The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Perhaps he's hoping that his recent 'Fox is rubbish!' line will pay off in spades when he launches Tramp TV or whatever.
Perhaps he's hoping that his recent 'Fox is rubbish!' line will pay off in spades when he launches Tramp TV or whatever.

Interesting angle, and I'm sure he has a couple of quid to take over that 'lunatic fringe even by his standards' OANN he was on about. However, any of this assumes the feckwit has any plan at all.
CNN Business said:
"Trump will be fantastic at it, because you can just keep juicing those people up and saying crazier and crazier things, and they will just keep paying you money, and you will make $20 million a year," Glenn Beck said on "Reliable Sources" in September, 2016.
Tina Fey looks like she’s whispering “do that again and I’ll stamp this heel through your toe”

Most awkward smile ever from Trump? Reminds me of this.

The country is being torn apart by a deadly pandemic killing over 110,000 of its citizens and protests on an enormous scale over systemic racism and police brutality, and the President is spending his time worrying about a single poll he didn’t like the outcome of.
I will never understand that some people seem to sympathyse with Melania Trump. She married an old, narcisist, alleged serial rapist, for his money and now she's miserable. Boo fecking hoo.
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