The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Watching Trump unravel before our very eyes is just a beautiful thing to behold...perfect. Absolutely perfect.
Holy shit that was rough. I'd give a lot to hear the Niinistö's honest thoughts right now.
Those two press conferences were explosive. Felt sorry for the Finland President.
The fact that he is melting down before our very eyes even though he will not be convicted in Senate, is so satisfying. Keep up the good work Donny Boy.
Impeachment just isn’t quick enough. Feels like this nightmare will never end.

I feel for his family and all the staff in the WH right now. Must be awful working there or even trying to hold a normal convo with him. Don’t know how they’re coping.

speak for yourself. I’m going to enjoy his slow death.
Impeachment just isn’t quick enough. Feels like this nightmare will never end.

I feel for his family and all the staff in the WH right now. Must be awful working there or even trying to hold a normal convo with him. Don’t know how they’re coping.

The people working in his WH chose to do so, and his family don't deserve any sympathy whatsoever.

Maybe Tiffany. Maybe. But probably not even her.
I think it's actually kind of worrying that politics is done via Twitter memes now.
Reminder: There are people that watched Trump's speech today and think, yeah man he's fit to run the world. That's who I'd trust with my kids' safety.
Trump's having a go at Greta now. Aside from anything political, this just seems to me like bullying, ungentlemanly behaviour.
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