The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Donald Trump, with inflating hair:

He looks a bit like a drag queen
Trump as been ordered to hand over his tax returns. And more Whistleblowers. And it's only Monday.

President Donald Trump has just lost a court fight to keep his tax records secret from New York.

Bloomberg News reports a federal judge has just ruled Trump cannot stop his accountants from handing over eight years of tax records to the Manhattan District Attorney. D.A. Cyrus Vance is investigating if the Trump Organization falsified business records related to hush money payoffs to at least two women.
Trump as been ordered to hand over his tax returns. And more Whistleblowers. And it's only Monday.


Won’t this just end up in the Supreme Court where Kavanaugh with the decisive vote will make sure that Trump’s tax returns stay where they are?
For the Kurds' sake, I hope he gets impeached and removed in the near future. Might be too late by then though

Doubt it would make a difference anyway. Too many contradictions in the US-Turkey-SDF triangle in Syria which pre-date Trump and would eventually be exposed one way or another.
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