The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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How's Melania's anti-bullying campaign going?

Eat your heart out, Jackie O.
Trump doubling down on his investigation into the Biden's by now asking China as well as Ukraine.
Trump campaign is also airing just fake ads on major networks saying Biden offered 1bn on Ukraine. Just made up.

I dont know how you compete with that. I mean, society hasn't created a mechanism to stop this approach. I guess the DNC could air an ad saying Trump molested underage girls, and just see what happens. Who cares if it's true?
Trump campaign is also airing just fake ads on major networks saying Biden offered 1bn on Ukraine. Just made up.

I dont know how you compete with that. I mean, society hasn't created a mechanism to stop this approach. I guess the DNC could air an ad saying Trump molested underage girls, and just see what happens. Who cares if it's true?

That could work.
Impeachment just isn’t quick enough. Feels like this nightmare will never end.

I feel for his family and all the staff in the WH right now. Must be awful working there or even trying to hold a normal convo with him. Don’t know how they’re coping.

Why would/should you feel for anyone who is complicit in the lies and deception from this fraud of a president. Their lack of action has perpetuated his behaviour allowing him to run roughshod all over the constitution for the last 3 years. The whole of the GOP are reprehensible and have set dangerous precedents for years to come.
Why would/should you feel for anyone who is complicit in the lies and deception from this fraud of a president. Their lack of action has perpetuated his behaviour allowing him to run roughshod all over the constitution for the last 3 years. The whole of the GOP are reprehensible and have set dangerous precedents for years to come.
I feel for all who suffer....and they will.
This is insane. He should be in handcuffs

He knows he is untouchable, he knows that the Senate will never strip him down the power. He knows that he will spin the narrative till the point that Biden will come out as corrupt and him unscathed. He knows that this will benefit him on his reelection

That is why he doubles down

Before he goes can we arrange a rally to celebrate and appreciate all he has done?

Rats leaving a sinking ship comes to mind. How many more? And what have they all got to run from?
Trump campaign is also airing just fake ads on major networks saying Biden offered 1bn on Ukraine. Just made up.

I dont know how you compete with that. I mean, society hasn't created a mechanism to stop this approach. I guess the DNC could air an ad saying Trump molested underage girls, and just see what happens. Who cares if it's true?
Hmmm.... There's probably truth in their somewhere, Trump is a disgusting human being who unfortunately got his start thanks to his rich old man.
Trump campaign is also airing just fake ads on major networks saying Biden offered 1bn on Ukraine. Just made up.

I dont know how you compete with that. I mean, society hasn't created a mechanism to stop this approach. I guess the DNC could air an ad saying Trump molested underage girls, and just see what happens. Who cares if it's true?

Probably is though?
Mexico didn't pay for much steel in that wall. :lol:

Ominous video though. Thought I was watching Maze Runner or some other dystopian film trailer.
State of this :lol:

Prediction that my future self will be gloating about:

In less than 10 years, there will be click bait articles with pictures of a derelict half built fence at numerous spots across the Mexico border with details about how dodgy developers profited handsomely from public money yet failed to finish their contracts meanwhile materials from the wall had long been looted and found their way into various projects either side of the border.
Prediction that my future self will be gloating about:

In less than 10 years, there will be click bait articles with pictures of a derelict half built fence at numerous spots across the Mexico border with details about how dodgy developers profited handsomely from public money yet failed to finish their contracts meanwhile materials from the wall had long been looted and found their way into various projects either side of the border.
Hope this time you're right.
I wonder if any of our resident wall building experts could educate me on whether it's standard practice to begin building in the middle of a dessert rather than at one end and work your way across? Seems counterproductive to me but then I'm only a thick Irish cnut.
I wonder if any of our resident wall building experts could educate me on whether it's standard practice to begin building in the middle of a dessert rather than at one end and work your way across? Seems counterproductive to me but then I'm only a thick Irish cnut.

Are the construction workers supposed to stay on US side or can they cross to Mexico?
Are the construction workers supposed to stay on US side or can they cross to Mexico?

I’m going to guess that the wall is being built on US territory and not perfectly across the borderline
I’m going to guess that the wall is being built on US territory and not perfectly across the borderline

Hopefully Mexico will expand their borders to the wall. And have crocodiles and alligators protect their property ..
Trump campaign is also airing just fake ads on major networks saying Biden offered 1bn on Ukraine. Just made up.

I dont know how you compete with that. I mean, society hasn't created a mechanism to stop this approach. I guess the DNC could air an ad saying Trump molested underage girls, and just see what happens. Who cares if it's true?

Are you suggesting that saying entirely made up things in attack ads is a new thing that Trump's exploiting?
Are the construction workers supposed to stay on US side or can they cross to Mexico?

The wall is intended to be inside US territory. This means some landowners will have part of their property on the other side of a giant wall, which has caused plenty of fury.
F*ck's sake...
Moral leader, standup comic: Trump summons alternative reality at black youth summit

“I’m not allowed to say it any more, but she’s also beautiful,” Trump said, arms outstretched, palms open, as the room erupted in laughter. “It’s true. Under the MeToo generation we’re not allowed to say it. So all of you young brilliant guys, never, ever call a woman beautiful, please.

“You’re not allowed to do it and I’ve kept doing it and I’ve never been told by that woman never to do it.”

Trump invited Candace Owens to take the stage and she returned the compliment with flattery that would make the Ukrainian president envious. “You know, I was thinking,” she said, standing at the podium with the presidential seal, “every single president that comes into office, after two years they look so much older. He seems to be the only president that’s getting younger!”

Trump beamed and said, “That’s true!” The vice-president, Mike Pence, standing a short distance behind, smiled beatifically. Yet Owens wasn’t done. “He has somehow found the fountain of youth."
From the article:
Trump, whose approval rating among black voters stands at 10%
I look forward to sitting with my grandchildren in 30 or so years and regaling them with tales of 2019 - the year when everything changed. As we sup on our wheat rations and chlorinated chicken flavoured bites I can explain to them how, because we lived in a time of great Opposing caution and media controlled narrative, fat racist sex offenders with shit hair were able to keep their jobs even after admitting on live television that they had carried out treasonous crimes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean (now known as the boneyard).
I look forward to sitting with my grandchildren in 30 or so years and regaling them with tales of 2019 - the year when everything changed. As we sup on our wheat rations and chlorinated chicken flavoured bites I can explain to them how, because we lived in a time of great Opposing caution and media controlled narrative, fat racist sex offenders with shit hair were able to keep their jobs even after admitting on live television that they had carried out treasonous crimes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean (now known as the boneyard).

That's rice and lettuce soup for you courtesy of our Chinese overlords.
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