie held in both small hands.
He's had the book all day and he's just steadily ,with both hands, put a thick line through the heading Introduction.
'Nobody knows more about reading books than me! I read War and Peace in TWO hours! And after reading the title, I read the author's name!'
How influential is Bolton in the GOP and far right circle? Will his book chip away support from Trump's base?
Guardian said:
Donald Trump will receive Poland’s nationalist president in the White House next week, giving Andrzej Duda a probable electoral boost just four days before a tightly-contested presidential vote.

Duda has frequently used homophobic rhetoric during the campaign, pledging to “defend children from LGBT ideology” and comparing the LGBT rights agenda to communist dictatorship.
Episode billion in the long-running series 'Can you believe this sh*t?':

Guardian: 'President Trump made headlines in November 2018 when he released a bizarre statement defending the Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman over the killing of Jamal Khashoggi. It included lines such as “The world is a very dangerous place!” and “maybe he did and maybe he didn’t!”

According to Bolton’s book, making headlines was the point. A story about his daughter Ivanka using her personal email for government business was also in the news at the time. After waging war on Hilary Clinton during the 2016 campaign for doing the same thing, Trump need a distraction.

“This will divert from Ivanka,” Trump reportedly said. “If I read the statement in person, that will take over the Ivanka thing.”'

The Hill: 'President Trump demanded officials find and prosecute people responsible for leaking information about his visit to a bunker beneath the White House amid protests, The New York Times reported.

Trump’s comments about the leak about the bunker come as the president has complained to advisers that since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic no matter what he does he can not get “good” stories from the press, the Times reports.

He also complained that nothing he does is good enough, amid criticism over his handling of the death of George Floyd, according to the report. Floyd’s death in Minneapolis police custody last month sparked nationwide protests over police brutality'.[/QUOTE]
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