The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The FF recognized the Electoral College as a disaster and never fixed it?
Not my area of expertise, but my understanding is that at least Maddison, Wilson and Hamilton all fought really hard for a the equivalent of a popular vote, but settled on the electoral college as a better option than just letting Congress pick (which was the original idea, like most countries).
@Kentonio @Beachryan Thanks for the responses. The EC in my opinion is a complete disaster and probably the worst application of the voting system that I’m regularly exposed to.
How can he say with such clarity and positivity that an AIDS vaccine is available for it to be totally wrong, doesn’t anyone proof read what he says...
How can he say with such clarity and positivity that an AIDS vaccine is available for it to be totally wrong, doesn’t anyone proof read what he says...
Initially my reaction is that the press should just keep asking <insert latest WH press secretary here> for more details on the AIDS vaccine until she gives up.

But seriously, the answer that even his staff know that he has no idea what he's saying, and they'd probably just pretend he didn't say it, before sacrificing a kitten to ensure they get another week of life force.
It's been reported he has staffers update and retweet for him, but I honestly think the majority is Trump, especially during the recent crisis periods.

The endorsements to GOP candidates are probably mostly staff, but you can guarantee all the ranting, name calling and self indulgent pity fueled Tweets are 100% him.

I've always thought his Twitter would be piss easy to hack. I bet his password is something like MAGA1 or IVANKA1234
Probably ivankammmm.
A proper inside look to his presidency would be very interesting.

We already had a good look with that Michael Wolfe book. I'm looking forward to this one, but it does piss me off that the walrus mustached psychopath Bolton wouldn't testify to congress, but will now sell his knowledge after impeachment is over. Prick of a man.

Just to clarify :lol:

That tweet is what I'm talking about when I say that Twitter spammers, even if they are anti Trump, are effectively helping him out. I think the first half dozen responses are just shitty anti Trump memes and you have to scroll through a lot to find someone who is actually challenging what he says with evidence. To the casual viewer it just looks like a mob who are shouting over him which plays nicely into his rhetoric that his critics are fake and over reacting.

It's the same with all of the responses to his tweets. If you didn't know that he was talking bullshit in a specific tweet you wouldn't know it judging by the responses that all reuse the same crappy "Two Hands to Drink" memes. This is the cnut responsible for stealing hundreds of billions of dollars but apparently the most pressing issue is how he walks down a ramp. I genuinely believe that some of these anti Trump responses are from his people trying to dilute the critical messaging.
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That tweet is what I'm talking about when I say that Twitter spammers, even if they are anti Trump, are effectively helping him out. I think the first half dozen responses are just shitty anti Trump memes and you have to scroll through a lot to find someone who is actually challenging what he says with evidence. To the casual viewer it just looks like a mob who are shouting over him which plays nicely into his rhetoric that his critics are fake and over reacting.

It's the same with all of the responses to his tweets. If you didn't know that he was talking bullshit in a specific tweet you wouldn't know it judging by the responses that all reuse the same crappy "Two Hands to Drink" memes. This is the cnut responsible for stealing hundreds of billions of dollars but apparently the most pressing issue is how he walks down a ramp. I genuinely believe that some of these anti Trump responses are from his people trying to dilute the critical messaging.

While I don't disagree with this I will say that his twitter feed represents a (morbidly) fascinating microcosm of that changing of American political norms.
That tweet is what I'm talking about when I say that Twitter spammers, even if they are anti Trump, are effectively helping him out. I think the first half dozen responses are just shitty anti Trump memes and you have to scroll through a lot to find someone who is actually challenging what he says with evidence. To the casual viewer it just looks like a mob who are shouting over him which plays nicely into his rhetoric that his critics are fake and over reacting.

It's the same with all of the responses to his tweets. If you didn't know that he was talking bullshit in a specific tweet you wouldn't know it judging by the responses that all reuse the same crappy "Two Hands to Drink" memes. This is the cnut responsible for stealing hundreds of billions of dollars but apparently the most pressing issue is how he walks down a ramp. I genuinely believe that some of these anti Trump responses are from his people trying to dilute the critical messaging.
I agree. Trump often seems, and has historically seemed, to be a comic character - we all laugh at his antics, his words, and I'm frequently guilty of this myself. But it doesn't actually help at all, I think; I'll try to explain my opinion:

We're often told that ridicule is our best weapon against those we consider as unworthy leaders - apparently, these leaders or their credibility 'cannot survive once they are widely ridiculed' - but why is this received wisdom considered to be the absolute truth? In my view, this 'truth' is spoon-fed to us from above - it encourages us to resist the temptation to truly protest or take action against such leaders. It's an easy, lazy option and, given that the price of protest is often violence inflicted on us, an understandable first resort for those who suffer under such unmerited leadership. But it isn't effective, not when particular leaders are buttressed against removal by powerful organisations or figures.
While I don't disagree with this I will say that his twitter feed represents a (morbidly) fascinating microcosm of that changing of American political norms.
I respect your opinion to disagree with my opinion.
I agree. Trump often seems, and has historically seemed, to be a comic character - we all laugh at his antics, his words, and I'm frequently guilty of this myself. But it doesn't actually help at all, I think; I'll try to explain my opinion:

We're often told that ridicule is our best weapon against those we consider as unworthy leaders - apparently, these leaders or their credibility 'cannot survive once they are widely ridiculed' - but why is this received wisdom considered to be the absolute truth? In my view, this 'truth' is spoon-fed to us from above - it encourages us to resist the temptation to truly protest or take action against such leaders. It's an easy, lazy option and, given that the price of protest is often violence inflicted on us, an understandable first resort for those who suffer under such unmerited leadership. But it isn't effective, not when particular leaders are buttressed against removal by powerful organisations or figures.
...but Steve is right.
But but....I agreed with you.

I am so confused.

And I don't trust Pigeons.
Pigeons can't see double negatives when they're simultaneously trying to stop a two year old from diving off a sofa so technically you're fifty percent to blame for my misunderstanding.
Unfortunately that is not something that is exclusive to the USA.
Every country has their share of idiots but the US tends to produce more than their fair share and a special type at that.

Or to put it another way;
If assholes could fly, this place would be an airport.
From reading the NYTimes reporting, the sale of hte book will still go ahead as it's virtually impossible to stop in the courts once it's been published. Indeed Trupm et al are suing Bolton himself, not the publisher, so the publisher can go ahead. But Bolton might not get the proceeds.

So strikes me as a PR stunt designed to somehow undermine the veracity of the stories. But we should all still be able to read it :)
Just incredible how this political drama is supposed to be news. While we have a pandemic, protests, and people suffering in the midst of a recession.

Apparently enough for Trump to sue to not have the information be made public.
This John Bolton book is definitely going to be the end of Trump. Like totally, there is no way he will survive this 327th attempt of someone trying to make a buck by saying, look at me I sold my soul (haha Bolton having soul) and worked with Trump and he indeed turned out to be a fecking dolt.

John Bolton can suck my balls.
Pigeons can't see double negatives when they're simultaneously trying to stop a two year old from diving off a sofa so technically you're fifty percent to blame for my misunderstanding.

If I am 50% to blame and I am guessing the two year old is 50% to blame then that makes you totally not responsible.

Donald, is that you?
This John Bolton book is definitely going to be the end of Trump. Like totally, there is no way he will survive this 327th attempt of someone trying to make a buck by saying, look at me I sold my soul (haha Bolton having soul) and worked with Trump and he indeed turned out to be a fecking dolt.

John Bolton can suck my balls.

Sadly, I read all your posts in my mind with Ben Shapiro's voice.
I’m looking forward to Trump telling us the book is 100% false but at the same time is classified information.
It'll be 10% 'Trump did wrong' & 90% 'But Mueller's Dem traitors refused to investigate!'
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